new player, stupid questions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by YNOTHC, Mar 7, 2015.


    New player here as well as new to pc. Few dumb questions for you.

    Voice chat, how does this work exactly? Do you press and hold key to talk, press once and forget, anyway to make mic live all the time? I know, really dumb question, but coming from console where mic is live unless you turn it off, i'd rather ask to make sure I understand. I know it is prob common knowledge to everyone that plays pc games these days but, like I said, I'm really really new/ignorant.

    Outfits, I got invited to a squad last night and ended up playing with that group for hours. They were extremely coordinated, and impressed me enough I wanted to search them out. Being as new as I am I fumbled around enough to find them in Outfits section in game. Before applying I was curious to what Teamspeak was as it seemed it was a requirement. Am I understanding it right by some players use outside of game chat channels, if so how does this work?

    Is there a way to search for players and/or send messages outside of in-game chat-box?

    Now don't assume my ******edness of operating simple game functions relates to an inability to operate my weapon properly. I have plenty of fps experience. I read the flow of the battle and generally am a strong solo player and can hold my own in battle. I dont particularly care about k/d, as I will take risks to push a point hard. I know how to follow the control point beacon and will attack whatever objective squad/platoon leader designates. Just before I try to get involved with an outfit I'd like to get some common knowledge game functions cleared up so I'm more of a help than a hindrance.

    All in all, I'm just a really green at pc gaming at the moment so if someone can hold my hand while i get my bearings down I would be very grateful. It was a lot more fun working with that platoon/squad last night, but I felt bad/ frustrated I wasn't able to communicate properly. Yes, I know I can just mash buttons and figure it out, but I'd rather just ask and make sure I'm doing it right from the start.
  2. Prudentia

    the voicechat question is actually not that dumb, because many games which are primarily developed for consoles also have always on mics. however, as Planetside 2 is a PC native game it fortunatly has push to talk, so hold and talk, release and don't be heard.

    teamspeak is a free third party software. which means go to and download the appropiate version. which would probably be windows->64bit client. tough if you have a 32bit OS take the 32bit one.
    then you just start it, type in a name for yourself (no account needed, you can always change your name) and connect to the IP address which will be given to you by the outfit. you'll probably also want to set this up as push to talk, as it can be quite annoying to hear someone eat or have a conversation in the background.

    you can look up player stats either at!/search or at (requires a free account) however messages are only possible tough the ingame chat.

    good luck with the game, have fun and stay ;)
    • Up x 1
  3. STR1D3R109

    For Voice chat, you should have multiple channels on your keypad, each can chat to different areas.
    • Num1 - Squad chat (chat only to squad)
    • Num0 - Platoon chat (chat to whole platoon)
    • Num4 - Proximity chat (All friendlies in area can hear you, just like your yelling in real life)
    • Num9 - Outfit chat (Not usually used by new outfit members, but is a great way to advertise there is a new squad up)

    Most people ask for teamspeak because it is usually alot better quality than the ingame mics + you can talk to members who aren't in the game at the time. (Highly recommended, made some great mates on TS)

    Your keybinds may be different but yeah, this game has quite a mature audience so just ask and you'll probably get the help needed :D
  4. Iridar51

    Usually, you press the key and talk while holding it. Also known as "push to talk".
    Another method (not sure if PS2 supports it) called Voice Activation. Basically, microphone is always on, but transmits only loud sounds, i.e. when you speak, but not breathe.
    Teamspeak is a voice communication program. Most outfits use 3rd party communication software, as it's more customizable.
    Get it at:

    Check beginner's guide, link is in my signature.
  5. Pokebreaker

    I'm not gonna beat a dead horse. Folks have answered your questions. I just wanted to say, WELCOME! Welcome to PC gaming, and welcome to Planetside 2!

    You are going to find yourself lost in the plethora of Free-To-Play games.

    In case you aren't familiar with the term yet, KEYBINDINGS is a hot-word for where to find out what keys do what. In most PC games, there will be a menu option that allows you to re-assign your keyboard keys to different actions in-game, similar to Console, except MUCH more in-depth. On console, their are usual a few preset configurations that you can choose from, but you can't change individual buttons. On PC games, you can literally set whatever key you want, to do whatever you want (with a limitation on Left-Click, sometimes). You want your character to jump when you press P, instead of Space Bar?; you can do that. Check out the keybindings section in the settings menu from within the game. The changes you make to the in-game keybindings only effect that game, and won't cause you any weird situations when just doing non-gaming stuff on your PC.

    Planetside 2 breaks keybindings into multiple sections: General (voice chat, menu shortcuts, text box, etc), Infantry (everything that causes your character to move, shoot, throw grenades, change weapons, reload, etc; when you are on foot), Ground Vehicles, and Aircraft (you get the point of the last two by now). Make sure you become acquainted with this area, is this will allow you to customize your interaction, so that it is most comfortable for you. For instance, I will be relocated my Grenade Throw button from it's current location of G, because I have a tendency to press G, when I am actually trying to press F to activate my special ability, which usually gets me killed.
  6. Jawarisin

    A PEASANT HAS ASCENDED. You're giving me a fuzzy feeling right now :3.
    Alright, I got to help with this acenssion

    Voice chat is a push-to-talk. You basically hold the key down while talking. You can find which keys exactly for which voice chats and rebind them in your options. should be something like Proximity, Squad, Squad Leader, Platoon, Outfit.
    Yes, teamspeak is another program that you can download and run in the background. It's akin to a big house with many customizable rooms. The sound quality is better, faster, and there's a lot of options, including voice activation and what'snot. It's also an easy way to see "Who's online" or go talk to people outside of the game. Makes for a more long-lasting friendships, and maybe you'll end up moving with your new buddies to new games, etc. There is plenty of advantages to it.

    It depends what you mean by "search" if you mean find the stalking kind of search, yes. There's 2 stats websites currently, the official one which has a little bit of info, and which has a crap ton more, as well as comparing players with one another.
    There is no way to "whisper" voice chat unless you just make a squad (and then use squad chat to talk regardless of position).

    I'd be more than willing to help you as, I am sure, a lot of experienced players would. But we would need to know your server/faction. The faction is NC/TR/VS. They are color coded with respectively Blue/Red/Purple. (your forum avatar suggests VS, but I'm not sure if that's what you actually are)
    You can find your server below your character name on the character page too.

    I'm personally on emerald nc/vs, and can give you a hand there.
  7. St NickelStew

    I, too, am new to PC gaming ... coming from consoles and building my first gaming PC about three weeks ago.

    Keybindings are pretty important, and also tend to be very personal. I now use both a Razer Naga mouse (with lots of buttons for my right thumb to press) and a Razer Orbweaver gamepad (which I find ergonomically more comfortable than keyboard for gaming, which additionally has more keys easily accessible than a keyboard).

    Personally, I have bindings for proximity, squad, platoon, and outfit chat on the Orbweaver D-pad and easily available at all times. And with my two devices I have enough buttons handy that for some important functions (like reloading) I am able to have those bound to multiple keys so I have the opportunity to determine where I think they are most comfortable.

    Good luck ... there is a lot to learn.

    I can't thank everyone enough for not giving me a hard time. To answer a a few of you, I am in VS and on Emerald server. I completely understand keybindings and have set them up.

    To give a little more history, I grew up around pc's. My dad was/is into it so i did have some familiarity with them way back in the day. I moved onto consoles, but quit playing games entirely when I started an automotive career 16yrs ago, was playing on a ps2 at the time. A friend got me to buy a ps3 a couple years ago and, my how things have changed. So much so that its just easier to tell people I'm as green as they come. Now after building a modern grade pc I'm just trying trying to catch up really. I'm constantly reading as much as I can and scouring youtube for info, but I've missed out on so much it's overwhelming trying to re-acclimate myself at how much the gaming industry blew up since I was last into it.

    I guess I'll download this Teamspeak and fumble through it some. Is it something I'm gonna have to start up everytime before playing? Does it mesh w/game so the in-game keybindings control Teamspeak?

    Anyone know anything about the SSGO outfit, those were the guys I was playing with last night and even though I couldn't figure out how to communicate w them. I followed the orders and stayed with everyone. I asked about searching and messaging players cause I would have liked to tell that platoon lead how good a job he was doing. That squad/platoon operated with precision.

    Anyhow, I'm sure I'll have more ( "how the hell does he not know this questions" ), but thanks again to everyone pointing me in the right direction.

    You and me both. Acquired parts for month and put mine together two weeks ago. I set up a logitech controller and have it set up exactly like I play on console. I can control character like an extension of my body, so heck with trying to learn different input method. I tried KB/M, I just can't do it as comfortably.
  10. Goldmonk

    Dude, if you're a new player there is no such thing as a stupid question. Also, since you are on Emerald, send me a tell soon and I'll try and help you (even if you are VS). Username is the same.
  11. YNOTHC

    If using teamspeak and I set it up where mic is always on, but I have switch on my ps3's turtle beach headset; can I not just enable/disable mic w that as not to annoy anyone when not in use, but keep on when in game to mimic console and not have to worry w push to talk?
  12. Jawarisin

    You can. But seriously though, get used to mouse and keyboard. I've had multiple friends do this, and yes, they hated it, they switched from one game to another quite often, because they couldn't seem to do crap. But give it a week or two, and some effort. And you'll be better than you've ever been on console and could ever hope to be with a controller.

    If you're up for it, you can add: JawarisinV and JawarisinNC. (You can also start a conversation with me on the forum, clic on my name, then profile -> about -> start conversation)
    Whenever you're on, I can come over and we can talk. You can ask me whatever question you have, and I might be able to help you with whatever aspect of the game you need help with.

    I'm making, and some other peoples might, jokes about consoles, but we're always truly happy to see someone else join the big pc gaming family :) Welcome aboard.
  13. andy_m

    Welcome to Planetside 2. I hope you stay the distance :D
  14. Prudentia

    usually you don't want to have your Hands of your Keyboard just to turn on talking, because that could get you killed. a mouse with thumb Buttons with one of them dedicated to teamspeak push to talk is just a lot more convenient
  15. YNOTHC

    The names you gave me to add, your referring to Teamspeak right?
  16. St NickelStew

    As someone who has used Mouse + KB for only three weeks to play only PS2 so far ... I would (with some sadness) concur. I got a Razer Orbweaver for my left hand ... because KB feels wonky for me for gaming. I started with another mouse but got a Razer Naga because on controller I am used to using my right thumb more than my left, so the Naga providess 12 buttons that are remarkably accessible and really reduced my own hunt-and-peck (-and-die) activities while playing PS2. I also use a mousepad with wrist support as my right wrist is not in the best shape.

    After two weeks I am already shooting with greater accuracy and moving in ways that I could never do with a controller. Try beginning with low DPI and/or in-game sensitivity (note that sensitivity is also adjustable in-game, along with key binds). I don't win many up-close 1v1's, but didn't on console either. I have my characters set up for long distance fights on support characters (I have played Engineer and Medic almost exclusively) and am collecting certs at a pretty respectable level.
  17. Jawarisin

    Nope,those are in-game names. So once in game, you go to friends, and type those two names in the box at the bottom. Then next time I connect, I'll accept those friend requests and we can see if either of us is on.

    There's teamspeaks we could use if you want to use it though, but no. Teamspeak works differently with unique IDs. It's very simple to use, but the mechanic behind it might be a bit confusing.

    People will give you adresses like "" (I have no clue what this one is, just typed it randomly) or "". Those are teamspeaks servers, in there, you get different rooms with different people in them.

    Think of it as a house, you look for the house adress. Go in the house and then you have different rooms for different things. Though, as far as I know, usually pretty much everybody ends up in 1 channel to talk together, unless its a big teamspeak or you want some peace.
  18. St NickelStew

    I don't yet know about Teamspeak (as I haven't downloaded it yet), but I *have* used Mumble (another such package) ... and at least in Mumble you can be in a Mumble "party" and chat just like on console, and then additionally use push to talk to folks in PS2 using PS2 channels. *That* took me for a couple of mental jumping jacks. However, the only wrinkle is that if the person you are in Mumble chat with is also in your squad (for instance), pressing push to talk to squad will cause that individual to hear both Mumble and PS2 squad channel audio signals simultaneously, which can sound funny (including some reverb/echo sound).
  19. St NickelStew

    Once you get into the room, it functions for all intensive purposes as would a console party chat room.
  20. YNOTHC

    Alright, I just got Teamspeak set up and bound the push to talk to my controller. Whats up with this Overwolf? Is my Teamspeak button separate than my proximity/squad/lead/platoon push to talk buttons, so if I wanted to talk to squad specific I still have to push button I bound to keyboard?

    I'll dig deeper into this, this evening. As bad as I want to sit in front of this computer all day, I need to get my household duties done.

    If anyone wants to add me to any friends lists, My player name everywhere is the same YNOTHC. PSN, steam, any and every forum I've been to. Makes it easy for people to recognize me and for me not to forget what I went by on whatever site I happen to be on. Before anyone asks, its my name backwards and initials. I'll respond to either Tony, Y not, or even hey dude. Its funny hearing people get confused on how to say YNOTHC, so I figured I'd clear that up. I left the HC off when I set Teamspeak up, so I'll show up as YNOT there.

    Look forward to talking and playing with you guys later. Prying myself away from pc now before wife gets home and finds out I haven't gotten anything done.