Blance VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by crypticcres, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. crypticcres

    when people are choosing to lose alerts before fighting vs on emerald you know something is wrong.
  2. JohnWindRunner

    cause the Bel LMG no its stupid op i find, and VS have alot of numbers.... like a lot a lot... like wow but i agree they are OP
  3. Tommyp2006

    I'll start fighting VS during alerts when they become fun to fight. Until then, I'll stick to fighting NC. They're fine outside of alerts, but during alerts, forget it. You couldn't pay me to fight VS during alerts, I'd rather be warpgated.
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  4. asmodraxus

    Emerald issue, nothing to do with game balance overall, and here's me thinking this was a random nerf the VS post as teh beamer is OP...
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  5. Bindlestiff

    Yes - the mentality of the player base on Emerald.
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  6. Marsali

    When the situation calls for it we fight the vs though we can only be at one place at a time and given we almost always have the tr and vs ignoring each other to focus on the nc there are a lot of places we need to be at the same time.
  7. Mianera

    Could someone translate that? ^

    As for the OP post, people are always going to prefer to fight the NC. NC has most new players, the avarage NC player isn't too smart or puts up a challenge, so they are easy farm.

    ALERTS are only good for the xp boost they provide on the given continent.

    90% of people do not player alerts strategically, they are only there for the xp and the farm. Maybe 1-2 outfits make a move every now and then, but that's it.

    You see, the problem is, that winning a alert is not really that rewarding. Yay, some minus resource costs for stuff, subscribers wont care the slightest about that.

    I don't play alerts for the objective either. I will start doing it when the reward becomes sooo good that it will take priority over my farm and me having fun with friends in the game. Until then, it's just a temporary xp boost and I couldn't care less if the current faction I am playing on wins or loses the silly thing.
  8. Mystogan

    Emerald kids problems. On other servers- for example here in EU on Miller nad Cobalt we have no such problems. Every faction fight every factions, sometimes more, sometimes less, there is no rule.

    I start to see why VS are winning on Emerald so much- if both NC and TR prefer fighring each other than VS and if leadership of NC/TR do not want to try hard to match VS- well, what will stop Emerald VS from winning alert?

    Seriously, Emerald- it is your server problem. Other servers do not have it. Stop thinink Emerald=whole PS2.

    When Miller was dominated by TR I don't remember threads "Nerf TR becasue Miller TR OP!!". LOL...
  9. Bonom Denej

    Good old times as far as I'm concerned. Massive bonus XP every night and plenty target to shoot at. Now it's honestly pretty balanced on Miller even tho VS seem to get some hate from time to time. But it's actually more KOTV than VS that is criticized.
    Anyway, I pity you for not having fun and balanced fight on Emerald. Too bad you don't really have any solution... Calling for nerfs won't help a bit.
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  10. qquqq

    Betelgeuse 54-A with out a doubt is op the rest of the vs arsenal is NOT outstanding enough to unbalance fights,

    I moved from VS to NC on Emrald, my k/d is far higher than it was on VS (although not poof of much)
    I believe the shotgun max is just a bad idea, the phoenix that is a bad idea,
    TR and VS seem to be well matched,
    I use to think NC was overpowered, but their weapons are just the highest skill cap and more risk vs reward missing shots is too easy. perhaps a slight velocity buff is warranted, on all low RoF weapons,

    There is one issue I have brought up that people seem to down play, the yellow on the construction workers of the NC needs to be removed from armor, it makes them too high visible, its not balanced, and I think it puts them at a serious disadvantage that is not given its true significance. it was the reason I chose VS to begin with,

    But I think generally the VS wins more because they are better organized, and less farm oriented,
    during alerts over the past 2 days on nc, the alert had no queue and Esamir at that time did,
    while on VS the alert continent is always queued,

    I have not played TR extensively enough to draw firm conclusions, but they are closer matched to VS from my experience. in willingness to play alerts,

    I have also noticed that VS fight tooth and nail, they will do any thing to advance the sneakiest things, though I can not say for certain this wins alerts, it certainly gains them ground when I have seen it,
  11. Takara

    Meh I logged off last night mid alert because VS was just doing terrible.( Of course having spawned 500 meters in the air to fall to my death for the fifth time really is what made me log out) Grass is always greener is all I can say to the OP. Emerald sees the NC and TR lock a continent plenty of times. VS doesn't always win.
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  12. Trebb

    Even if the Beetlejuice wasn't overpowered (which it is), when every single death screen of versus VS starts to look like this(getting shot at by like 9 different Betelgeuses):


    ...people notice, then ****** on the forums that it's OP. QQ I HAD TO WORK HAAARD TO UNLOCK MY TOY!

    It's cool, I unlocked a directive weapon too. Can I trade you my Trac-shot for it? ;)
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  13. DQCraze

    You are out of your mind. Everytime i log in the TR are just about warp gated on every continent. Not just by one faction but both. It seems the favorite past time on Emerald. Maybe if you guys actually attacked the winning faction you might win an alert. If anyone is doubled on Emerald its TR.
  14. OldMaster80

    Agreed the problem is not VS the problem is population is the biggest force multiplier of this game. In planetside2 strategy doesn't matter: you just need 5% population more than the enemy.

    Resources revamp could help to mitigate this but don't vs decided it's not important.
  15. DashRendar

    I happen to think VS is fine, and I find them a worthy opponent. I think TR is the problem, and I wish they were brought up to speed with VS/NC
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  16. 00000000000000000000

    I don't really play HA and don't have the Betelgeuse unlocked. Looking up its numbers it seem identical to the Orion but with a heat mechanic instead of a magazine. Can someone explain how it is overpowered? Please use details, lots and lots of details.
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  17. Pirbi

    I find VS fun to fight but when a full faction of TR fight your faction the choices are limited.
  18. Onhil

    The heat mechanic on the Betelgeuse means less downtime so you can in theory kill people non stop for hours to end without having to reload if they come one at a time with a 2 second gap. The Betelgsue has the same stock stats as the Orion except it does not have access to a grip which limits it's long range potenial. Though if someone has unlocked a directive weapon they should already know how to be quite effective with cqc weapons at range so it does not really matter.

    The Betelgeuse is not OP at all, but it might seem like it becuase of it's low down time the average KPH is quite high mine is at 160+ so that tells you all you need to know about KPH inflation. And the people who use the Betelgeuse are usually extremely good with it have ACC and HSR up to 30%+ or higher.

    My guess would be that the Betelgeuse looks OP because of it's inflated KPH stat and how nearly every VS HA that have unlocked only run with it as it's better than the Orion and SVA. 0.75x movement multiplier might also be at fault here though thats more the game engines fault than the weapons fault

    EDIT: And another proof of the Betelgeuse infalted KPH stat is that there are 217 out of 1146 with over 500 kills with that have a KPH higher than 100 thats a little less than 20% of these 1146 people.
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  19. Hatesphere

    The only possible over powered thing I have noticed in my last 200kills using it, is that he at mechanic makes it painfully easy to farm lone players. Basicly if you can control the engagement to only ever have to fight one person at a time, you will have almost zero down time. With a non heat weapon such as the orion, its easy to shoot off 20-30 rounds and kill a guy, then reload while repositioning and get caught with your pants down. With the heat mechanic you aren't barred from firing while the weapon cools down unless you over heat it. Skilled players can use heat management to rack up a large kill streak, sine there is barely any reload downtime if played correctly. Is it OP, hardly. Its just so different that other players are unsure of how to deal with the change in battle flow the mechanic causes.
  20. qquqq

    to the uninitiated this trade may seem fair or ballanced, perhapse in some way a tiny trad of or up, If you have played heavy assault enough you learn how to use your weapon very well, the Beteljeuse is not just an orion with a heat mechanic, it also has no forward grip, a disadvantage to some however, the effective range of the orion is <40m .75 adsmeans for greater close quarters application,
    in that range the higher recoil maters little and in fact can mean more head shots,

    most successful high br players with high k/d will try to only expose them selves to one target at a time, in the time it takes to aquire the next target the weapon cools down (at least some) meaning it reloads rounds at no cost,

    you are not left exposed to a reload time after max 50 rounds, you do not have to track your ammo, you do not run out of amo, so if your in a good spot you never have to leave or worry about it,

    even if your weapon over heats, you can switch to your secondary to kill the target and your weapon is coolded down by the time you take it back out,,,,,, meaning you can essentially fire non stop. (baring weapon equip time)