[Suggestion] Increased grief threshold for MCG

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ianneman, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Ianneman

    The rate at which idiots run in front of this weapon is absolutely astounding, please decrease the rate at which this weapon accumulates grief points.
  2. gartho33

    after the lasher gets a reduction... but that's another story.....
  3. Maelthra

    Try using a Lasher sometimes. Those glowy plasma orbs...man, it's like moths to a flame.
  4. PrimePriest

    Also Harasser. Worst part:I use horn to say "get the hell out of my way"...much like in real life. Yet people think I'm saying "look I want attention, come to me" and run directly under the wheels. BAM Equipment locked GGGHRRRZZHAAAHHZZZGG
  5. Flamberge

    As long as the MANA AI turret and Sticky Grenades get the same treatment.
  6. Taemien

    Stop zerging. Problem gets solved due to not running with zerglings. Oh and that covers Lashers, MANA turrets, Sticky grenades, and Harassers too.

    Funny thing about PS2... 90% of player issues can be negated (not just mitigated) by just running with a coordinated squad. The other 10% is performance (computer related) and bugs.
  7. Pfundi

    F*cking stickies shouldnt be changed any more... :mad:
  8. FateJH

    I use my Sticky Grenades to mark places where I want my allies to congregate.
    At least, that's what I keep telling myself. :oops:
    • Up x 1
  9. Recel

    I know this phenomenon my self. It's due to the awesome sound of the chain-gun. TR just can't get enough of it, so they pile in front of you so they can hear it in all its glory, taste all of its might.

    Luckily, with 200 bullets I don't mind giving a few to my fellow, overly curious, comrades.
  10. Iridar51

    No. MCG users need to let go off the trigger.
  11. Ianneman

    Yeah, because with a weapon that spins up (and is worthless if not spun up), it makes sense to constantly start and stop, that's how you get the best out of it!
  12. Danath

    I'm surprised by the lack of snarky comments from NC mentioning Jackhammer or MAX shotguns
  13. Iridar51

    MCG is a novelty weapon. There's no real way to get the most out of its sustained fire ability. Even HA doesn't survive that long against multiple targets.

    MCG does have much better hip fire than LMGs, even without laser. With either BRRT or laser it makes a decent hip fire weapon for CQC.

    With BRRT, it spins only for half a second, not such a huge downside. Either way, it's on the user to not shoot his allies.