Stop spawning Valkyries

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealNattyIce, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. TheRealNattyIce

    Those nanites could be given to kids in Africa.
    • Up x 5
  2. DrPapaPenguin

    Don't stop, I have to aurax my AA.
  3. omfgweeee

    i love it. Its perfect to position my sniper on the mountain cuz its cheap and i can jump from it safely!
  4. Selenadread

    This right here...also it is a great way to position your sniper in a tree in an enemy base
  5. dstock

  6. Mythologicus


    Valkyries are useful. They're like a squad-only Sunderer that you can deploy in super-obscene locations.
  7. patoman

    It is realy cheep, almost unrealsiticaly for its abilitys. The smaller fighter costs more.

    Though I guess it requires a team, still, someone finds a use for it use it
  8. Hatesphere

    Please dont, I need dumb fire practice.
  9. TheRealNattyIce

  10. Calisai

    Dumb Fire Practice?

  11. OldMaster80

    For the sake of god I hope the Valkyrie is still the next in line for a buff. It's the only vehicle wr saw last year and it's terrible.
  12. Onhil

    With the extremely flexible joints on the Valks tail I would also excpet to die alot. You can freaking turn the tail 180 degress around with no issue for gods sake.

    But anywas good montage. I guess those are some of the few kills you got while doing that if I'm correct