[NUC] elusive1: Do Or Die (CQC Sniper Montage) 60 FPS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by elusive1, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. elusive1

    600 DPI, 53.8 for all three. My fps is on the bottom left of the screen, 60 would be low :D
  2. CriticalThinker

    Sped up so you don't notice the snapping (it's there if you pay attention). Reported this guy this morning.
  3. elusive1

    Ironic username. It's not sped up at all.
  4. CriticalThinker

    Oh really, so you snap like that all the time? Thanks for vindicating my decision to report you. :)
  5. elusive1

    Do you know what a drag/flick/twitch/whip etc shot is? Yes, I drag shot a lot of the time.
  6. DashRendar

    Yes he does, lol. If you've watched his videos you'll know that's just how he aims. And he doesn't really snap so much as sweep the mouse and fire at the correct time when the cursor passes over the target. This is commonly referred to as "twitch aiming." Also, it's pretty hard to miss the head and hit the body, as he does quite a lot in this video, when the bot can and will aim only for the head.
  7. CriticalThinker

    I'm not up on hacker lingo, no. I reported you as did half of the squad I was playing with at the time. If you're using exploits the GMs will sort you. Like mom always said, better safe then sorry. If you're not hacking then great, you have no life and are good at video games, good for you, you want a gold star or something?
  8. DashRendar

    Don't worry, most of NUC has been reported numerous times by hundreds of people. Their performance under controlled tournament conditions as viewed by cameras and many thousands of viewers says otherwise. Nice fallback on the "no life" comment though, we are all playing the same game, yes?
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  9. CriticalThinker

    Oh yeah in one of the many PS2 MLG pro tournaments we have that are sponsored with cash prizes? Oh wait that isn't a thing in PS2.
  10. elusive1

    It's first person shooter lingo. You shouldn't be judging these things. Is ps2 your first fps or something? I could link you a ton of professional counter strike global offensive player montages, and you would think they were all hacking.
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  11. Thostbog

    Really uncalled for comments just because somebody is better than you.
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  12. CriticalThinker

  13. Cz4rMike

    Oh nice, so you come here first with hackusations and then ending it with an insult. Why the sh1 t talk? Are you buthurt cause you're bad? Noone is interested in reading your whining about others having "no life".

    Funny as you say it, I know many great gamers having a great life. Some people I play with have hobbies, sports, gfs, works... And I also know people like you. The ones who write bs like "no life". Such people like you usually are never good at anything. Except whining. :)
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  14. CriticalThinker

  15. HydeAut

    Go to 5:23, there he jumps over a wall as big as his character - how is this even possible?
  16. CriticalThinker

    Because he's just good at this game, duh.

  17. Cz4rMike

    practice makes perfect. You can "clip" on some walls. Why don't you try it out yourself. I'm not too good with "parkour", but jumping over such walls comes with easy even with space spam...
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  18. DashRendar

    Hacks confirmed. The more important thing I just realized, I can jump over the same wall! Now there's only one reasonable explanation for this. Somebody broke into my house while I was away, downloaded the PS2 hack kit, installed it, and bound the key to spacebar.
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  19. elusive1

    Wait, are you saying this guy has no idea what he's talking about?
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  20. omfgweeee

    Simply amazing! For me this is how compleate end game sniper player looks like. While long range sniping is not always effective/helping team, close range sniping is the hardest but best from all.

    I afmire you due and i subscribe to you.
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