Tank controls

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yuki10, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Yuki10

    So right now there are two choices

    1) strange setup where pressing left means right and pressing right means left.

    2) pressing right makes it go left first, then stops and goes right. Pressing left makes it go right, then stops then goes left.

    I just want to know, which one of you came up with this?
  2. iccle

    Its crazy eh? Luckily you can disable the reversed steering in the game options
  3. Prudentia

    thats what he said... you can choose between weird controls and even wierder controls...
  4. AshHill07

    ... Am I playing the same game?

    My control options are normal tank controls from every single other game I've played with tanks in them, or switching the controls over when driving backwards.
  5. Windreaper

    Just returned to the game after being away for over a year, shocked that tank controls are still broken (it's the bloody reason I left in first place!). I don't even mind the hover car physics. Literally every other game with tanks in it has a functional control setup. And as stated by OP, here you can choose between a broken controller setup and one that is exactly opposite to everything else.

    The main problem are the weird control glitches when you switch from forward to reverse and vice versa. The cause of many deaths and a lot of frustration.
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  6. Meeka

    Weird, I don't experience this phenomena at all.
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  7. Klypto

    There is nothing wrong with the current tank controls, they work like a normal tank in normal tank games. I'm hoping that someday Battlefield will step up from their dumb, dumbed down ****** car controls and install controls that work better for a tracked vehicle.

    Right always rotates right, left always rotates left regardless of where you are looking or direction of movement. Most minimalistic mental overhead to process.

    Just check the stupid Invert Reverse Steering for Tanks box and it's done.
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  8. Stigma

    Assuming that you know about the option for inverting tank controls when going in reverse - and set that to your preference - what exactly is the issue with the tank controls? They feel fairly intuitive and standard to me. Same as most other games that do tanks and similar vehicles.

  9. Windreaper

    Yes we all know about inverted tank controls. This is the issue as explained by the OP.

    "2) pressing right makes it go left first, then stops and goes right. Pressing left makes it go right, then stops then goes left."

    I can reproduce this quite reliably by using the "inverted" setup and changing the direction of travel (reverse to forward etc) and immediately trying to turn the tank. The tank starts turning the _opposite_ direction. Chances are the controls are bugged and the reverse input (from going backwards) is still applied despite your tank moving forward (at least in your client, only the hamsters know what happens server-side). This issue has been known since launch and is still unfixed. I have solid <50ms ping and low ploss so it shouldn't be a network problem.

    The bug doesn't happen if you drive your tank like a ship or use the

    "1) strange setup where pressing left means right and pressing right means left."

    So pick your poison. I've played the other tank games extensively and I can assure you they have tank controls that are precise in every situation. The behavior explained above is strictly PS2 exclusive.
  10. Klypto

    That's standard tread controls though. The tank isn't a car, why drive it like one?
  11. Windreaper

    You realize modern tanks have a steering wheel, pedals, and automatic transmission these days? And WW2 tank games don't have you control individual tracks. Almost everyone is comfortable with driving a car, not many with driving a tank with sticks and a clutch. Game design 101.

    And talking about whether or not the controls are good is beside the point. See OP's point 2 (the one everyone ignored because they stopped reading at 1) where he complains about a legitimate issue with the controls, the one Yours Truly also suffers from and can reproduce. "The controls are fine", rly?. You have a choice of two control schemes and the most logical one suffers from bugs because the implementation is crap.
  12. Stigma

    Gotcha - you mean how the direction of steering is tied to your current momentum, and not what direction (forward/backward) you are currently pressing. I've noticed that, but I usually just adapt to feel the momentum and use the appropriate turning keys when my backwards momentum shifts into forward or opposite way.

    The current way it is handled I guess is more realistic, but I see how it could be confusing.

    I dunno - I don't see it as a problem personally, but it could easily be an option (to tie steering to your acceleration vecor rather than your momentum vector). More options are good to have.

  13. Windreaper

    Yes, exactly, that's a very nice summary of the issue. However there seems to also be some kind of desync issue where the tank already appears to move forward on your client. That's why you have to drive the tank "like a ship" and let the momentum shift before trying to turn. Chances are the game physics are running at a relatively low FPS server-side, as vector math has high CPU overhead. Client should interpolate between the data points nicely but something seems a little off in this case.
  14. Klypto

    Actually, no. Not really.

    The Modern US tanks use T-bars, which functions sort of like a motorcycle handlebar. You twist the handgrip to drive, and turn the handlebar it left or right to apply the brakes to the left or right side to steer the hull. To rotate in place, you manually switch the transmission with the knob in front of you to Neutral. There's also a weird park brake push/pull lever.

    Russians T90's use funky Bigass bars on the sides of the driver in the with foot pedals like oldschool WW tanks.

    Doesn't matter, because that's ********. Why would you want that in a game outside of a simulator? It's exactly why I go for Option 1 and check that "Invert Reverse Steering for Tanks" box to cut all that crap out. In my opinion, option 2 shouldn't even be an option.

    Option 2 is car steering. Although logical for cars and real world tanks, it doesn't perform well for video game and remote control tanks. Transitions from forward to reverse interrupt the turn which is not an issue for tread vehicle controls in Option 1.

    The more logical control scheme for a treaded vehicle is to have consistent controls that maintain the turn without having to swap directions when going from forward to reverse. Just like RC tanks. It's more of an adapt to a logical control scheme or just don't.
  15. MajorHertz

    Everytime this thread comes up I want to strangle, "this works the same way in every tank game" comment....so EVERY tank game you've ever played start to turn one way and then reverses direction? I am not going to even comment on the level of idiocy inherent in the comment.

    But seriously, FIX the tracked vehicles, I don't care which way you want them to turn, just do it consistently!!!! Stop with the right/left depending on speed!! How this can still be broken over 2 years into this game boggles the mind....
  16. AshHill07


    Yes, tanks control exactly the same here as tracked vehicles in ARMA and Battlefield.

    Christ, its like people don't even look at the settings anymore ...
  17. FateJH

    What people are complaining about is that we shouldn't need to use a drive mode that is only just slightly less inconvenient than the inconvient drive mode that it is trying to fix. The only reason this option was added was to deal with be a smokescreen for complaints about the aforesaid normal control scheme.
  18. P3STILENCE1973

    This is one of the most frustrating things in this game for me. I have lost many battles as a result of this......bug.
  19. CorporationUSA

    Feels fine to me.