[Vehicle] All Terrain Is Optional: a Cheese compilation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fleech, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Fleech

    Hopefully now people can stop saying the magrider can't climb like it used to.

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  2. Selrahc4040

    Not to detract from how mind-boggling this all is, but why is the Saron so large? It's dumb. ;_;
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  3. Liewec123

    they should make magburner standard on all magriders like they did for arguably the most OP vehicle (harasser).
    the only reason i don't use magburner is that it shares the slot with fire suppression which is pretty much mandatory imho.
  4. Atis

    So with 550 hour in mag under belt you can do fancy moves, not especially useful in fight (half of all parts in video are cut right after stunt), while any grunt Joe with 20 hour in prowler can outdps you in at 50m with dual cannon+vulcan, bombard you from extreme distance with anchor mode and cruise around at higher speed.

    Can we already make mag NS Stunt Vehi and give VS actual MBT?
  5. Fleech

    the purpose of this video is to demonstrate the magriders crazy mobility.

    i have a combat montage coming out, but for this video i wanted to make something that focussed specifically on magrider terrain silliness for now.
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  6. Flopperdonkey

    What did I just witness... I... I don't know what to say... :eek:
  7. Stigma

    That scythe seems a bit fat for some reason... I don't understand :s

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  8. Nintyuk

    Well now we know the answer to the question have you taken it off any sweet jumps.
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  9. P3STILENCE1973

    "It's a Sledgehammer"

    "Dang. You have shocks, pegs."
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  10. EliteEskimo

    Hmm and yet at 150 meters you can easily avoid many shots from the average Joe and blow up many tanks before magburning to safety. The Magrider acts like a heavy harasser, the Prowler is a mobile artillery piece, and the Vanguard is an actual MBT. Plan accordingly, because whenever I bump into Calisai in his Magrider we regularly exchange kills. What gives the Magrider a huge advantage is using terrain, cover, elevation, and its mobility to stack fights in its favor.

    Prowlers can't go up against 2/2 AP/Enforcer Vanguards head to head and expect to win either.
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  11. Fleech

    it was initially a single shot weapon, so i guess they designed a huge *** barrel to reflect that, but now the design makes less sense for a semi auto weapon.
  12. Atis

    Lets say, prowler's perks r much noob-friendly than mag's ones.
    At range within vulcan reach prowler can beat vanni. Enforcer is obviously better at further range. Also, higher dps doesnt have cooldown, vanni shield - does. Speed and raw dps are easiest traits to use.
  13. moriarrr-ceres

    I hardly achieve these heights (i have tried just after watching this video at theVR) I managed it just one time.
    Any tips? maybe i don't use my afterburner correctly
    Should i use it:-at top acceleration
    -at top speed
    -only on flat terrain
    I feel that "the gravity" play a very important role...
  14. EliteEskimo

    AP Enforcer Vanguard beats AP Vulcan Prowler due to shield. The Vanguard won't have much health left but it will still win. Speed on the Prowler is only when not using it's special ability which is very situational and not the least bit noob friendly. The double shot is a double edged sword since it takes longer to aim, but is very beneficial for killing infantry.
  15. Anonymous Qwop

    Racer+Magburner will get you up most hills. Mag burn right before you would lose speed due to the hill. If it doesn't get you up all the way then try to maintain position as your Magburner is recharging. Sometimes you can shake your mags *** to get up some hills.
  16. Peebuddy

    Anybody who uses the prowler as a battering ram isn't using it properly.

    The vulcans' titillating dps is a trap, it's only for the harraser because a prowler in close enough proximity to use it is a dead prowler.
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  17. Fleech

    you can do it on any basically any surface to varying success but you need to find the clearest, least obstructed path up a surface. you can see me in the first clip kind of rocking back and forth against the wall looking for the smoothest path up the rock. if the transition from ground to wall is a sharper angle its better to use the boost early, if the ground leads into the wall smoothly its best to save the boost till the moment you feel yourself losing momentum.
  18. Fleech

    you don't need racer. through that entire video i only used rival.
  19. Atis

    Anchor mode is easy to use for bombarding bases, bridges, open fields. Speed helps with anything: relocation if enemy forces you to undeploy your prowler, marching to next base, climbing.
    At short range vulcan and dual-cannon are easy to aim. Bad timing with shield will waste it, bad timing with DPS is much more forgiving.
  20. EliteEskimo

    Anchormode makes you a sitting duck, makes it much easier to get C4'd, and shot at by anyone. If you deploy anywhere you please have fun getting C4'd and/or flanked. Bad timing with Anchormode will get you killed as being immobile in a bad situation is a death sentence, such is not the case with the shield which has no negative to activate. What weapon isn't easy to aim at short range? Furthermore it doesn't matter if they are easy to aim you still lose in a head to head fight against an AP Enforcer Vanguard even if you land all your shots.