Open letter to PS2 producer, Sites

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FBVanu, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Wobberjockey

    the number 1 reason i stopped posting on the forums in the first place is because i was sick and tired of rehashing the same arguments for/against something every time we hit a new page.

    the fact is nobody on a forum reads anything past the first page of posts, and they only read that because they are scrolling past them to get down to the reply box.
  2. TripleVasectomy


    I wasn't thrilled about getting major developer feedback in 15 letter twitter responses either. I think there is value in using Reddit for longer, less on-topic discussions but I personally avoid the site when possible. Posts on this forum are appreciated.
  3. f0d

    so you were sick of having an actual conversation about things? unlike reddit (and twitter) where the you say one or 2 comments then its gone - forever lost in the mess that is reddit

    i read all the posts so i dont think its a fact that "nobody on a forum reads anything past the first page of posts"
  4. asmodraxus

    There are developers?

    I thought the only things that happened here was that posts got closed down if someone said something they didn't like at SOE (or whatever they call themselves now)
  5. Strikejk

    They don't post it on reddit it is cross linked by users. Why would they? The reason they post it on twitter is because it is quick and done in less than a minute. Wouldn't make much sense right?
    Because it is something like "look what I've done while I drink a cup of coffee" This doesn't belong on the official forum nor does it serve much relevance and that is also the reason they don't want to waste 20minutes making a official forum post about it.
    See above, the content they put on twitter are quick small status updates, if the product is finished and polished they will post it on here too - that's called "Game Update Notes" oh and they only post it here.
    You don't seem to understand the difference in media do you? This website is like a official newspaper, you get news & infos, all legit. Ofc you won't see much discussion on a official newspaper do you? Reddit (for example) is a discussion forum with all sort of ******** on it but with discussions. Twitter (for example) is a quick newsticker. Small news but no discussions.

    But if you didn't understand the meaning of different media sites in the year of 2015 you are helpless anyway.
  6. Prudentia

    I'm just gonna remind you of the Test server here, which got multiple updates over the last months, but the only posts ever made regarding those updates were crossposts from Texas of the unoffical patchnotes on reddit... even if the devs wanted feedback on something test, they posted it on reddit... they have a freaking entire subforum for that... and they are still ignoring it for 19 out of 20 updates... i think there was a total of 1 post in the last 6+ months in the test server section asking for feedback on something...

    also did you ever even look at a newspaper? newspapers are a collection of text pieces in which a person writes his opinion about something while trying to be as objective as possible. and there is also alot of non offical stuff in them about current social trends, the adventures of the kids of some reporter and what not... and i'm taking the most serious german newspaper as reference here. (and i'm not talking "i know of" i'm just straight up saying, this is generally considered the best newspaper you can get in germany)
  7. Rockit

    Cant totally blame the players for that. The game itself is highly repetitive and lacking substantive new content for a long period of time will cause stale community conversation. I agree with you though.
  8. vincent-

    Why WHY does it matter to you so much? Everyone visits all the communication hubs on the internet hell 4chan gets that info on their thread just as quick. Why would it matter that it happens here first?

    So some devs don't always respond here but on reddit or twitter again so what? That info will make it's way down the drain here not like we have any brainstorm discussions here to be worthwhile. If the devs really did engage in those conversations it wouldn't make headway because THE MAJORITY WILL CRY FOUL IF IT'S NEW AND OVERPOWERED LOOKING. We never have sane conversations here in the forums it's whining.

    TLDR Stop please the forums are no better than any other site and were a terrible bunch who think were entitled to such info.
  9. LukeRandall

  10. Strikejk

    The PTS is a general problem, not just here. They rarely post any patch notes about the PTS at all, regardless of the website.If you are lucky they post a line about it on Twitter. The only reason you could read them on reddit was because of "shaql" a well known user who extracted the patch and wrote the change on reddit. You are a fool if you believe that the devs actively posted the PTS patchnotes on reddit. Actually the devs didn't post any update notes on reddit regardless of live or PTS. But again you didn't understand what reddit is or how it works. But it doesn't seem that you want to understand it either.
    I start to wonder if you don't understand me on purpose and because of that this is my last response to your troll-post. I made the example of a newspaper because if you buy a newspaper you can only read it. This is like this forum, it is to read the news & update notes.

    I'm done here.
  11. Prudentia

    PTS Patchnotes SHOULD have been in the PTS forum, but the only thing ever happening was community posts
    PTS Test Requests SHOULD have been in the PTS forum AND on Twitter/reddit, but they were only on reddit/Twitter

    ever heard of a website? The newspaper in question has, due to pure coincidence, one where readers can also comment on the various stories...
  12. FBVanu

    Having started this thread, I have to say, we have received several responses from SOE/DBG in this thread. That alone, IMHO, is progress.
    I can only conclude that we will see a bit more direct engagement from the Devs, from here on out. It may not be exclusively on this forum, as mentioned by RadarX, but I believe that we will see more communications. At this point I take what we can get, as anything more than we used to receive, is, in and by itself, an improvement.
    Small steps, but steps in the right direction.

    Thank you Sites and RadarX for posing in this thread.
    I trust that you both have noticed that you were indeed able to engage this forum’s community, and, although we may not agree on certain points, the engagement itself is much appreciated.
    Please keep us engaged.

    I wish you a great day.
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