BR100 - There is nothing on the top.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KidApathy, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. hawken is better

    You need to stop hurting my feelings, scum.

    I've never played it - it looks terrible. The name seems to get a rise out of people every now and then, though.
  2. Booface

    I don't understand this. The shooting part is still fun, isn't it? If it was and now it's not fun anymore, maybe it's time to move on to a fresh game. Nothing wrong with that. If it wasn't ever fun, maybe you were playing this game for the wrong reasons.
  3. Beltway

    Np at all.

    Question 1
    When i mention realistic spoils of war I mean the player was rewarded for literally everything they did. As a player if you killed an enemy you where able to loot their corpse and claim their weaponry/equipment as your own. When you took over continents you gained access to technology to further help your faction take over the entire planet. One of the better hardships of the game was if you lost bases that where responsible for manufacturing your faction battle tank. No one on that entire faction would be able to acquire one. Giving serious purpose to all bases.

    Question 2
    The xp tree is a polar opposite to what PS2 has in place. In planetside 2 xp does not grand you access ro new equipment,abilites, vehicles, or specializations. You are given access to that from the very beginning, especially if you are willing to pay for it. Take the liberator for example.

    In PS2 you have access to the liberator and are able to purchase all the weapons it houses immediately. In PS1 you needed to level to a certain battle rank and earn enough certification to even fly it. PS2 has no limit of certification points but PS1 did which limited just exactly how much you could do. It kept a lid on vehicle spam, etc.

    Question 3

    With the introduction of classes the only thing SOE limited in PS2 was diversity. I'll give you an example.

    In PS1 as an infiltrator I can cert hacking, cloaking suit, cloaking wraith, and if I had enough certification and high enough BR I could cert a little into medic. Imagine a Infiltrator pulling out a med tool and using it on himself or you.

    Here is another one. Imagine a heavy assault being able to repair his tank because he knows enough engineering to be able to repair basic things. In PS2 to repair anything u need to be an engi and nothing else.

    As for the last statement SOE didn't need to condense anything. They never planned to. Just because PS1 had so much land to cover doesn't mean they had population troubles. You see in PS1 you couldn't go to any cont and just start capping bases. Everything had to be connected to your sanctuary to do so. Let me give you an example


    In PS2 u can go to any continent (only 3 in but bare with me) and start capping bases. In PS1 they had a true lattice system in place which policed what your could attack and when. On the top right you can see the TR sanctuary is linked to Forseral and Ceryshen, now they wouldn't be able to attack Cyssor because there is no link to their sanctuary. They need to go through another planet to do so. This system guided large scale battles on multiple fronts, the only areas that had no battle where the ones that couldn't be taken over. The game's population had no issues what so ever in PS1.
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  4. Devrailis

    Thanks Beltway. You're providing a great service explaining so clearly what we missed out on.

    From my perspective as someone who has never played any other FPS and certainly not PS1, PS2 seems like an amazing game for its scale. But as someone who used to mainly play 4x strategy games on PC, or Tactical RPGs on handhelds, PS2 was still clearly lacking in strategic depth.

    Seeing what PS1 had in comparison to where PS2 is now makes part of me wish that SOE had kept PS2 in "official" beta for an extra year - which may not have been economically feasible - to further flesh it out and apply the lessons learned from PS1.
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  5. Pikachu

    I hope ps2 never get that many planets. We would need 10x the population for it to work.
  6. JudgeNu


    1. When you looted your dead enemy what did you actually do with their weapons?

    2. So you had to be a certain BR to unlock "new equipment, abilites, vehicles, or specializations" and they were purchased with certs or just became unlocked?.
    Even though I, myself, could get a lib and cert it out with cash. I would still suck at being a pilot and would crash it trying to land!
    I have seen many NC Vanguard columns stop and backup on each other due to a few mags and AV's.

    3. How about a condensed version due to newer, better graphics? I seen a PS1 video, I wasn't impressed.
    Still you cant just cap whatever you want now either, there has to be connectivity.
    Same principle, smaller scale, and with Hossin coming sometime it will be more as PS1 but still on a smaller scale.
    There has to be a reason.
    If I have to fight on Esamir for example to get to Amerish and the enemy wants to stop me the fighting would stay on Esamir till one was pushed out. We could stay on Esamir for a week or more, correct?
    I suppose we could use another lane to go around.

    I was just generally interested in the differences, but as your original post was a bit on the "offended" side, for lack of a better word, I am just speculating as to the reason it is different, or to say the least, progressing slowly, to the same "scale" as PS1.

    Concerning PS1 population, I am sure it varied over time. Quite possibly dwindled, wouldn't you say?
    Overall its just an interesting conversation to have rather than the attacks of forumside.
  7. Beltway

    No offense taken at all my friend. I was genuinely surprised at how many people didn't know about the original instalment of the game is all :D.

    To answer your questions

    Once you looted enemy weapons and equipment from them, if you where able to make to to a friendly base or tower you had the option to store the weapon in your personal locker. Capacity depended on the size of the weapon or equipment looted. From my own personal experience Vanu Lashers where a hot commodity, as well as the NC's Jackhammer, guass rifle, etc. Players would come back from battle to sanctuary to trade these newly "aquired" goods. Also keep in mind just cause you looted the weapon doesnt mean you had ammunition for it. You had to scrounge that as well from dead enemies.

    It was half and half. When you gained BR you gain certs which would allow you to specialize in a certain area of interest, however gaining BR also rewarded your with new abilities like more effective armor, implants, etc. While currently in PS2 you have all that at your fingertips which leads to balance issues we have now.

    PS1 came way too early in it's respect. The game's concept back then was far too advanced for the kind of graphic engine it was designed on which is another reason it was such a sleeper hit. People often saw the graphics and dismissed it, others that tried it slowly became hooked on it. Now as for condensing the game there was no intention of doing so, the game was slated to have all the content the original had just better polish.

    SOE can and eventually will add the rest of the continents into the game (pending on how much of the community starts demanding it), the real question is will their dead snail pace be their ultimate ruin? I speculate the only reason we have this shell of a sequel is because investors wanted to recoup their investments at a faster rate. This reason alone could explain why the game was forced into early release, why no one high up will address the painfully obvious lack of what made planet side so great, and why the only thing that gets any real attention has to do with the cash shop. Another thing that contributes to the slow progression of the game is the community. You have the majority asking the wrong questions and requesting the wrong things.

    Most of the stuff i see on here is talking about "I want new weapons" I want more camo" I want a new vehicle. This is why the game is going no where in it's current state. This game has been hemorrhaging true supporters of the franchise since launch. Highly influential individuals that promoted this game tirelessly during it's early stages have given up on it and have taken their supporters with them. So now SOE is stuck trying to breath life into something they screwed up nearly beyond repair. All they need to do is look at what made the original such a hit and implement it. That's it. My guess is to why they aren't is because they are making money off a docile community that isn't pushing for a finished product. Now I must apologize if i seem like I am ranting but I had some really high hopes for this game and poured a hefty sum into it during it's early days in hopes the dev team would do the right thing. Unfortunately a year and four months later nothing has changed.
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  8. KidApathy

    Codeak where art thou....

    You can find me on BattleField 4 these days.
  9. entrailsgalore

    You start Planetside 2 already at end game at BR1. That is the same game you will play at Planetside 2. I already know BR100 will only give you an extra 250 health and that's it. I don't grind in Planetside 2 anymore, I just enjoy the experience 300 player fights give. No other FPS on PC can give that experience right now. Planetside 1? The Air game in PS1 is weak imo.
  10. Ianneman

    I get daily satisfaction from finding the most annoying and cheap ******* tactics and pissing off as many people as I possibly can in the shortest possible timespan.
  11. day ofm one

    I am BR 100 and still play a lot.

    I play for fun mostly, if don't have fun I quit.
    Also I try to unlock medals and directives, I am collecting auraxium medals ;)
  12. Halo572

    I come for the TDM in tiny maps in a big map with 2002 game play in a 2013 graphic skin that requires you to benchmark your PC at greater than 90%+ of PCs tested to be able to run it.

    I stay to wonder at the pointlessness of people who are starting to raise dead threads 18+ months old that should be autolocked after a certain period of time.

    That TDM in tiny maps in a big map with 2002 game play in a 2013 graphic skin that requires you to benchmark your PC at greater than 90%+ of PCs tested to be able to run it must be wearing thin for them.
  13. maxkeiser

    I think they should let the ranks carry on. Why stop at 100?

    Just remove the cap and let people progress on to 120, 150, 200 etc etc.
  14. DG-MOD-02

    Please do not bring old threads back to life. Thank you!
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