The #1 Problem stopping new players from joining PS2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RasFW, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. RasFW

    Well, this thread took off without me...
  2. RHYS4190

    no one know what going to happen worrying about it is pointless.

    And as for the layoff's and higby going maybe that was a good thing, maybe this game will really take off by going in new directions.

    And Im really a firm believer this game really needed new management. so much time and money was waisted on stupid mistakes.

    Like the ESF weapons, only one that was released was the coyotes, the duel 30mm cannons and the large dual 50mm anti-tank guns where shelved after they where developed.

    and the constant patches for bugs and balancing. PS2 now has a good chance of taking off it going to a popular port, and there is a new management in charge of the company.

    as for all this doom and gloom who gives a **** what these people think. 90% of humanity are idiots and if you think you can predict the future you dam well full into the 90%,
  3. Meeka

    What are you going to do when tanks have 30-40% more durability than they do now? A buff is coming.

    As for the shotgun.... the mistake is, you let a shotgun user get that close to you. :D
  4. Drag0

    The one hit gibs from "where the Phuket did that come from?" -- that, that is the number one reason for any player of PS2!
  5. Keldrath

    1. Quit.
    2. That's all well and good as long as you know ahead of time they have a shotgun. Problem is you can't guarantee that. If you hear them kill someone else, sure, you know, and they are ******. Just turning a corner and immediately hearing CHUNK and looking at a death screen, there's nothing you could have done about that unless you think everyone can read the future and know there is a shotgun around the corner. Most other weapons you have a fighting chance against and SKILL will determine the outcome. Cheesy OHK ******** isn't skill.
  6. Corporate Thug

    Your friend is very perceptive.

    Always got a good laugh when the devs talked about MLG and PS2 being competitive while steadily ignoring the over abundance of spam weapons and endless supply of power ups.
  7. Meeka

    You can still outskill a lot of shotgun users. If I turn a corner and there's guy with a shotgun, there's a 50/50 chance I'll live through it; unless they are a top tier player, then it's more like a 75 chance I'm dead. There's plenty of shotgun users I've sidestepped and out gunned, even with a pistol as an Infil; you're not running into top tier players with shotguns all the time. Most shotgun users don't have the best aim or reaction time. It can be a bit of a cheese weapon, but honestly, it isn't as bad as people make it out to be.

    You really have to change your perspective on how you play PS2 compared to other games as well; you will die. You will die a lot. Just accept it, and PS2 is a lot more fun.

    And when you get the SKILL, you won't die as much to shotgun users, I promise you that. I think the weapon I die mostly to are Heavy LMGs, thanks to the "skill shield", shotguns are the least of my concerns.
  8. Keldrath

    Not even the highest tier players in the game can handle shotguns in CQC, you just hope your opponent misses like crazy.

    I've had times where I was rounding a corner and died to a shotgun headshot before even making it around the corner. There's nothing you can do there skillwise, you just have to count on the incompetence of the other player.
  9. Rentago

    The hallways that crammed lots of people in it were a problem, tower fights where you had hundreds of people packed into a staircase were real funny, it only got more fun when people brought grenades into those fights.

    However that pales in comparison of what we have happening here, were in big open environments having this issue, I'm sure their idea was people would spread out where there would be a whole front for each empire battling it out. Similar to what happened in history like the battle of the bulge. [IMG]

    I imagine they wanted hexes to work like this, but it didn't. People gravitated towards the larger battles, and it things became about zerging, their implementation of latices is terrible, as it should be more like PS1 to handle combat between unimportant outposts like hexes and the lattice link come into play to capture bases linked to each other.

    However the developers will never get around to fixing or adjusting any of this, they haven't even gotten the resource thing out, and with all their claims of "running out of space for resources" they certainly haven't ran out of junk to fill into the cashshop.

    There are a lot of contradictions between developers, smedly, and what were actually getting in the game. It varies from reasons such as the: we need money/don't have the resources, the game style/engine can't support it, and a load of garbage/half delivered content.

    You know they've spent years just tweaking minor variables in weapon stats and called them major updates, they show big changes as ideas, but we never really see them. I remember water being impossible and subterranean bases being impossible, its more of a battle to convince the developers to take larger steps rather than tiny ones.

    All I want are more environmental doodads for bases, computer terminals, medical lab tables, a return of bases having terminals to heal/repair and having automated base defenses.

    What we instead have is a new flavor of whacky camo, players creating more content the developers ever have, and well just plain old disappointment.

    At this point, why not give VS maxes their jump jets? Why not give us BFRs again, atleast it would bring this game back from the dead because it'll be a major game change and addition compared to how we simply have everything steadily being nerfed into the ground to uselessness.

    I'd happily accept the recon drone for the infiltrator, I'd much rather have the underslung MCG, or how about even the minor tweak of simply giving all classes access to all grenade types, removing classes altogether and simply allowing you to build your custom loadout.

    Sure everyone would be a heavy assault with LMG, rockets, a repair and heal gun, but you know what else would happen? This game would certainly feel like it got worked on, god damn is this thing lying here waiting for something to finally happen.