Anyone having fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. day ofm one

    Is anyone else not having any fun at all anyomore while playing PS2?

    I am getting really tired of hits getting detected but not dealing any damage and other network lag issues.
    Enemies suddenly doing a 180° flip and instaheadshotting me after I hit them with a bullet don't make the situation better.
    Friendly fire with a 143 damage weapon killing me in one hit does not make the situation better at all.
    A friendly grenade detonating 5 meters away and still killing me with full health just really beginns to p**s me off.

    The more people on the server, the worse the game performance gets and the less fun I have.

    Until I just ragequit after my Decimator rocket to the tank rear did nothing, an enemy Medic didn't die in 10 by the game confirmed hits, I got killed by a friendly grenade detonating 5 meters away while I had full health and I died 3 more times after a point blank pump action shotgun hit with the entire circle on target didn't kill an enemy.

    I just get fed up by this games poor performance.
    Playing from 12:00 to 15:00 o'clock today was real fun, after that the game performace decreased with the server population increasing.
  2. Hosp

    Today isn't any different from any other day for the past few patches. Just the straw that broke the camel's back then eh?
  3. Leftconsin

    There is a massive difference for me between time slots. When I'm playing mostly against people thousands of miles away from Las Vegas (where Connery server is) I do pretty poorly. When I actually get to play against people who aren't warping around, well, my current killboard has a 20 a 22 and a 44 kill streak on it with the T5 AMC. I can actually hit people who aren't warping about!!/5428057349740066769/killboard

    I'm increasingly frustrated by the fact that C4 doesn't work at all on moving vehicles. EVER. The process is this: Stick C4 to a tank, tank moves 10m, C4 detonates somewhere where you didn't put it.

    I was finishing up Force Recon and had marksman kills last. Sniping is just awful. Everyone past 50m is constantly warping. Good luck getting headshots when the person you are aiming at is teleporting five times a second. I ended up finishing it with the T5 AMC because at least with that gun I could spray a bit and maybe have the enemy teleport to in front of some bullets.
  4. andy_m

    Yes, I'm still having fun. I guess that being a bad player makes it difficult for me to know when I'm suffering from bad hit reg and all that kind of stuff...
  5. Pokebreaker

    Today has been a really bad day, and haven't experienced a day like this in quite a few months.

    Ever since my first login today, there has been constant lagging (not sure whose part it's on). Every action I take, actually happens 3-4 seconds after I do it. Resulting in constant kill trading with players that died 3-4 seconds ago (based on when the kill notification popped up), being killed 3-4 seconds after being back behind cover where that players Line Of Sight would have long be obstructed. Then it's been doing that thing where everyone (friendly and enemy) are teleporting all over the place. This is all while my latency is showing anywhere from 30ms - 80ms.

    It's usually a fun game, but the aforementioned issues have caused me to exit the game three times today as I checked back in on it. Too bad there are no other games that I enjoy as much as PS2. I'm sure it will get fixed to some degree in the future, but for now I will play something else.
  6. blzbug

    I have played LA the last few weeks, finishing the LA and carbine directives. Starting a couple of days ago, I went back to infiltrator. I love me some wraith fury :) Only it is noticeably more annoying now. The server was always finicky about cloaking. In small fights, never a problem. In big fights, cloaking could lag pretty badly. It is much worse now than a month ago.

    Hit F to 5 more meters, no cloak...hit F again...cloak and immediately uncloak...hit F again...<blrrp> can't recloak that fast...wait...hit F again...finally cloak. Jesus Cloaking Christ! Incredibly frustrating when the infiltrator's one advantage is *supposed* to be the cloak. Yet between the server delays, cloak bugs and general cloak visibility, the "advantage" frequently does nothing but get you killed.

    Regarding the "slippery C4" problems mentioned by leftconsin: Don't worry buddy! When the tank buff goes through, you won't be dropping them anyway. Instead, fly down and knock on the hatch. When they open up, make the driver sign for the package, get a copy of his drivers license, then ask him politely to wait till he goes back inside to open the box. Profit!
  7. Yuki10

    yea, it's been garbage for a while. I can't count how many times i see a target, i run towards it only to see it disappear... or have the opposite happen - run into empty room and then 10 enemy maxes and 40 infantry renders within 5 meters.

    Although i expect it to be broken and play this game knowing it can't be anything but broken.
    • Up x 1
  8. DrPapaPenguin

    I still have a lot of fun, I play only for the deathmatch though.
  9. day ofm one

    Experience comes with time in game, don't worry ;)
    Everyone starts as a new player and gets better with every minute in the game.
    It is a thing of practice and the right settings (if my mousespeeds are 0.04 off, I can't hit anything for example^^).

    I notice it a lot when I play.

    The difference between playing from 13:00 to 15:00 o'clock and 20:00 to 23:00 o'clock is, earlier I get:

    - three times as many kills
    - twice as many certs (when I have issues I primarily lay down ammo and repair or go AV)
    - my K/D is 2-3 times higher (not that I really care about K/D, it is just a factor I notice the issues at)

    Of course it is no fun to die all the time because someone shot you where you were 3 seconds ago, while 50% of your hits don't register.
    That leaves a lot of frustration :(

    But I know SOE works on the issues and I have good hope they fix it.
  10. andy_m

    I know what you are saying, but I'm a BR99 on my main. Believe me, even after 1,400 hours of play, and a net K/D of over 6, I am still a bad player :D . That is to say, without my "crutches" I rarely come out best in a 1 v 1...
  11. PhoenixError

    I usually have fun, some days it is a lot shorter then other days but none the less I tend to enjoy it. Already having a poor connection and poor FPS I guess the bugs and netcode issues don't get to me, or just don't think about them (either way it leads to the same haha).

    It's not the same as when I started playing again, but still a few hours of enjoyment (I feel the later hours with smaller fights is even more enjoyable then prime time btw). Have to not worry about the issues and find what is fun to you, for me I started sniping after getting bored with the usual throwing bodies against a wall for hours stuff. Still run medic/engi/heavy for alerts but for fun time, it's infiltrator and maybe some support class if I feel like more close up fights (or my aim is awful that day). Anyways, I just assume in cases like those it is working as intended or I lagged or whatever and try to keep going on, some days it can be annoying but if it gets too annoying I just log off and do something else.
  12. LongbeardedBMFVS

    I try to have fun, I really try. Came back after some months ob abstinence and was really surprised that the game is going to ****. I really like it, but ...

    Lag issues. Some months ago it was at around 60 I think and connection quality rarely poor or bad. Now I am stuck at 200 to 1000 and mostly bad connection quality. And I somehow doubt that the ping shown is right. Feels worse.

    Getting shot by invisible men.

    No sound of enemy guns or "ouch" when getting hit just feels like you have a poison snake in your armor.

    Scythes with anti infantry gun.

    I tend to look for smaller even fights where I or a smaller group can really make a difference, because my pc doesn't like 96vs96 battles, farming spawn points and having someone waiting in every angle possible isn't really enjoyable. The outfit I am part of does mostly spec ops stuff and is a great part why I try to have fun in this game and want to stay. We had to cancel our session today because the lag wasn't bearable. Everyone has really annoying lag problems now and some already said they will pause or stop when it stays this way.
    It feels very clunky atm - I have good aim and reactions and since I came back it doesn't seem to matter, because when the ping is so high and my enemy has longer time to shoot me with client side hit detection, when I understand that correctly.