It's a new Era! Anyone think we are about to see good things happen?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Talc, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Morti

    It can go either way. I'm slightly more optimistic than I was a few days ago.

    Hopefully this is the beginning of something wonderful.
  2. Subject851

    It can go either way. Do not hate CN for the layoffs this is how it works in the real world, they view the old employees as part of the problem, so that's why your seeing people go. Expect to see new blood come in and if it doesn't get better after they've had there time to shine, then go into panic mode.

    Here is a videos i cam across that goes more into it.

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  3. Halo572

    It is dangerous to stoke delusional mental illness, but at worst the servers will be left up.

    There is - for some inexplicable reason - a stable player base around 8k players, that would justify having at least one server in each region even if one of the EU ones shut down.

    Some games run on very many less, with my all time favourite examples being 150 desperate souls on SMNC or the 1200 that just won't let Spiral Knights die.

    The Internet age has allowed tiny numbers of Humanity - i.e. 150 people - from the 7 billion to huddle together to keep even the weakest, dullest and most pointless spark of gaming life alive when the rest have long moved on and will never return.

    From the comments I have read in the last couple of days I would expect that memberships have been cancelled at quite a rate and will be further impacting upon profitability.

    But if the servers were just left and the actual stagnant, pointless gameplay developed no further there is no reason why it couldn't probably bump along the bottom generating revenue that would exceed server costs indefinitely.

    Let's be honest, with the minute 'improvements' of the past 12 months it is pretty much how it has been anyway and if people are playing the same TDM in tiny maps in big maps title 2 1/2 years later (OMFG, it is nearly 3 years and that makes it EVEN worse) they aren't likely to be getting bored any time soon.

    And with a F2P model there will always be people trying it and maybe dropping a few £/$/E before they move on, very much in the same way they probably spend on mobile games before never playing them ever again.

    I'm not going to even project development improvements, I'll leave that to the foamers with their completely detached from reality 'what if' lists.
  4. Halo572

  5. ronjahn

    Here's the way I see it. The future PS2 development and success hinges entirely on the success of the PS4 version of the game. If the PS4 version of the game is success. I can see a few thing different ways this will play out.

    1. PS4 release is a hit. CN sells DBG again. There's a chance that a successful PS4 release will increase the value of DBG and CN will simply sell it away at a higher price then the bought it at. A successful new game release, along with a budget that has less expenses on it(layoffs) could look pretty I enticing to a new buyer, especially an already established studio who may want to hire their own staff.

    2. PS4 release is a hit. CN holds true to the description of their company and sticks it out for the long haul. They hire new devs, invest more money into new features and content to please their newly increased player base and overall the game goes in a positive direction and lives on for a few more years.

    3. PS4 is a failure. The game slowly dies off on PC and PS4 while they start to attempt to squeeze money from the player in desperate ways. CN sells company assets and then sells company at a loss. Why?. Who woulda thunk a failing company could help a investment firm financially? Well CN may have seen this as a failing company, assume it will continue to lose money, and intends to use their loses as a way to claim loses on their tax filing which lessens their tax burden.

    All scenerios can be financially successful for CNs and I feel PS4 is where we will see the future of the game being decided.
  6. DQCraze

    Game feels the same as it did last month and ill continue playing until the servers go down. This isnt the first game ive closed and wont be the last. Stop worrying and speculating, its a waste of time.
  7. ronjahn

    This. The number of people quitting and dropping subs is silly. Was an affiliation with Sony, along with Higby's and the rest of the dev teams employment the only reason you were playing the game to begin with? If your not having fun anymore, the go for it, but if you still enjoy the game, nothing about it has changed and it still runs just as well/bad as ever! I for one will only stop playing when I am no longer having fun or they shut down the servers.
  8. Gutseen

    First of all Day Break will see what the old dev crew was planning, see if it will benefit the game and (if needed) throw a few tweaks on 'em.
    **No new hats or golden new weapons for a while, they are irrelevant.

    So, since PlanetSide is somewhat in a REKT state over the past year, we'll be facing some RLY edgy turns in terms of game balance and class roles, weapons, side tech etc.
    Shake things up a bit to intrest new people, get a fresh crowd of players.

    Just look at Blizz & the new WoW Expansion - Warlords of Dreanor. Pandaria was a wreck and a totall fail, devs redone almost 90% of the things done in Pandaria, and look. TONZ of players, that old school taste. WoW in back on the horse, AGAIN.

    Keep ya pents on, Day Break will not duck sheep up, they simply cant afford that.


    The PS4 ver of the game is not in the priorety list, its a work in progress, but too much of a fuss to adapt the pace it inherets since Planetside is a PC-only oriented game.

    PC ver. comes first
    PS4 will meet changes after approval on PC.
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  9. MikeyGeeMan

    Backport from ps4 to PC.

    And if cnova has the resources I think they do. And Epstein is feeling the groove. We will see cross platform.

    Lets face it, its all been done except that. That is the future of gaming. Any platform all together.

    But that is pie in the sky.

    But definitely a backport from ps4 to PC. its easy to do and maintain.
  10. Gutseen

    = CasulSide2
    = gamepad users get REKT by over 1600 dpi PC players
    new consoles are ALREADY choking with preformanceSide, backports will only mean even ******er graphics and overall experience
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  11. FocusLight

    The Golden Age either just ended... or it's about to start.

    Take your pick, I'm waiting and seeing. We will know inside of 2 months if there is any change made to this game, and if it was positive. No positive change or no change at all is obviously bad.
  12. RykerStruvian

    Planetside 2 is pretty much dead. Anyone who was flailing their arms in the air saying 'Planetside 2 isnt dead, you're overreacting, lololol doomsayer' is pretty much wrong. Maggie, TRay, and now Higby are gone. Now this new company is laying off members for a game which was just beginning to turn a profit.

    Planetside 2 is officially dead. Planetside in general is dead. SOE is gone. This is the end.
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  13. Nikushimi

    Well if they are laying off problematic employees then why is smedley still president, hes been running the company into the ground for the past fifteen years, hes holds sole responsibility for just about every major bad decision SOE has made, the only good thing he has done for the company was hiring Brad Mcquaid and Steve Clover (which resulted in the original everquest that carried the studio for five years).
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  14. Fish225

    I want to be optimistic and I want PS2 to do well, because I've spent a LOT of money on this game. But realistically I feel like I'd be surprised if PS2 lasts until the end of 2015. Acquisitions of this nature aren't usually a good thing.
  15. Goretzu

    EU server populations are certainly dropping badly, but then the EU servers are basically unplayable [2500-4500ms pings as standard and 10000-150000ms is not unusual] and have been for a month now (and they were never great to begin with).
  16. GhostAvatar

    If they resolve the ping issues, they will get a large portion of the community on there side.
  17. Blueink

    The game has gone downhill for awhile now so even if it gets worse it will not be that big of a deal. While he seems like the type of guy you could chat over a beer with and you never know what goes on behind closed doors the 'design' decisions and 'balance' decisions under Higby have been garbage and as the face he wears the can for that.The potential of this game was there for all to see unfortunately the old team stuffed it with poor decision after poor decision and we are left with the imbalanced, poor performing mess we have now.

    While it is never great to see people lose their job people moving on gives others an opportunity to step up with fresh ideas. Its not a guarantee as there are so many factors involved in people being enabled to make positive changes but it is an opportunity.
  18. sustainedfire

    I'm pretty sure that hats and gun skins are going to be top priority.

    Golden guns for every weapon. Every TR wants a gold TRAC5.......
  19. lothbrook

    If this game hinges on the PS4 version then all is lost, lol. The PS4 version will be a colossal failure, porting a 2 year old game never goes well.
  20. K2k4

    while I don't agree with you on the 'hats and gold skins' thing, I do really want a golden trac5!

    I choose to remain skeptical. Currently I'm subscribed with about 5 months left before my next renewal. I'll unsub near the end of this current sub if things fall apart, but I'm not putting another dime into this game until then unless the new 'regime' and restructuring results in some serious game upgrades.

    I've been playing since beta.. I know that most of the negativity for the game exists only on the forums and in outfit leadership (not my outfit, but I've seen enough complaints from bored platoon leaders to know that this is a huge problem. Playing the game is still fun (when performance doesn't get impacted by server lag).

    Other problems this game has faced are the buff/nerf cycle of the past 6 months, the anniversary bundle, the bs excuses for 'content' which have been put out (new camo is NOT content, new weapons with the same mechanics are NOT content, vehicle cosmetics NOT content, gold and black weapons are NOT content, pumpkin and snowman hunts are NOT content, all of these things are crappy excuses to put out a patch that are clearly just to generate new revenue and have negatively impacted players), lack of developer interaction, the removal of the roadmap, devs being promoted to use twitter and reddit as a priority and avoiding using their own forums, and putting margaret krohn on another team (i say this as a male that an attractive female gamer touting how awesome a game is really brings males to a game). The DDOS yesterday may have actually hurt the new company more than anything, as there was no official communication on this during the attack and it took a very long time for the recovery.. SOE has had ddos against them in the past and I can only hope that nothing was compromised like in previous attacks

    I hate being so negative, so I'll try to be positive. I did a reinstall yesterday after the ddos left my connection to the previous client impossible and the game is running significantly better today. other than a couple of lag spikes I was able to maintain 60-80fps even in a 24-48 vs 24-48 battle. These are good things.