Unable to Open Launchpad

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by 1NieMamPomyslu1, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. meaturama

    Careful, i made a thread about the launchpad issues and it got removed so please be careful what you post from now on or this thread may be next. I guess the new corporate overlords don't want bad publicity and will quash any negative posts.
  2. terente

    Same thing here, turns black and never goes back :)
    It's developer's way of saying "get a life". It's valentine's day.. man up and face the dang..ahem ladies!
    There's an alert in those panties too, you know.
  3. Nasher

    Another DDOS attack. It's all over the Steam forums.

    Lets just hope Daybreak didn't already lay off the network engineers...
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  4. user300115

    You mean the thread that was filled with swearing and insults?
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  5. SheepsRule

    If people would bash their head against a brick wall according to the number of insults and unjustified accusation spewed on forums the world could be a better place. Come to think of it, maybe they already do but results vary.
  6. Haquim

    Well, this sucks.
    I wonder if it would be possible to stop a DDOS attack by a DDOS counterattack - spamming the spammers so much they can't spam their spam ;)
    No Idea whether that would be legal or healthy for the net though..
  7. Loanchip

    Dont know whether its possible or not, but it surely would be fun to watch ;)
  8. ShinyWaxBullet

    I'm in finally, anyone else able to get in? Try the launchpad?
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  9. Zathrus

    Well the group attacking them gets their thrills shutting down game servers.

    nice group of folks.... :mad: NOT!
  10. duskwarrior797

    Same, my launchpad loaded.

    It's should be working again right now, guys. Try using the launchpad again. FINALLY!
  11. Recel

    Still going black for me. :/
  12. Xipoid1

    When is this gona be fixed...
  13. EpkSceOnTcos

    I was able to get in at about 11:30 for about 45 minutes and then my latency rocketed to 95000 and wouldn't go back down. Maybe those Lizard guys on Twitter are telling everyone to get a life because today is Valentine's day.
  14. Batsteg

    No luck here
  15. KirthGersen

    Almost 10 hrs under kids DDOS and still nor working. Such shame.
  16. bloodfuchs

    Don´t be hillarious, the internet today is filled with year- to - year old fashioned Valentine´s jokes and the vast majority is pulled by guys who actually encourage you to drink water instead of wine, but themselves do the exact opposit.

    Actually no, i worked my "Clegg" off half of the day and can´t play at the evening? pls :confused:

    It has been told to me by some internet rubbish posts that they attacked H1Z1. Then why did the PS2 go down as well? I highly doubt they run H1Z1 on the exact same server then PS2 :eek:

    EDIT: By the time i edited this, i was able to actually log in but the servers are empty.
  17. M0butu

    The Lizard Group is a hoax and doesnt exist. And btw, DDOS attack is so 2000, cool kids do cooler stuff nowadays. I am much more worried about the windows download screen I get when opening the launcher.
  18. Scatterblak

    Anyone else seeing the DownloadSevice popup before Launchpad bombs? I'm thinking tt's not lizard or a ddos attack, or the DownloadService popup wouldn't keep coming up. Maybe there's some sort of minor update to LaunchPad.exe that's hosing everything - it's bombing the process, so we can't connect, and it's not completing whatever update that is, or the DownloadService popup wouldnt keep popping up.
  19. trtamrtasmrta

    It`s working now
  20. Booface

    I never bothered to learn much about Lizard Squad's (or whomever is claiming to be Lizard Squad) specific methods, but generally that's not going to be an effective response. First of all, you have no way of knowing where the requests originally came from (probably what they get on their logs is going to be only the first layer of an onion) without some significant intelligence gathering. Second, the "distributed" part of "distributed denial of service" means that to respond in kind to each participating system you'd have to send out an enormous amount of traffic--the dynamic would be exactly the same (you'd be handling massive traffic that stretches your capacity) except you'd be doing it to yourself.

    Caveat: I work in a related field but I'm not an expert, so in the interest of (probably) not saying anything incorrect I'll stick to generalities.

    There's a few ways to respond. One is to wait it out. If it's just some kids who are renting botnets, eventually their time will run out. If the attackers own the resources they are directing against you, hopefully their attention (and resources )will eventually be drawn elsewhere. If the attack doesn't abate, you can bring in more temporary capacity either by renting equipment or repurposing it (it's easier and quicker than it sounds, but it can get expensive). Another is to basically run counter-intelligence on the incoming traffic and see if you can isolate the origins of the traffic to ignore them. You can also just to have hardware that can handle this kind of thing, but you've got to keep in mind that SOE (now Daybreak) isn't exactly Amazon in terms of its resources. Straight up absorption isn't something you can realistically expect from most companies.

    Point is, if you have an attack that is more than you can absorb with the resources you can bring to bear (which for a company Daybreak's size is entirely possible), any of your responses are going to take time.

    Just give it (hopefully) a few hours, maybe even a day or two. If they're lucky, since PSN was (I think) hit by Lizard Squad as well, they can lean on those connections to know what the best response is. Honestly, I don't know why these guys are hitting online game companies other than to just be jerks. It accomplishes nothing but throwing off peoples' schedules who have limited free time. If they wanted to steal something or make some kind of statement then it'd still be wrong but it'd make sense, these repeated attacks against entertainment systems just seem anarchic and mean.