PvE would be nice, something for casual gamers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Weylin

    I've played this game for months off and on, and I just can't get in to the PvP
    I understand this game is built around PvP, but does it have to be?
    What if we had PvE zones where players have to fight some kind of computer controlled menace?
    Could be things like hostile wildlife, aliens, rogue factions of some sort, whatever fits.

    I would play and possibly pay a lot more if this game could implement something like this.
    It's just that the PvP is too difficult and too unrewarding for filthy casuals like me :p

    Going as medic and engineer all the time to have any chance of earning certs at all? Boring.
    Fighting off hordes of varied hostile insectoid creatures with your buddies like in starship troopers? Awesome.
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  2. zombielores

    Planetside 2 doesn't work with PvE simply because it's designed around PvP.

    And most if not all PvE games turn into a endless grind once you realize how to beat the system AI like in CoD zombies where it just becomes a endless grind for no real purpose once you find a spot to train zombies.

    There are much better PvE games out there so why would you want planetside to become on.
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  3. FateJH

    The playerbase should be all the artificial intelligence this game needs.
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  4. Hosp

    Wait...I'm shooting other players? :eek:

    On a more serious note. Can't become PvE. Even the best AI becomes a pointless grind. At least with PvP, there's a greater chance of something dynamic occurring.
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  5. BlueSkies

    Sadly, Smedley already has plans for some sort of alien invasion
  6. Weylin

    I dunno, I feel like the only one with any artificial intelligence around here, the other players are pretty smart :p

    I can see PvE working for this game, but not easy to implement.
    They COULD add a whole new assortment of items and services specific to it, but I can't say if it would pay off.
  7. Crator

    If any PvE was added at all, it would be incorporated with the PvP. Doesn't sound like this game is the kind of game the OP wants. This is ok, not all games are for everyone all the time. Just curious, what is it you like about Planetside that makes you want to play PvE only?
  8. HannaDest

    Why not also add quests and pets ? The NC captured a TR princess and are now hiding her in their tower of freedom and the brave TR heroes are on the way to rescue her. But half the way there at night they see some purple shadows in the dark...........

    No sorry I hope they dont waste a single manhour on that. This is a PvP game, period.
  9. z1967

    I thought I was already fighting bots? Based on the amount of stupid mistakes my team mates and allies make...

    Nah, bots wouldn't randomly gun me down with a CARV for no apparent reason. Unless they're advanced AI :eek:
  10. HannaDest

    I recently saw a BR 3 Vanu medic trying to rez some of my teammates. I was a medic too and about to do the same. I was baffled for a moment and then I did something tha tfelt like murder :(

    The point is, no bot would be doing that.
  11. MechSniper1324

    We have PvE turrets. That is all I want to be dying by that isn't a player. Nothing more, nothing less.
  12. Weylin

    Well, I like the open world aspect of the game, and how it's a constant battle, not just short little sessions on little maps that people come to know all the little quirks of. The game is extremely variable, you never know what's going to show up.

    The main reason I would like a PvE mode is that I'm just sick and tired of facing instant death at every corner, constantly having to run to the front line for a few hundred exp. Sometimes going for half an hour in a vehicle and only 500exp to show for it.. Ugh.

    Other players go on these lengthy kill streaks, earning certs at a high rate, devastating convoys with aircraft, successfully flanking dozens of enemies, running up to a sunderer and dropping anti tank mines, scoring tons of kills. The list goes on.

    My frame rate just sucks, it's hardly playable, the flinch mechanics and muzzle flash are disorienting, and I only kill half the people I get the jump on.
  13. zaspacer

    I would love to see PvE added:

    1) Separate single player game using existing art assets (this would be trivial and only take a handful of Designers with some lite Code/Art support). Reason: expand the way the game can appeal, can get good reviews, and can make $. This is what most FPS do, even ones with great PvP in them. Why not use this easy method to make money, attract new players, etc?

    2) Within the PvP as Content. NPC Bosses spawn inside Warpgate and offer PvP Quests (base Objectives) for Solo/Squad/Outfit. Winning bases along Lattice will spawn more (and different) Bosses/NPC at various Base Spawnrooms, who give different Quests or provide items to fulfill Quests. Any enemy pops those bases with an NPC inside, and they get to take out the cursing Boss too (in fact, taking said Bosses or being in Battle that does will often be Quest objectives: loot the corpse for item). Other Quests can be to defend Boss, or if Spawnroom gonna fail, to take Item from them and deliver it to NPC/Location (helping route defenders to next base).

    3) Within the PvP as Fluff. Take a base and Faction decor (more than just that banner) spawn at base. Also, it spawns NPC of type relevant for the base (Technicians in white coats at Tech Plant), etc. These NPCs are trivial to kill (just dudes in coats), but can raise alarm and can repair generators. NPCs will respawn every 10 min, but will not respawn if base is contested. Maybe light NPC Security Troops, who are still trivial to kill, but add theme. In many ways, these just give the world a sense of real feeling, while also fulfilling roles similar to basic hurdles to take down bases. Likewise add very small bits of wildlife in empty areas, give it a sense of being alive.

    I can appreciate that most players have a built in aversion to PvE in PvP. And I myself don't want some dumb (or crazy good) AI bot that shoots at me. But they'd be great for supporting immersion for things like Quests or just in interacting with bases.
  14. JudgeNu

    I have played my fair share of MMORPG's as well as FPS's.
    This will be my first MMOFPS.
    Albeit it is not entirely like an MMORPG being it has no PvE.
    AI Turrets being the closest thing to PvE.

    I think it is safe to say that as far as an MMORPG goes, the "hardcore" PvP'rs (by Hardcore I mean opposed to any PvE elements)aren't enough to sustain a main title.
    Even in Titles that come from PWE (P2W-MMORPG) there are still more players who aren't opposed to PvE.

    However this is a new realm for me.
    The MMOFPS.
    I seriously doubt there are enough "hardcore" FPS'rs to sustain PS2.
    But an MMOFPS is a different animal.
    FPS'rs play to get kills.
    That is what kept us playing CS etc.
    Not everyone, as you know, who play PS2, can get kills like the TOP 200 players.

    This game already has elements that most players are just beginning to grasp.
    I believe there is room for some revolutionary gameplay here.
    I think that World Bosses during Non-Alert times would be something in that direction.
    I know some of you will disagree, but what are the demographics?

    Just my 2 Certs.
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  15. Thrones

    Lairs - Subterranean bases with a capture point at the core, capturing the point decreases connected lattice capture time by 20% for 30 minutes. Lairs contain regional AI based mobs (Esamire - Crystaline Spider drones, Hossin - Wasp Drones, Indar - Scorpion drones, Amerish - Hungry NC baby drones). There are multiple spawners through out the lairs, and spawns stop once the capture point has been flipped.

    After 30 minutes, spawners are re-enabled.

    Bamm, PVE PVP Blended environment. I'll take SC and Check or Money Order. Or, just send me more AoD Zerg, cause Directives have to be gotten.
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  16. Konstantinn

    CounterStrike bots were very lifelike. But it took a lot of work to create those, plus maps in PS2 are huge compared to CounterStrike. Even battlefield bots were ok, maps were a bit larger, but still not even close to PS2. Also bandwidth and processing requirements wouldn't be realistic in a game this size.

    Maybe in distant future... when we all complain about how slow google fiber is and how outdated our 32 core CPUs are...
  17. FieldMarshall

    I get what you mean, but thats like saying "I played Starcraft for months and i cant get into the whole RTS thing. I get that its a strategy game, but does it have to be?"
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  18. Leftconsin

    The nice thing about Starcraft with the user made maps is the answer is no, it doesn't have to be.

    I'm going to agree with the original poster. PvP in this game can be hard. The inclusion of PvE elements could be a serious boon for this game to improve the number of players, and thus the income to the game, and thus more resources for development! Team Fortress 2 has PvE now. You don't have to have roaming hostile NPCs in the PvP game, but you can set up, say, a PvE continent.
  19. Jawarisin

    I suggest you go look at Unreal Tournament 2004 - Invasion mode. Pretty sure you can buy it for less than 20$, possibly 10$ or not even. In any case, it's exactly what you're looking for, and way more. There's heavily moded invasion modes which you'd probably love.

    But PS2 is a PvP game where PvE has no place. It won't happen even if you ask, and I'm not trying to be a dick, just being realist.
  20. Crashsplash

    I recall that jaw-dropping moment when he revealed that during tech test or beta. I still don't know what he was drinking.