Dying almost instantly to every weapon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drasilov, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Drasilov

    I dont know if anyone else experiences this but since I started playing I die almost immediately someone fires at me. Even when playing HA with shield I die so quickly I barely have time to squeeze off even a few bullets. Yet, when attacking enemies I can fire almost an entire clip at them and they are still alive? The VE3 has a 30 round clip and I have fired all bullets at an enemy with what looks like a good hit rate, he's still alive, he turns, kills me in 2 hits. This happens so often I'm kind of used to the fact that I'm dead if I dont manage to kill the enemy before he turns round.

    I wish I was exaggerating but I'm not - worst time was dying in 1 shot to a LA1 Anchor (I think or a similar weapon) when I had full health and shield. I literally ran round the corner - bam dead. Could understand it if its a shotgun but not an Anchor.

    At range, if I get hit it takes off (usually) all my shield and half my health with a normal MG or carbine. This is well over 50m range. I can see the bullets, I get a single hit register and I'm already on half health. Unless I am already running - dead the very next shot as if you are stationary the lag keeps you stationary to the enemy even if you set off running.

    Nanoweave seems to do absolutely nothing at all.

    Its really detrimental to my enjoyment and the playing field just doesnt seem level. I'm guessing its due to input lag or something. My connection is good. Kind of at a loss really.
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  2. Crayv

    Yeah, I think it has something to do with lag. I've been having a lot as well.

    The worst was a few weeks ago when I was "one shotted" in my ESF by a rotary on another ESF. Flying along at full health and suddenly I hear a loud sound (almost like flak hitting but not quite) and suddenly I explode. Death screen showed I was taken from full to dead by a rotary.
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  3. _itg

    New players usually feel this way at first. It's kind of unavoidable when you're thrown into battle with people who have been playing this game for 1,000+ hours. If you keep at it, you'll find yourself winning more and more of these engagements.
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  4. sustainedfire

    Could be game lag, could be your play style, maybe your playing to aggressive - hard to do much beside speculate unless you provide a video.
  5. HappyStuffin

    It's probably a mixture of everything that people are suggesting. I know what you mean though. Even to experienced players, if someone gets the drop on them, they have almost no time to react and usually the best outcome is they will both die.

    I just started a new character recently in TR after playing NC to a a little over BR50. You say that nanoweave doesn't seem to do much but I swear it does. Starting a new character is hard, let alone being new to them game.

    Like the rest of us, you've just got to die way more than you would like before you can start returning the favor.

    I suggest that you play medic/engineer and revive/heal everybody you can in a zerg and repair turrets and surrenders like crazy. That will get your xp up quickly so that you can quickly cert in nanoweave + better gun/accessories.

    Good luck, Drasilov
  6. Mythologicus

    I may have upgraded to a new mouse, but my unfamiliarity with it does not magically make 70% of my shots fail to register.

    I had great plans to relearn with the mouse, Auraxium some weapons along the way, and generally get back into infantry combat and PS2 in general. Unfortunately, after just two sessions, the spiking latency, desyncs and bad hit detection forced me back to logging in every once and a while to run vehicles with a friend. Unloading half a magazine into a guy to deal literally no damage at all, and then get two-shot by a full-auto weapon is...
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  7. Captain Kid

    Working as intended. There is a second delay between your screen and the enemies screen a lot of the time (lag). So while it seems you die in 1 shot in reality the enemy already emptied half a clip in to you..

    Plus the weapons are kind of..difficult to use. With flinch and cone of fire a lot of the times you are not even hitting the target. And other times the enemy is dead extremely fast because your shots do hit. Also sometimes the lag is worse then other times.

    Very frustrating and probably one of the reasons this game isn't as popular as you would expect.
  8. MrGrampybone

    I know exactly what OP is talking about. This is an issue that has been around for a long time.
    For me it comes and goes, usually a relog will fix it.

    It's very frustrating when people chalk it down to LTP issues because this is real and when you get it's very obvious something is wrong.
    You can shoot your full mag in someones face and they just wont die and then kill you almost instatnly.
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  9. MrGrampybone

    Thats not it. It does not explain why you yourself can't seem to kill anyone even if you get to shoot your full clip at them.
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  10. Captain Kid

    I know, I edited my post. Also there are some hit detection issues. Yesterday I emptied a whole clip in an enemy at 30 meters and didn't get one hit marker.

    After a thousand hours I still am not sure why this happens but I chalk it on to lag and difficult to use weapons. And headshots and getting hit by multiple enemies without the deathscreen showing it. (deathscreen is probably broken?)
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  11. Paqu

    Its been like that for a month or so. There has been some serious issues with the servers and the lag spikes are bad. I have had occasions where I empty a full magazine to enemy and when I start reloading he suddenly dies like a second later.

    It may feel like enemy kills you with one bullet, but I can assure you thats not the case. In their screen they propably emptied half the mag in to you or more but thanks to lag in your screen it seems like you got hit by a single bullet.

    To greatly increase your chances of staying alive is to never stop moving. That way you will not end up in a situation where you make yourself an easy target where enemy can shoot half a clip into you before you even know it and therefore dying instantly.
  12. Copasetic

    The EU servers have been lagging a lot for the past few months so maybe it's that. I'm constantly getting instagibbed by SMGs with no warning, killed before any damage registers on my screen and getting hit 1-2s after getting behind cover. It's never been this bad before.

    Even if your connection shows good other people are getting poor connections because of routing issues and those poor connections are causing all kinds of problems.
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  13. Iridar51

    I've been one-shotted lately a lot too. Server lag.
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  14. Turiel =RL=

    Same here! You attack someone with the initiative, hit him with 5-6 bullets before he even reacts, he turns around and 1-shots you with a weapon that does 143 damage per bullet. When the death screen appears it shows that he has something like 60% health left.
  15. Eternaloptimist

    Well yes, server lag happens to all of us. I read that it takes about 0.6 seconds to take someone down with auto fire so your reaction time plus bullets hitting you before your computer even tells you they are landing adds up to a no win situation if you are caught flat-footed by someone who can aim. And if you emptied a whole magazine in return it is almost certain that recoil caused a lot of the rounds to miss (unless you were burst-firing). What surprises me is when I have hit someone at range with only one or two shots and he goes down (not that I'm complaining, mind you). I just assume he must have had almost no HP left.
  16. stalkish

    I was 2 shotted by a TR carbine yesterday, saw him shooting but took no damage, then i felt a hit, he fired some more and nothing, then hit and die. This happened in about 3 seconds but i could clearly feel the 2 hits rather than the 10+ he probably gave me.

    Another thing yesterday, shot a mag, watched my shell hit (mag was already on fire, i was on his rear) mag did not explode, my gunner asked why i didnt kill it, i said 'i shot it right in the ****, it should be dead' then (about 10 seconds after the hit) i get a hit marker and 'mag kill' flash up, no kills tho since the game seemed to let the mag driver jump out after id hit him but before it regd the damage.

    This delay in giving me the hit happened on numerous occasions yesterday and we were fighting on esamir at the time, the majority of the server was on hossin so it was relatively empty, infact we enjoyed several tank battles with the same tank crew thats how little players were around.
  17. Czarinov

    Hitdetection problems are VERY rare. And you can't call hitdetection bad when whole server is lagging (which is entirely different problem). Unfortunately "bad hitdetection" is often used by bad players to explain their lack of skill. Luckily it just means people need to play better and their problems will mostly vanish.
  18. MrGrampybone

    Alot of people are talking about the lag and latency and this is causing damage compression that will make it look like you die instantly. This is true and might be the cause of the instant death but when this happens to me I have noted no laggyness or high latency.

    Lag does not explain how I can shoot a full clip at someone and hit, I get hitmarkers, sometimes even several headshots and still not kill the guy.
    It's hard to explain but I have played this game enough to know when something is wrong and it is very obvious when this is happening imo because when it starts you can be unable to kill severaly guys in a row even though you get the jump on them. A reboot usually fixes it.
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  19. Reclaimer77

    Spraying clips at people in Planetiside 2 isn't the best way to get a kill. Doesn't mean something is wrong with the game, just your tactics.
  20. Illucidator

    This can be true because when i started playing ps2 i played la and found i was getting utterly destroyed so i thought id play HA and id just be a tank and just take hits but i soon found out this game doesnt work like that you cant take hits like say in tf2. You really dont want to get hit and you dont want to be seen and in absolutely every one v one engagement you want to be the one who initiates because of lagg its goin to seem to the enemy that you just popped around the corner when in fact because of latency you have shot at them for half a second making it seem to them like you instakilled them.