[Suggestion] If a new continent gets made I have two suggestions.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ronjahn, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. ronjahn

    1. Cut the number of territories/bases in half.

    2. Increase the size and scale of buildings and bases.

    It makes me sad to think about all the time spent by the devs building all those bases around the Warpgates that get used maybe once every month or so. Many of them are complex and really fun places to play, they have just become unused and in my opinion, especially on Hossin, a waste of dev time. I was shocked at the size and complexity of Hossin but it made me understand why it took so long to create.

    The continent can still be the same size, but simply have far less hexes and larger more complex facilites.

    The lattice forces us to fight in large groups at the same bases over and over. If we are going to be forced to do this, then please, for the love of GODSAW, design facilites and buildings that are capable of handling this number of people. Warehouses, Giant courtyards filled with cover, airfields, shipping docks, extensive excavation sites.. Not tiny areas that boil down to 250 people crammed into a portapotty sized shack at the bottom of a ditch or a building smaller then the 2 family home I rent.

    Thoughts anyone?
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  2. Pikachu

    It must be multi terrain. That sjould be the norm not the exception. -.-
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  3. Tommyp2006

    I agree. Bases that are spread out like the size of tech plants should be bases on the smaller side for this game.

    Bases imo should be about the size of a major facility and all of it's satellite bases.
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  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    cant wait for a dark red apocalyptic volcano continent!

    or a city/urban battle island
  5. Pikachu

    No satellite bases. No biolabs.
  6. LtSqueak

    I would love to see something like this.

    Indar is a terrible example because there are so many bases really close together, but just imagine:
    Indar Ex - Indar Comm - Quartz Ridge are all combined into one super territory with a point at each current "base". Indar Comm would have to move it's point outside of the tower to make the battles better, but it's already got points away from the tower so no huge change. Instead of huge zergs being capable of pushing one hex and lagging everyone to hell due to the pop, the battle lines would have to be more spreadout in order to take a base.

    I know, I'm a dreamer and it would never work this way, but a guy can hope, right?
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  7. Tommyp2006

    I would actually say that quartz ridge and indar ex should stay seperate, but instead make one big flatlands base to replace CoraMed and Helios Solar
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  8. LtSqueak

    Yeah, that sounds good too. I'm not a dev. I can't really judge what would work, I just know that all of the tiny bases crammed together doesn't currently work.
  9. Alchemist44

    Maybe make smaller objectives to complete in order to be able to proceed with the capture? Something like in amp stations: cant cap until inf shield gen is gone.
  10. Shadowomega

    I said it before and will say it again. Planetside 1 did continents right, nearly every base had at least 1km between each other with more open terrain. Esamir before the walls were added was the closest to this.

    As for Searhus the "dark red apocalyptic volcano continent" got a feeling that large parts of it will be dedicated infantry fighting with decent small scale armor warfare.
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  11. LtSqueak

    I reserve some slight hope for the floating island continent. Hopefully they only put one base per island and have only a couple of bridges off of each one because bridge fights are the best.
  12. Shadowomega

    Well the Battle Islands will be out before Searhus at least that is what I heard from people that went to SOE live last year. The floating island will likely be something similar to Nexus which I hear is finished but it being held till three more are ready.
  13. KnightCole

    Yes, this.

    And if they are gong to add more conts, then DROP CONT LOCK!!!!! Cuz oh my ***** god...All cont lock does is reduce the number of playable conts from 4 to 1 or 2.....So, we get Searhus, Ishundar, Cyssor, Indar, Esamir, Hossin, Koltyr, Nexus, City map....and of all those, the only ones we can play on will be Searhus and Indar....and no one sees a serious problem here? Why the hell even design the maps if we cant play on them 90% of them 95% of the time?

    Blah blah, big fights, blah blah, players spread out.....but its not like the game is any better in those big *** blobs.....This game is the most fun when its a series of 12v12 or 24v24 battles going on all over the continent and on several continents. Then there is always a battle going on somewhere, that is small enough to not choke the game and still big enough for some action. And if you get bored in one spot, you move on to another.

    These 300v300 fights, 2 on 1 cont and nothing on another, its boring, its lame, its laggy and buggy, hit detect dies, fun dies....its just an overall **** experience. Biolabs with 300v300? its a door camp fest until one side spams MAXEs through it. But if its 24v24, some guys camp the front and another force fights over the back, usually you can get in. There are holes in the defenses to attack through, and enough people to keep it defended and make it fun.

    Something like Hyperion H.O.H would be rad. Except no vehicles.
  15. Pikachu

    Adding more plauable space (continets) was a thinc ba k at release when we had 14 servers wvich then couod be merged for a real multi continetal war. Now its purpose is map variation.
  16. delt3

    How about an urban continent, with some suburbs around the high rises of in then center of the continent
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  17. Pikachu

    Its strange ghatn Searhus props has been in ghe files for a long time but nothing for ghe battle islands. :confused: Nexus is close to finished. Still plenth of pink glowing placeholder props and random snowstorm particle clouds here and there.
  18. Pikachu

    Its being tested. The issue is too much details which risks performance loss too much. Most likelh the buildikgs will be solid blocks, no interior. One could suspect short render distance like on Hossin as well. Foggy polluted place.
  19. Pikachu

    Dark apocalyptic... the skyfile for Searhus is teal in color as seen in the editor on videos. It indicates that Searhus will be more like Hawaii rather than Venus.
  20. Karrade

    Couldn't they just be ruined or burned out structures, rather than solid blocks? As well as the complete buildings I mean.