Why the future of this game will be private servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pie Chasm, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. Pie Chasm

    Right now, as I type this in disgust, a few people trapped in rocks are taking down entire platoons with 100% headshot accuracy.

    If it's not that, it's the fact I have 40 ms latency and 3 second delays, or complete lack of hit detection.

    There is no more development, no more road map, no more anything, because there is no future of this game with SOE. There never was.

    Look to the future. Save your money, stop buying memberships and let it tank gracefully.

    This is just disgraceful.
  2. Iridar51

    Genuine question: what is a private server in this context? Like a WoW pirate server or Lineage shard or something? What do they have to do with the game's grim future?
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  3. AlterEgo

    Indeed. I do suggest you keep up with the devs little schedule, in which they are cooking up a MASSIVE offensive to crush all technical issues the game currently suffers from, which is why they said they are NOT working on adding anything to the game anytime soon. They are going to FIX the game before they ADD TO the game, which I consider is far more important.

    P.S. As to everyone reading this, pay as much money as you like, pay as little as you want, but just do ONE thing: Play the game. Have fun. Retain hope. SOE will prevail, and that especially goes for this jewel of a game.
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  4. Kuriby


    The future of this game has always been private servers.

    Planetside 1 died because it was WAY ahead of its time, too ambitious.

    Planetside 2 is dieing because it calls itself a MMOFPS.... yet... MMO is all its good at. It lacks so many critical components that make an FPS game good. Sadly, the dev's don't care anymore.

    The future has always been bad, it never really got better :(
  5. IvanCGray

    Oh look, more whining and complaining about the game, when PS4 release is in Beta, and a number of changes are currently live on the Test Server. "I'm an irritated little man! I'm upset, validate me! Waaahhhhh!"
  6. NoctD

    Private servers? Where you'll travel for days without finding someone else to kill?

    Um, ok, go knock yourself out. Try out the PTS - its like a private server, almost.
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