[Suggestion] Raven proposed 200m nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ConcernedGamer, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. GhostAvatar

    Tough, this is what happens when you abuse the hell out of someone brokenly OP. Just look at Fractures, ZOE etc. this is what happens. Trying to stand here now making rational arguments for you own factions abuse is funny as hell. I have seen this cycle way to many times now. Dont worry, the pitch fork brigade will move onto the next thing after it is nerfed to the ground.
  2. PrimePriest

    You're 100% right, therefore I can't wait when Pounders are getting nerfed.

    In comparsion with OP Ravens
    Oh noes...red line still appears above the blue. Damn those NC, they can't even use their OP weapons properly.

    Though in all honesty. I'm really curious what will be next target for crybabies after this Raven nerf.
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  3. Unsp0kn

    I don't know about that praise to Vanu crap but in for Striker buff! :D
  4. GhostAvatar

    Lolz, so funny when you try. Dude I have played forumside way longer than you. Ponders top for KPU and bottom for VKPH in all MAX AV weapons. Raven second top KPU (Only bested by Pounders) and also top VKPH.

    Ravens are the best at there intended role by a large margin. Then have the ability to actually kill as well. Pounders are so far off there intended role, that they are only good for killing infantry. But when compared to actual infantry intended weapons, they fall drastically short of the mark. Pounders are only good for counter MAX play and that's it.
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  5. Kalivix

    Would this really affect anybody? I've never used ravens as they do so little damage and you need to sit out in the open for AAAAGES to actually kill anything. Falcons all the way, it requires a bit of skill to lead the target but in exchange you get way more damage and you can shoot then duck behind cover.

    I really don't get where this idea that we use ravens even came from, I never see anybody use them except a few BR 10s who stand on a ridge for a few seconds then get blown up as they try to stay in constant sight of what they are attacking.
  6. PrimePriest

    You win...this time. :D
  7. IvanCGray

    Lots of people use Ravens to fight at mid-range because our AI weapons are ******* AWFUL anywhere beyond 5 meters, 10 tops. The Ravens themselves are only a symptom, not the actual problem.

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  8. Jake the Dog

    If anything if you check all the stats between how each of the weapons perform I conclude that
    Ravens have +2x more KPU than the other comparitive ES max weapons.
    Pounders ~KPU ratio to comets 3/5
    Pounders ~KPU ratio to falcons 2/5
    If anything the falcon needs a buff and comets need a slight buff.
    What probably factors the most into this is that the other to choices lack anything special about them as they are lesser forms of the other ES AV weapons whereas pounders are an entirely different weapon. If anything falcons should be the wire guided type and make raven hard hitting fast moving rockets.
  9. IvanCGray

    Nooooo, please don't make Falcons wire-guided. Let that be the Ravens' thing; I love muh dumbfires.
  10. Bloodlet

    What do you mean "actually"? Are you new?
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  11. Bindlestiff

    If by new you mean been around since December 2012 then sure, I'm new.
  12. axiom537

    200m range is ridicules...300-400m I could live with, but I'm sorry 200m is crazy stupid...Why even bother with wire guided if 200m is the max range. I'd rather have a faster non guided rocket at that point...
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  13. Xasapis

    200m is not the max range, where did you read that? 200m is the range where the weapon will be doing the max damage. From that point on each weapon will have a different damage degradation, up to 300, where the damage will be indeed zero.

    Anti-Vehicle Weapons
    For the longer range weapons, we want to ensure they are effective around the 200 meter then effectiveness drops to the 300 meter mark. We also want to ensure they are more comparable to each other in terms of range and defending yourself against infantry.

  14. axiom537

    Well, people kept saying 200m and honestly I would put it past SOE, Thanks for the link...

    Well I suppose that is a little better, but as a 450 cert cost AV weapons platform, it should have roughly the same range capabilities as a MBT We are not talking a free infantry held rocket or a free engineer turret with no costs and unlimited ammunition.

    Honestly I would have rather they buff the other AV Maxes. Giving each of them greater velocity, would help with the range advantage of the Ravens.