[Suggestion] Give The NC an Automatic Pistol

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Destroyer0370, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Destroyer0370

    Others have it. Our(NC's) signature gun, The newly given one/pistol, is a terrible hand held shotgun type pistol that has slow fire rate and not automatic like the TR or Vanu spiker that can unload their magazine quickly! It is horrible!

    2. The medic, although the revive procedure is completed, is still locking on to the bodies! This is not good because if you have two bodies beside each other/on top of each other then it is hard to revive the other person, because it is sending nanites to the body that already had nanites put into it to resurrect the person.
  2. Pikachu

    It would further cut the difference between the factions. SOE can't make an auto pistol for meaningful. The only reason to use T4 is that it's more convenient to hold the mouse button rather than press it multiple times.
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  3. MikeyGeeMan


    All I can muster at this point.
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  4. Bloodlet

  5. MarkAntony

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  6. Slamz

    Oh, you know, I thought the AMP was an NS weapon for some reason.

    I should have known it was TR only.

    Because it sucks.

    The cone of fire is so awful that you might as well treat it like a shotgun pistol that unloads its pellets 1 at a time.
  7. zombielores

    It's a good spray and pray oh s%@! pistol, just out shined by the repeater which is arguably the best ''pistol''pistol [not including the commie and under boss because their mini primaries] and the fact that most TR weapons have higher then average rounds in their magazine because when other people finish their 30 round magazine they have to pull a pistol but when TR hits the 30 round used mark you still have that extra 5-10 bullets.
  8. TheBlindFreak

    inb4 VS whining about their pistols
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  9. Goldmonk

    Although seriously (hehehehe) if you give the NC an automatic pistol capable of dakka like the T4, I want a shotgun on my laser shotgun. In short, no.
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  10. Epic High Five

    Full auto Rebel Higby plz
  11. FateJH

    The NC have a shotgun pistol.

    A shotgun. Pistol.

    I don't want to hear this.
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  12. Goldmonk

    And soon Higgles will give them a full auto shotgun attachment to go on their shotgun pistol.
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  13. Liewec123

    or an attachment that works ;)
    *looking at you Smart-choke do-nothing.*
  14. Goldmonk

    I want an UBGL that actually f'ing works! But nnnooooooooooooo, crybabies gonna cry!
  15. Nalothisal

    Why the hell do we want another auto pistol... we have the Desperado.
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  16. Ronin Oni

    "All other factions"


    The "Spiker" which is so awesome is actually out performed by the desperado.

    So... you know... there's that.
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  17. FocusLight

    Give the Emperor a 200 damage model but keep all other stats as-is, then you can have a carbon-copy of the T4 AMP with an NC model. Deal?
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  18. Liewec123

    hey hey, i'm not asking for an UBGL, just for the attachment to actually do something or be removed!
    it has never worked, they added it and never bothered to make it do anything.

    but still, as TR i don't think you're the one to laugh and parody about a UBGL pistol,
    you have the fastest firing SMG in the game as your pistol. ;)
  19. Mxiter

    If NC and especially VS are caught reloading, they can still bonny hop wile finishing em' reload and defend themselves with a primary.
    You just can't do this on TR because of longer reloads (wich synergies poorly with maniac reloading syndrom)

    It's more a matter of playstyle and awareness btw.
    If you're out of ammo with you primary, you're certainly fighting 1V3-4 or miss a lot.
    In the end eveybody needs to reload (but VS).
  20. zombielores

    Highly depends on the weapon, with TR you are statistically less likely to pull a pistol out [check ps2oracle for play time, there are 2 outliers,the spiker and the magscatter which I can probably explain why their there], what I'm saying is just a hypothesis but with 35-40 rounds you are more likely to kill 2 or 3 people then say someone with 30 so you are less likely to switch to your pistol.
    But there are only certain guns where your better off reloading instead of switching to your secondary to finish off the 2nd or 3rd guy.

    What you say is true outside of CQC but then most pistols don't have that far of an effective range.

    The play style also highly affects but generally more rounds are better on everything except LMG's as they allow for more misses and user error.