NC wins the world record

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by barunedpat, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. barunedpat

    But all three factions had 33% control.
    I guess this proves all factions are balanced?
    Bonus: TR was the only one without a dedicated flyer squad due to too few air players.

    Edit: FOrgot to Gratz NC!
  2. Crayv

    I watched it, it was really great.

    Didn't see any stats posted at the end but through the match they would sometimes show various stats. Weapon with the most kills... The Orion.
  3. FnkyTwn

    Sure, but how many NC does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
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  4. zombielores

    What light bulbs, we use freedom grenades for light.
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  5. Voiidd

    Freedom FTW
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  6. AlterEgo

    So, we broke the record, I hope? The thought of MvM having more players online than an Auraxian war game truly sickens me. We won, I hope?
  7. Chewy102
    There's the alert data by the way.

    It looks to me that NC had a LOT more use of ESFs than TR and just beat VS. But like normal NCs MBT got little use. NS vehicles I have no idea how to get their stats sadly. But owning the skies would seem like it would help a lot in an alert. Plus TR had an early lead that made them a focus and spelled their doom. NC base % didn't move that much til half way in and just by looking at the graph is seems TR and VS fought each other while NC was able to push for land near the end.

    The one thing Im seeing a lack of is MAX kills. Blueshifts has 625 then the next one are Mattocks at 488 and the TR MAX weapon with most kills is Mercy at 417. But TRs Pounders have 396 when no other MAX AV comes close to to breaking 80. MAXes aren't that great in alerts from no redeploying love but your think they'd have more kills than that.
  8. iller

    dont care, nerf orion anyway ... (by letting the EMP grenade changes go forward in their current state, heh)
  9. barunedpat

    Yeah, it was a new world record.
  10. AlterEgo

    Excellent. Papa V shall grandly reward us! Free spandex for everyone!
  11. EliteEskimo

    The combination of us having a clear lead with 30 minutes to go and not having an air force meant air was a problem that in the end proved to be our demise even if it was super close. Apparently NC had so much air to spare that they had lone pilots just flying around isolated bases camping vehicle spawn terminals where there was no action going on. That being said it was a good battle, it was interesting trying to play when medkits, repair tool, med tool, and Anchor Mode didn't work properly. Either way it's cool we got the record and it's nice the server didn't crash. :)
  12. TheShrapnelKing

    It was a good day for me to return to this game.

    So I guess the NC don't suck anymore or something?
  13. EliteEskimo

    Turns out that there was enough organized NC from each server that collectively cared about the game that came together and did well. It's just that as a whole they are watered down by normal non organized players. NC haven't sucked for awhile though unless you were talking about serverwide organization. BAX and TIW are pretty darn good on Emerald.
  14. Machine Spirit

    I can sense this is going to turn into more ''nerf vs pls'' as it had back when I stopped playing for a while, that time it was the Magrider, now its the Orion? so cute ;3

    Anyway, lovely match to watch, couldn't watch it entirely though.
  15. Xind

    I love that VS have two LMGs before TRs first one (In total kills). But VS LMGs are totally fair.

    Also, unrelated to nerfing VS...the Lasher outperformed the MCG? That's just bizarre.
  16. EGuardian1

    Not when the lag is so hard that splash damage does more than direct damage. I have footage of putting 5-6 piston rounds into someone, they walk away or even turn around and kill me, then explode from those shells hitting all at once. I gave up on Canister Harasser and just pulled Fury - much more effective.

    Also I was one of those lone NC pilots. To all the VS I tank busted, i only feel sorry for those Scythes I rammed :p
  17. Flag

    Well when VS "only" use those two LMGs that's a likely outcome.
    Unlike the other factions, VS don't have great variety in viable weaponry. LMGs aren't so bad though (Carbines and ARs are horrible in that regard).

    Meanwhile TR has the TMG, Bull, Carv (it has it's uses), MSW-R and Carv-S. Maybe they're not as amazing individually (mileage may vary) but that's still 5 LMGs compared to the VS' two.
    Or NC with ... well, all of their LMGs (maybe excluding the EM-1).

    So what do VS have besides the two you mentioned?
    LSW: Downgraded SVA, or a Carv-S without the attachment options.
    Ursa: Low RoF, more horizontal recoil than the TMG (you'd think the Ursa would get great accuracy stas for it's low RoF, but no)
    VX29: Hip-fire EM-1. .. because reasons.
    Flare: I like it, but it's a downgraded SAW-S.

    And you wonder why VS fall back on the Orion and SVA? Did you once actually consider that it's to do with a lack of options rather than the two guns being amazballs?
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  18. Xind

    The stats don't really imply TR was using a wide variety of weapons. The Carv (IMO, the best TR LMG) and the MSW-R (Second best) absolutely dwarf the other TR LMGs in Kills (The three you listed aside from those two total less than 1k kills between them). You can list a wide variety of TR LMGs and claim them to be good, but after actually using all of them (but the CARV-S) I can honestly say Carv or go home.

    While I might agree the Orion and SVA-88 are the best VS guns, it's simply false to claim TR has better options.
  19. ComradeHavoc

    How many TR does it take to screw in a lightbulb? ALL OF THEM

    How many VS does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Enough to make the devs over nerf the light bulb then overbuff it a few months later
  20. Nalothisal

    Don't diss that gun! The EM1 just takes some getting used to. As someone who Aruaxied it, I say it's best to treat it like a TR LMG because it's a bullet hose as far as I'm concerned.