Importante!! Para los amigos de sur america.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RsLatin, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. WaaWaa

    Yet it was posted in Spanish, not Portuguese. Two different languages. LOOL.

    About the middle class, not all are 3rd world poverty stricken. Many middle class in Argentina and Chile for one. Huge Chilean playerbase in Planetside 2.
  2. BlueSkies

    NecroZombie attack!
  3. AlterEgo

    You mean Arabic, do you not?
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  4. AlterEgo

    Holy God, I just realized that this thread was revived:(
    Sorry, mod. Do your thing!:)
  5. Spounyboy

    Gracias por tu repuesta. Entonces, en dos anos Sony no hizo nada para los players de america del sur ?
  6. WaaWaa

    En realidad no sé como responderte. Pero creo que sí no hicieron nada para mejorar el ping de los jugadores de Suramérica. No puede decirlo con certeza porque veo tantos jugadores brazileños, argentinos, y chilenos, que no sé si toleran el mal ping, o si el ping es normal para ellos.

    Los jugadores de Europa y Australia están pasando similares experiencias con el ping creo también, así que es un descuido en general diría yo y no solo para los amigos de Suramérica.
  7. Spounyboy

    Entonces es posible que la situacion actual esta eccepcional, y que SOE tiene problema de servidor haora y que la situacion se mejora en el futuro proximo.
    Lo que es muy extrano es que teni un ping a 280ms durante 3 horas pero despues es quasi imposible de jugar entonce un problema puntual es mas que probable.
    Perdon para mi espanol, hace solamente 4 meses que vivo en Chile.

  8. Spounyboy

    HAHAHA not all arabic language sound nice. Arabic from tunisia is realy nice but the one from Argeria sounds realy harsh. It realy depend on the accent and how close the arabic is from the original arabic language.

    About my ping problem, it realy weird cause someday I'm not struggling that much (ping is bad but playable) and other days I can't even see other player (more then 10 sec of ping) so I can't do ****.
    I don't understand why there isn't a South american server if there is a such big community playing that game in south america.

  9. Joexer

    Holy Necro! Three years guys.

    SOEMOD_069: Locked, Keep it recent guys.
  10. Bixli

  11. AlterEgo

    A LOT of people play from SA. I think Chile's playerbase constitutes much of it; SOE would be doing itself a favor by making the game more accessible to more people. China can wait, I'm sure!:p
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  12. Captain Kid

    I salute and welcome our Spanish speaking brethren. Especially since I play on a different server :)
  13. ColonelChingles

    I think Russia and China have their own PS2 servers and clients that are completely distinct from SOE's.

    Russians I think play through "4Game", though a few have escaped to Western servers (coughIridarcough).

    China's is run through a company called "The9", and supposedly they're actually worse than SOE when it comes to development and support. We had a Chinese player come into here a few months back begging for SOE help because The9 was absolutely terrible when it came to implementing bugfixes (they not only had issues that were fixed weeks ago in our version of the game, but were having totally new bugs as well).

    Each of them already have their own local servers, which in theory deliver better performance than SOE's. But it hasn't seemed that way.

    Kinda sad though. I'd love to have truly international servers. I think it's awesome that on Emerald we have a crazy Aussie and a tactical German in our outfit. :D Makes things so much more interesting!
  14. Bixli

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  15. AlterEgo

    Exactly. When you have a multitude of different peoples on a server, it allows for such diversity in playstyle. Take ze Germans. They are tankers at the core, I know that firsthand by playing on old Woodman. As for the Australians, they are zergy. And I mean ZERGY. They'll invade an empty base with 4-17 tanks along with a little over 23 soldiers, and they'll blitz across a map in a matter of a triple dozen minutes or so. Then you have the 'Muricans, who are your typical quickscopers, hardscopers, unsportsmanlike fighters, MAX abusing abusers, but nevertheless are the most inspirational players on Auraxis. All these different nations a single server. It's fascinating, really.
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  16. AlterEgo

    As being 20% Lebanese, I can only say that that was historically accurate. 9/8, bro.
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  17. Bixli

    ..very true words, exactly this.
  18. Bixli

    ..this one is great's on my fav list btw:

  19. Ballto21

  20. Bixli