wtf is this game ?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mazaki, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Mazaki

    I start playing it today and i end up dead all the bloody time. Killed by friendly fire resurrected and killed again. Getting shots out of nowhere.Mini Map is a mess.Whole tutorial is absolute disaster. Texture quality is worse then play station from 1994 .How people can even play this garbage and spend money on this abomination ?
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  2. Voiidd

    Chill, its just frustration, get a beer and start again. Ask for advice from more expeirenced players, either ingame on these forums or on reddit, people actually do help new players, even enemies when they're not shooting you will give advice if you ask them. Also very important, join a good outfit on the server and faction you're playing, it's really worth it.
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  3. Captain Kid

    I don't spend money on it, are you crazy?! This game is a mess but still the only mmofps there is.
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  4. Crator

    Welcome to death simulator 2015! The object of the game is to be the death giver... Now go practice dieing to get better and come back a month later to let us know how it is going....
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  5. Goldmonk

    Relax and take your time. I still get killed plenty, but I am dealing death at the same time. Get up, dust yourself off, and just roll with the punches. Everyone's dying, its a game. Treat it as such.
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  6. JudgeNu

    I sense a disturbance in the force...
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  7. AlterEgo

    The force is real. Really real.

    Otherwise, OP needs a bit of hummus and he'll be okay. 'Cause once he starts, he won't stop.
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  8. Rogueghost

    If you have a problem with texture quality that's your video cards fault.

    And if you're running on ultra low settings, chances are your frames per second is low as well, which would be responsible for a lot of the dying.
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  9. Bixli

    ..yeah , gib him some fuel.

  10. Goldmonk

    BOOM!!!!!!!!!!! (Mortal Kombat voice) Headshot.
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  11. Kentucky Windage

    Three shots of Knob Creek and you won't be worrying about texture quality. Let the fun times freakin role baby.:D
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  12. Goldmonk

    Add another six shots, some tequila, vodka and you magically become the best player on the server. Are you really? No, but you'll be so drunk you won't care
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  13. Bixli

    ..also , i had to type , you golden monk're a sincerer & gentle dude ..seriously , keep it up.
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  14. Pikachu

    Texture resolution jumps up and down all tge time for props and it seems to vary with viewing angle. That bug has been in since forever. Indoorceling and floor tends to be a blurry mess. Sometimes its just the diffuse map, othertimes it includes the normal map.
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  15. Rogueghost

    Its not something I get often, and it only affects flooring most of the time.

    While he could be experiencing this, I think its far more likely he's just playing on low settings.
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  16. Pikachu

    I bet th OP does the typical mistake of jumping into huge outpopped battles and not realizing it means there is more death flying thfough the Air.
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  17. Goldmonk

    I appreciate your praise.
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  18. iller

    infantry vs infantry TTK in this game is Walter White grade methamphetamines and all the people you see on this forum are the heads who don't know it's ruined their "objectivity" forever. ..... "PS2: I just wanna get these bees out of my teeth"
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  19. Mazaki

    Put poor texture quality on my r9 270x 4 Gb on the side. But getting killed by friendly fire after coming out of spawn point .I'm running around without knowing who in on my side and who's not .Do i get shot by him or not..This game is terrible when it come up to social aspects
    @Capitan Kid there are much better Shooter MMo like FIiefall for example.
  20. Goldmonk

    You'll get better and get used to it. If you get killed by your own teammate, you'll usually get a message saying "my bad". But seriously, ask around. My advice is play engineer or medic, use your repair or medic gun. Guaranteed certs out the wazzo. Stick close to cover and stay near your teammates, they want to win as much as you do. Move quick, move often. Never stand still in the open.
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