Resolution to force people to fight for bases rather than sitting inside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TechMechMeds, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. TechMechMeds

    Make it so the shields cannot be shot out of either. This should stop those annoying times where there are more than enough people to take back a base but most of the people would rather sit inside and shoot out for kills and when taking a base, the enemy just sits inside and does the same thing even though they could take it back.

    It really hit home how lame this is when about 30 vs were doing this from one base to another without putting up any fight whatsoever base after base and just scoring cheap kills from behind their shield. It is also really annoying when this happens defending and my team mates are doing this base after base. I just find it a bit of an immersion killer when you have a lot of people either way doing this rather than trying to take/defend a base, especially when death in ps2 is more irrelevant than pretty much any game going.

    This doesn't happen too often but when it does it is boring as hell i find.
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  2. BlueSkies

    Its the inevitable conclusion of the general base design of PS2.

    PS1 had two bases were you had to go outside to get to important base functions (cap point, and spawn generator)(this was the Amp Station and Biolab respectively). People hated defending those bases.

    Every other base defenders could get to the generator or the cap point without going outside.

    Almost every base in PS2, you have to run through a hail of vehicle splash damage to get to the cap/gen... its dumb, plain and simple.

    So, people choose to farm idiots rather than be easy kills for bads in vehicles.
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  3. MahouFairy

    I have a wild suggestion: Make the attackers bullets ricochet back in crazy directions whenever they hit the shield xD
  4. Runegrace

    If you did this spawn campers could just lay down fire on the spawn shields and the moment someone tried to step through they'd die every time. This would help spawncampers immensely.

    If anything, disable XP gain and kill credit while in the spawn room. It'd still let defenders push back campers but completely remove the ability to use a spawn for free kills and XP.
  5. BULLET010

    Most people stay inside when they are getting pooped on by zergs and countless numbers of turds in tanks. So for me that's a fundamental flaw of the game; that it's lets fights get uneven like that. But at 50/50 pop the fight usually happens.
  6. Azimaith

    You will never see people fight for bases in big uneven fights as long as the state of infantry vs ground vehicle/air vehicles remains as it is and the bases remain basically open air structures.

    PS1 you had to go into tunnels under the base to take out strategic objectives. PS2, spam tank shells into windows for free kills.

    Of course PS1 also had a cert system where people actually specialized in a role so you didn't have ten million tank farmers lining up.