The GLORIOUS Vehicle Buffs... and Why They Suck.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AlterEgo, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. \m/SLAYER\m/

    but it mostly used against infantry\MAX
  2. vanu123

    Tank mines/c4 cant instagib tanks for what 50 resources? 200?
  3. Gibstormv2

    Who is going to want to drop it on a tank knowing they at best get an assist when they pull the trigger??

    That is alot of certs to maybe get an assist if your teammates help
  4. vanu123

    I can get lots of kills in just about any way, outside of flying libs, I suck at flying libs.
  5. Gibstormv2

    Then why are you just a cert pinata when you run into infantry units
  6. vanu123

    Not really, I'm only a cert pinata in a valk, even when I run AP.
  7. AlterEgo

    How many of them are required AFTER these buffs?
    Also, mines and C4 CAN be destroyed.
    On the other hand, a tank projectile CAN NOT be destroyed.
  8. Asyu

    So if sunderers are more fragile now, baybe ppl will be using more interesting airdrops or valkyre spawning tactics?
  9. battlegoose

    One or two tanks at a base I'd agree. But it tens to be more like 20-30 tanks. It is no longer "suppression" but farming especially when they just roll the zerg in and the entire base is immediately lost because of it.

    The Crown tended to have the best fights overall simply because vehicles couldn't roll up into a fight and start farming.

    Quarts Ridge is built in a gully that give vehicles a tremendous amount of cover right outside of the base. Believe it or not, if you removed those hills and gave clear line of sights, then Magriders wouldn't have anything to climb on.

    Hossin is a great infantry map not because of all the tree cover but rather because bases are elevated off the ground and there aren't hills for tanks to drive up on and just shell into a base (looking at you Esamir). Hossin has space for vehicle fights but there are clear boundaries between the tank and infantry fights. If they'd clear a lot of the trees, then air wouldn't be as much of a problem either though I'd also argue that trees make the A2A game a lot more fun as well as gank squads aren't as viable.

    The map design of Hossin is how the entire game should be. Vehicles are used to get to the base, then you have to get out on foot and hoof it into the battle. And before you whine about the vehicle timer, the devs could increase the vehicle timers to 20 minutes for all vehicles for all I care. Though I'm sure it wouldn't fix the problem because they're just using it as a scapegoat.

    And yes I've done tanking, I have about 5% of my kills in a tank and it was doing AV work, against tanks that were farming infantry.
  10. Sabreno Carvaroni

    Personally I dont like this tank changes, mainly due to infantry AV range nerf that comes alongside it. Even with current huge effective range of an AV turret it is quite problematic to position yourself to not get yourself insta-gibed by a tank shell after your first shot. Thats current AV turret 450m range, I can't even imagine how bad it gonna get with 200m range limitation. And HA rocket launchers are laughable at AV past 50m, they do not do enough damage nor have enough velocity to pose a threat for vehicles at range. They may kill a sunderer due to its size and reletevly low speed, but any other vehicle will just ignore such an attempt at killing it since it can easily retreat or kill the attacking infantry. Hell, harrasers can litteraly run away from such rockets in a straight line and succeed at it. Well, except it's a lock-on. And talking about lock-ons they are almost useless unless used with high ground advantage, otherwise they more likely to hit a random obstacle then a locked target, plus low damage per hit against tanks. What ever happened to that mechanic that launched locked-on missiles high above before flying straight to the target anyway?
    As for MAX AV re-wamp to have 200m effective range I am not sure due to unclearness of how it will be implemented. Personally I doubt that ravens need any help at that, as for other factions I cant really say since I play mostly TR.

    I think that that is not enough for a dumbfire RL. They should bump it up to lightning tanks velocities and drop, like standart RL having similar velocity\drop to a lightning HEAT and decimator more like lightning AP with less splash damage. Also some comfortable and non-abstrousive sights would be nice.
    As for listed ESRL:
    Phoenix - maybe yes, but I think a reload while piloting a rocket instead would be nicer.
    Striker - magazine is an overkill, with coyote-like lock-on to ground targets lesser CoF is not really needed. Adding lock-on to ground would be enough.
    Lancer - I dont like where the suggested damage increase is going since it wrecks the **** out of sunderers as is, and velocity buff for a lancer is weird to say the least. It have more then enough velocity to hit quite distant target coupled with no drop of projectile. As for reload I don't know, didn't quite played with it enough to say anything about that.
  11. Jachim

    I could agree with some buffs to the quality but NOT the damage strength of the AV weaponry :)
  12. Jachim

    Hey I could get behind some buffs to Sunderers for sure.

    Tanks have been relegated to Sundy hunting since they've been so wetpaperbaggish, and Sundies melt like butter under a single tanks fire. I find them far too squishy.
  13. Mythologicus

    Firstly, I did not like seeing a Vanguard roll forward, fire off a single shot and then get instantly torn to pieces by a surprisingly small amount of AV fire. That's ******** in the face of logic.

    Secondly, as an experienced tanker I get longer (and far more entertaining) killstreaks as infantry (if you're into that sort of thing). Hey guys, the grass really is greener on the other side!
  14. Jachim

    o_O it's always been like that. It doesn't matter killing one or two of them in those cases.
  15. lothbrook

    lol, i think that was the point, getting infantry to use other means to destroy tanks.
  16. Jachim

    If you're dying in one hit to a tank, then you're out in the open either standing still or moving predictably.

    Bases are heavily covered from tank fire on most places except certain bases on Amerish, and most of Indar (which I would 100% agree needs to be fixed). For infantry vs Infantry, you should be in those places. If you're not, then you're vulnerable not only to tanks but air too, and that is not our fault for shooting you.

    I am 100% on your side regarding tank farming spawns or points just firing into buildings with HE. That **** shouldn't be possible with good base layout. Sadly, not all bases are up to snuff yet.
  17. Geddes

    let vehicles get buffed, add xp bonuses for killing and assisting kills as infantry vs vehicles, thus promoting teamwork amongst infantry squads to take down vehicles, as it should be. no single infantry unit should be able to kill a mbt or sundy, save maybe an engi with 4 c4's, and bravo if he can waddle up and pull it off.
    • Up x 1
  18. HadesR

    Should also add " Hit XP " to ground vehicles in the same way you receive it every time you dmg Air.
    • Up x 2
  19. zaspacer

    In the Standard Game, for average players, Tanks will be a major problem.

    In the Standard Game, for organized hardcore teams, Tanks will only be a problem if they can't be neutralized with superior counters, mobility, positioning, and coordination.

    In Server Smash, Tanks will continue to be useless.
  20. AlterEgo

    I have played this game for a long time, and honestly, vehicles were in a good place even before HE. I mean, sure, the Prowler was an annoying little frak, but since vehicles were nerfed, INFANTRY have to be nerfed as well, and that sucks. Bring back HE power, but just make it not as good as before, but better than it is now.