die too fast to react

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by W01fe, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. W01fe

    This happens to me every...single...time

    on ANY infantry i play

    the only one that lasts long enough is heavy assault, and thats only if i already had his shield on.

    What do i mean? I mean ill be say ADSing looking to shoot, and i see/hear the que's that im being shot...i IMMEDIATLY drop ads and sprint for cover OR try to turn around and fire back

    every single time i die before getting what seems 3 feet or even turned all the way around.

    Its to the point where half the time if im frustrated with this i dont even try to turn around i let them shoot me, cuz its easier then trying, as there is no way i can retaliate.

    Some people say this is lag/latency...i know i have 40ms latency consistantly.

    my frames per second never go below 40, usually in the 50-60 range.

    There is zero reaction to this game when playing infantry. if your shot at first...your dead unless someone has absolutly horrid aim.
  2. Hosp

    Welcome to Planetside

    On a more constructive note:

    - Tweak your graphics settings.
    - Turn off unnecessary background programs.
    - Tweak your mouse/Keyboard.
    - Ensure your CPU is up to speed.
    - Don't get caught in bad situations. Plan Ahead.
    - Situational Awareness, Situational Awareness, Situational Awareness.
    - Learn how to react if you are caught off guard.
    - Expect an enemy around every corner, behind every box, and always above/behind.
    • Up x 4
  3. W01fe

    1-done, as i said i get 40-60 frames consistantly
    2-i do that every time
    3-also done, turned off mouse acceleration too
    4-it is
    5-not complaining about when i get into a bad situation
    6-obviously sir :p
    7-learn how? please tell me what your supposed to do if you die before you can even turn around? this isnt oneshot weaponry thats doign it either.
    8-there almost always is heh
  4. Pikachu

    Try playing the BF games. Most of the time you never see the killer or even the tracers of his gun, and you die 4x as fast as in ps2.
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  5. W01fe

    im sorry 4x as fast?

    i already die so fast i die before i can fully spin around

    so in bf you die...instantly?
  6. Shanther

    I have one question. Link me your stats page. Well that was more of a statement. Seriously though please link me your stat page. I have the feeling you are a low BR but I still want to see what your weapon accuracy is so far.
  7. z1967

    If you can stand on an object, anticipate an enemy being there.

    Expect to be shot in the back by infiltrators and Light Assaults.

    Truth be told, you aren't really meant to be able to survive getting shot in the back by an enemy, but you have a better chance of doing so as a HA. Hence, why more people will gravitate to HA because of the larger health pool.

    You can mess with enemies by sprinting back and forth irregularly to force misses, however this does not work against LMGs, which are toted around by the very popular HA class.

    Best I can say is tread carefully and keep with groups of friendlies. I know as a LA I am less likely to pick on a group of enemies with any of my weapons except C4, but not much you can do about that unless you see me throwing it (in which case I am usually an easy kill). Infiltrators can be heard cloaking and decloaking, and are easy to see for me. They are also fairly easy to kill as a HA, assuming they don't headshot you.

    That's the best I can do, general advice for most FPSs is to not get flanked. This is sometimes easier said than done. You can somewhat understand how the majority of flanks work by playing LA and Infil. This makes countering LAs and Infils easier as you have played and know their general strategy.
  8. W01fe

    i am indeed a low BR

    however what does my own accuracy have to do with me dying before i can turn around?

    im sure my accuracy is bad, but im not talking about the time it takes for me to kill someone, that i understand

    im talking about me dying before i can turn around
  9. W01fe

    see thats all i wanted to know if it was normal in this game to die before you can even spin around.

    if thats the way its SUPPOSED to be i wont complain

    i was just confused as it feels...jarring.
  10. AlterEgo

    I'd rather die and kill quickly than be immortal and kill slowly. Such are the harsh realities of futuristic warfare.
  11. BULLET010

    Not sure if you are a new player, but they are usually soft targets. No Nanoweave or Medkits. Kind of rough. So I would invest in those first. Also, I would recommend using guerilla style tactics or playing from mid range. Then when you have enough certs, getting your self a close range weapon and mid range weapon. For the most part close range weapons will have a faster rate of fire and mid range weapons will have a slower rate of fire. Also, when you take a hit you should assume you've taken two. Sometimes it feels like hits take 200 or 300 ms to register. This is why you can turn a corner to take cover and die 2 or 3 steps behind cover.
    Also, I would say just give the game some time. When I first started I remember being where you were at. Had alot of friends that quit within the first couple of hours. Complaints about dieing too fast, etc. But if you stick with it, I think will make you a better player for any fps game.
  12. Shanther

    I actually read what you were saying backwards. IE people turning around on you and killing you.

    If you are being shot in the back odds are you ARE going to die before you can do anything. It is like this for everyone. The only thing you can really hope to do to live is zig zag a bit while medkit tanking.
  13. z1967

    btw, the average TTK for automatic weapons is around .6 seconds. Headshot multipliers are usually 2x so this can reduce TTKs to .3s. Pistols usually kill in .7 seconds. This is true across all factions.

    Obvious exceptions are single shot, burst, and delayed fire weapons (ex. Bolt actions). Some VS weapons also fire slightly slower than their NC or TR counterparts but reload fast and are somewhat more accurate.
    • Up x 1
  14. Cz4rMike

    Recording a video and uploading it to youtube would help ;).

    Because I never (not ONCE) experienced what you speak of while playing with decent ping (<150ms in PS2). When lag starts on the server - weird stuff happens, but you can tell all is jittery, laggy etc. But I never die instantly. Not as infantry anyway. Unless being headshoted :D...

    Open Cmd in windows and type
    ping google.com -t
    watch if you have any ping spikes.
  15. Hosp

    You don't die so fast you don't have time to react if you don't know how to react if you find you're getting shot in the back. (try saying that 5x fast)

    part of the situational awareness...you pass by an object, are in a room, went by something that an enemy was behind. Keep those images in your mind.

    You start getting shot at from behind, fight or flight. Split second decision you have to constantly calculate. Are you close enough to cover to take it or do you have to turn and try to kill them?

    If cover, go for it and hope they're not close enough to chase.
    If not, you have the picture of what you passed that the enemy was likely behind. turn and don't stop moving. Strafe while you do it.

    If you're not dead yet, fight back. Usually you'll have to go for broke and aim for the head at this point. This is something I've only recently gotten better at myself. And I've been playing since Beta. But Body shots aren't gonna do it at this point.

    Now keep in mind, the above scenario takes about 1.5 - 5 seconds to playout. Most of it is situational awareness and being able to react to the situation. You will not become magically better overnight. But getting used to it and repeating the process is the only way to do it.
  16. W01fe

    there is a obvious issue with these statements

    if ttk on most weapons is .6 (half when shooting the head)

    well...human reaction time coupled with any amount of latency means your not going to turn around in time to fight back unless they are bad shots. so for the people saying they can turn around, something else is going on.
  17. Shanther

    In general the times people are able to turn around it is because the other person is a bad shot and started to miss for whatever reason. Be it just poor control on their part or the other person strafed + ducked or something just enough to give them a chance. HA's NMG shield helps sometimes before it will eat some damage giving you chance to respond but even then you still stand a very good chance of dying. You basically are forced to hit all headshots and or hope the other person misses.

    Honestly you are overthinking a lot of this. The majority of people the majority of the time are going to die before they can respond if they are getting shot in the back.
  18. \m/SLAYER\m/

    same story here, most weapons has such a low TTK + lag
  19. Xind

    I kind of wish HS multipliers would be reduced across the board to like 1.15-1.33 (excluding douchey sniper rifles) so that infantry combat would last just a little longer.
  20. TechMechMeds

    Ah that might be base knowledge mate. There are genral areas where people will be coming from and stuff and 'farm' points. It might be down to your lack of map knowledge in general.

    This kind of thing happened to me a lot when i started but now that i know the bases and maps better, i know generally where the enemy will be coming from and where people like to sneak from.

    Ultimately i die loads anyway. It tends to happen being an engi and i am stil far more concerned with farming certs to get what i want so i am that guy who reps a sunderer even after you may pull up in a tank, i am that guy that respawns straight after you have killed me to carry on repairing the sundy, I am that guy lol.
  21. Slamz

    You're probably being headshot and if your avatar selection is any indication, you're playing TR, which have generally the least accurate guns to return the favor with.

    Frankly I think the key to TR is to just try and avoid 1v1 infantry fights. Unless you're a medic, your guns are flat out not as good. Try to flank, try to pop off a burst and then get into cover, which should be right next to you, etc. Or get a gun like the Uppercut and try to avoid fighting people from less than point-blank range.

    I do think general infantry TTK is too low in this game and yes you will frequently die faster than you can react.

    If it REALLY bugs you, either learn to fly planes or learn to drive tanks.