[Suggestion] A counter for Light Assualt fairies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JediNinja, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. JediNinja

    Instead of nerfing C4, we give the tanks a new ability. A Fairy shield of sorts. Basicaly when a LA flies over the driver could activate this shield and it causes all C4 being dropped to explode safetly above the tank. This would give a hard counter to C4 fairies, but still allow for the tank to be snuck up on from the ground. Thoughts?
  2. vincent-

    Being smart checking your surroundings when engaging hostile forces and not going deep into the fray were you have no support around you are counters
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  3. JediNinja

    Agreed, but with everyone complaining about this, I thought just give them a hard, simple counter, that is useless to more skilled players
  4. MallowChunkage

    Nah, this has massive problems, like allowing tank drivers to fearlessly go into stupid places with no danger of anyone blowing them up.
    Also, nerfing light assault more? here, na m8. Engies already have aimbot sentries alerting them of flanking, what else do they need?
  5. Xasapis

    An AA turret would be nice.
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  6. 2ndChance

    I don’t really play Light Assault, but I suppose that our resident LA players should find solace in the fact that their enemies fear them enough to use the pejorative term “fairies”.

    But seriously, don’t punish the commando-style players because they are bold.

    If some vehicle crews really think they are invincible on their own, without adequate support, then they have earned that C4 brick.

    Watch the skies, traveller.
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  7. Juunro

    Tell you what, you can have your C4 be fully effective against tanks if I get a secondary system option that is a point defense frag field; directional canister launchers that fill the area immediately around my tank with grenade blast explosions so anyone, friend or enemy, within say, ten meters or so, is splattered by grenades. Give it a long reload and require ammo from ammo towers.
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  8. p10k56

    LA fairies are fine LTP noobs:D
    Every MBT is faster then any infantry class in game.
    But I will rather to see shaped charge for LA with will detonate with very small blast radius after 3 sec and do something like 1.5xdeci damage to vehicles and maxes.
    But keeps it damage bonus against Tank week spots.
  9. 2ndChance

    Okay, I gotta admit that I like this idea. A one-shot close defense super canister would actually be totally awesome. But yeah, it would have to be something else than the current secondary armament option (your gunner would be bored to death). Perhaps in the defense slot?
  10. Juunro

    That was my thought, yeah.

    Edit: Added benefit to this would be that you could use the tank as a siege breaker; an enemy is defending a heavy choke point, you slam into the choke point and detonate the field before your infantry goes in, buying attackers the 10 seconds or so before a respawn wave.
  11. 2ndChance

    Hmm yeah, I was thinking along the same lines, but assuming that it would fire something akin to grape shot in all directions, would it not be regarded as OP whenever hard pressed base defenders begin spamming constant suicide tank runs into enemy Sunderer spawn points, instantly schwacking half a dozen defenders each time? Perhaps it should only fire upward?
  12. HadesR

    I know it would be near impossible to check but would be curious to know how many Tanks are C4'd while they are pushing with infantry support ( or in most cases actually pushing when the infantry does ) versus those C4'd while stationary playing Artillery.
  13. Juunro

    It's pretty hard to spam a 450 resource vehicle in suicide bomber style; and speaking as someone who does rather alot of tanking, anyone pulling MBT's from the inside of an under siege base is being an idiot and will lose the tank very quickly anyway; given how relatively rare the bases that actually let you spawn MBT's are, you add travel time. The only places I could see this being a real big problem are places were defensive tanks already destroy enemy attacks effectively; poorly defended AMS units at the bottom of biolabs, around tech plants just in general, and so on.

    It would actually promote defensive AV tanking, which is one of the things tanks should be doing in the first place.
  14. Reclaimer77

    Everyone isn't complaining about this. Only a handful of bad players who think Tank = Immunity.

    However I like this idea by the OP. Because frankly, if you're spaced out enough to get 2 C4 dropped on you, I doubt you'll be aware enough to even know what to activate the "Fairy Shield" in the first place.

    Solo Prowler pulled up right next to the base wall last night, locked down, and started shelling vehicles spawning from the vehicle pad. No infantry support, no gunner (of course), not even a Spitfire turret placed down to give him a heads up.

    So of course I grabbed my LA "fairy" kit and quickly dispatched the moron. I'm not sure why the devs want to actually give people like this immunity from being punished for playing stupidly and recklessly.

    Players treat MBT's like disposable items. We need the old resource system back before we even THINK about buffing them.
  15. hostilechild

    So how many kills should a tank get before its destroyed? 10, 20, 30, 100, 200?

    Tanks should be fighting other vehicles primarily and some anti-infantry support. I doubt there is a single tanker out there with more vehicle than infantry kills. If so i applaud you. I know in recursion we primarily pull tanks to fight other tank zergs but after its kill infantry until its blown up.

    I am an absolutely horrible tanker, don't care for it but can still easily pull a 10-15 kill streak (dasanfal has all my tank k/d in this range too). So a good tanker should do way better even with the current state of C4, infantry AV etc yet most still complain.

    Just because your in a big armored can doesn't mean your invincible, everything has counters. Just in PS2 we try to get them removed so we can farm all day.
  16. Bixli

    ..oh dear.
  17. Juunro

    It is nearly impossible to get a higher vehicle kill then normal kill stat in an MBT unless you are exclusively killing Lightnings, ESF's, and abandoned AMS units, you realize?

    Most tank runs with my normal crewman communicating with me on VOIP end taking out anywhere between 6 and 15 enemy vehicles before destruction, barring getting unlucky by mines or blundering into 2-3 TR chaingun harassers. The only times I ever actually get killed by C4 on my Vanny are if I find myself in a situation where I am killing a crutch enemy AMS and its death is a higher priority then my tanks continued life.

    That doesn't mean I don't think C4 should be toned down against especially heavy tanks. One the main uses of tanks should be to support an infantry push; they cannot do that effectively if one they cannot advance for fear of getting killed suddenly from any angle in a way they cannot defend against themselves.
  18. radrussian2

    but they get c4'ed because they aren't paying attention. if you have to activate the shield beforehand then they would never activate it anyway, since you know, they arent paying attention.
  19. Xasapis

    If you exclude the kills it takes to auraxium the HE cannon, my vehicle and infantry kills are almost equal in number ;)
  20. Sh4n4yn4y

    No. No. No. Oh God no. Flyboys don't need MORE flak and rockets to dodge, thank you very much.

    As for C4 fairies. Well, I'm going to repeat the most common pro-fairy argument. Don't situate yourself under ledges, near rises, alone in enemy territory, and all that stuff.
    However, every vehicle needs an easy mode for noobs to use and vets to look down on. The 360 shotgun idea would be pretty nice. Although would immediately spawn a whole new argument about OP tank defences.
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