Is infiltrator feeling pointless to anyone else?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Ballto21, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Ballto21

    Alright when i say this im not saying theyre bad.
    Im not saying they cant be useful.
    Im not saying theyre not good when played well.

    What i am saying is they have nothing special anymore. Hacking is worthless, cloak is really nice but too visible (in my opinion) when crouch walking, our recon tools are pointless now. Recon darts were the best thing we had going, but now you may as well go op assault (heavy assault) with recon brossbow bolts. Have almost 30 free t2 (citation needed) darts, have 5x the dps, and opshield. Also be immune to emp because of the bug where it doesnt drain ha shielding, have AV capabilities, and be just as sneaky as an infiltrator. Granted more visible.
  2. CuteBeaver

    Personally I face palm when developers put terminals in pain fields. Or in very inaccessible locations which requires running through pain fields. Or within direct line of sight of the enemy spawn room. This is almost as bad... just has a little bit more flavor with hope sprinkles on top. Frankly I'm really feeling empathetic for LA's right now... C4 fairy was kinda their thing... The new tank changes are going to drastically redefine this game and for LA's. Consider the extra turret hits required to take down enemy armor. Its not like we can stay in "acquired" AV cannons all day long. I just hope phase 2 of the resource system comes along soon so tank spam is short lived with the changes.
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  3. Maxence822

    Well honestly I agree with you and I now run my infiltrator only at night with an smg or when I want to snipe which is not often. This is very sad, About 90% of my playtime before had been with infiltrator and infiltrator now constitutes about 20 % of my playtime. But put me in a dark place with my beloved cyclone and the cloak and I will kill anyone, even a max lol. I really hope they fix those emp bugs soon as well and just generally make infils better.
  4. Rovertoo

    Infiltrator an Light Assault are in the same boat. Neither of them have the equipment to achieve their full potential and are never as effective as the Heavy Assault at contributing to fights.
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  5. Weatherchild

    I dont know... I play mostly infiltrators and still have a lot of success with them. The stalker with adrenaline pump and the new knives is my easiest kill streak maker. I normally do not snipe at long ranges. I am working with the Phaseshift right now and it's a pain but it's fun. My main go to weapon is the Ghost bolt action with 4x scope and a silencer. It feels more like shooting a bow at longer ranges but I have great sucess with it. You have to play tactical... though it is true that some terminals are stupidly setup and almost imposible to hack... Overall in a big fight the infiltrator is deadly. Just do not fight up front. I usually take more time getting into position then fighting.

    Just my 2 cents... Having weapons that can one hit kill and be able to move about almost undetected is a BIG thing for me :)
  6. _itg

    You can easily play heavy assault or medic full-time and never feel like you need to switch classes. For most people, that's probably not going to be the case for infiltrator or light assault. For both classes, the trouble is usually crowded indoor fights. Both classes rely on flanking to get kills, and that's virtually impossible inside most buildings. At least infiltrator has unique weapons (including EMPs) and the recon tools (there's no substitute for the motion spotter) to make it worth having a few of them in every fight, but any time the jetpack is useless, a light assault is merely a gimped engineer.

    I would say that in a strictly outdoor fight, infiltrators are every bit as strong as heavy assaults. The combination of cloak and recon tools ensure that you almost never have to engage the enemy unless you have the advantage--and they're both advantages in any engagement. Sniper rifles dominate at the ranges these fights begin; when you move closer, CQC bolt-actions are still extremely powerul and SMGs/scout rifles become viable; stalker infiltrators are incredibly deadly when they get behind the enemy sniper/turret line.
  7. RHYS4190

    Yes and no, infiltrators don't have heavy hitting small arms, They do have a cloak and most importantly motion sensors which tips the balance,

    lot of battles between out fits are being won by the motion sensors, so I would not discount the inf as a useless class. It more suited for defensive warfare.
  8. Draegor

    I feel a bit useless when capturing points, but as a sniper I have loads of fun. Nearly finished my sniper directives. Only problem is the Briggs population is often very low.
    p.s. I cannot believe the word g1mp is censored..
  9. Jac70

    There are many ways to play with the Infiltrator class, you can play long or close, stealthy or not and you can be a very useful asset to a squad. Plus for the lone-wolfer Infiltrator is the best class as you can keep yourself running when behind enemy lines.
  10. Dualice

    I agree to an extent. Those recon bolts on the crossbow have rubbish range and duration, most of the time you can just sit and wait for them to die (think it's 20secs), or good old-fashioned crouch walk.

    Terminal hacks can be handy for allies to resupply, change class, or in the case of vehicle terminals, deny access to enemies, or pull a sunderer or armoured support yourself.