Allowing all infantry weapons at a price ( I WANT ORION)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jackmac2661, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. jackmac2661

    I am creating this thread because after my 2000 hours of game play i feel that for the unique gun that it is ( .75 ADS while maintaining a 750 ROF at 143 damage), should be available at a steep price of say 10k certs for players who have put huge amounts of time into another faction. I have got a few thousand on the Orion and the reason I will not switch factions is due to my outfit mates in JUGA who are a big reason of why i play the game.

    The reason i say the Orion specifically (even though i want all infantry weapons to be available) is because it is without a doubt the most dangerous weapon in the hands of experienced HA players. I understand that the carv has 100 rounds and the saw has the highest damage of all LMGs, but in my experience it does not come close to 1v1 domination the Orion has.

    I'm rolling into my third year of planetside and it would be really cool if those of us who play with outfits can actually use weapons we would like without having to lone wolf. There should be no balance issues because the weapons are unique in their own ways ( at least infantry weapons).

    I'm almost at my 50k cap and would like to spend them on something other than sights and reload times (that i don't use). Would really make me put a lot more hours into the game if this became a thing.
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  2. CapperDeluxe

    No, otherwise whats the point of having 3 empires with different things. Seems it would become a bit boring. The NS weapons already provide something to each and that's sufficient.
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  3. Xind

    Yeah, gonna be hard pressed to make VS fight against their hit detection abuse LMG. You'd be better off going with the "lootable corpse" option. You keep what you kill was always a fun part of PS1.
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  4. braytz

    the orion is so overrated at the point that i think this is a joke gone too far.
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  5. CapperDeluxe

    Its funny, you all complain about Orion. Its not even that great, sure its good, but the SVA is better IMO. That 50 bullet mag size is more of a bane than you can ever know if you haven't used it.

    And I could sure find plenty to complain about with the Carv and Saw killing me all the time and they have double the clip size the Orion has.
  6. Hypersot

    Since I have played all 3 factions extensively, I can tell you that the best TR equivalent to Orion is the MSW-R.

    I actually prefer the MSW tbh since it produces a more 'gun-like' noise and -although I know it sounds weird- that helps me shoot better.

    I will totally agree with the SVA being the best weapon for a VS HA though, thus I will also agree that Orion being OP is a bit overrated.
  7. Xind

    It's 80% about the .75 ADS movement and the ADADAD warp spamming that accompanies it. Without that, while the Orion would still be a straight upgrade on the Carv, it wouldn't be nearly as complained baout.
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  8. jackmac2661

    Capper did you even read my post? I said ALL weapons which means you could also use the carv and saw if you wanted to. The point i am making is that currently the best 1v1 LMG in the game is the Orion and having it available at a steep price to all should make no difference to the game if it is a balanced weapon. It is simple to kill three people at a close range with 50 round clip.
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  9. battlegoose

    If you think it's that great, go get the NS-15M. It has the stupid 0.75 ADS movement multiplier and it outperforms the Orion according to ps2oracle (live stats). You can also get the compensator with it, which the Orion can't get. Go get one and give it a shot. You'll find that the movement multiplier doesn't actually do anything for you. It just makes your CoF increase a WHOLE lot faster, all the while, barely moving any faster (because the HA overshield slows you to a crawl either way).

    Remember, having 2 pennies means you have 100% more than 1 penny but you're still dirt poor none the less.
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  10. z1967

    I was thinking that you would have to kill ~500 users of the weapon before you could buy the other faction's weapon (at a higher price, like 2k certs). Its effectively a replacement for looting and the locker system. So if you kill 500 people with a Repeater out (or maybe just kill someone with a repeater in their loadout with your pistol) you can buy a TR repeater as VS and NC.

    And it shouldn't be retrogressive. Its intended to give people with hundreds or thousands of hours in game something to do. Obviously, some weapons would be hard than others to get (like the burst variants, not that you would want them) and other weapons like stock weapons would be easy to get (comparatively).

    I really think that you should just leave the faction weapons as they are and if you want to use an Orion you should probably just switch to VS.
  11. Ragmon

    SOE just give the other factions 0.75 movement speed on an LMG to stop them from complaining cause it mindbogglingly annoying how the TR and NC can constantly complain until the VS nerfed to the ground (I guess thats all they can do to defeat the VS).

    Hehe, TR and NC faction trait, complain about the VS till they are brokenly nerfed. :D
  12. Hatesphere

    In that example the carv would be an upgrade of the orion since they would be almost carbon copies other then bullet drop and mag. Carv having the advantage there.

    People complaint about warping and a dad spam forget that people can STRAFE faster in hip fire then in ads, and no one really complains about that in cqc (the only place .75 ads tends to be usefull.
  13. Xasapis

    When some random VS starts complaining in /yell chat about how the X weapon or ability is so OP etc etc, my answer is "What's preventing you from playing that faction?". This would be my answer to the OP as well.

    So what if the next TR asks for a Magrider?
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  14. radrussian2

    orion is garbage. go start a VS and get to know the orion and its counter part the pulsar LSW and tell me about how that .75 movement speed is of any significance.

    and the fire rate is a detriment. the LSW's lower fire rate alows you to absolutely mow down long range targets with minimal effort.
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  15. Shanther

    The LSW is trash. The Orion is amazing. The SVA is really damn good. Betelgeuse master race.
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  16. Hatesphere

    Battle goose is a one trick pony, a lone wolf weapon in my experience. I will take a lsw or orion over it if I am in a squad with support.
  17. CapperDeluxe

    My statement is that everyone shouldn't have access to every gun across empires, it would lessen the experience of the 3 sided combat. If I want to use a Carv I'll go play my TR alt.

    However, I would love to be able to do like in Planetside 1 and pick up the gun from an enemy and start using it against them. You just wouldn't be able to respawn with it.
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  18. Hatesphere

    Easy solution. Add "looting" directives that auto reset that grant you an enemy weapon but with a short timer similar to a trial, maybe 5 - 10 minutes, only starts counting down when equipped and can be stock piled.

    Achievements could be along the lines of " kill 50-100 vs with x weapon"
  19. Juunro

    Absolutely not; if I saw a VS running around with my precious AC-11x I'd probably go all feral and start biting people.
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  20. sL360

    If you really want one of those guns, go play the faction. I'd lose my damn mind if I saw those stupid purple fish guns for sale in the TR depot.
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