Lumine Edge

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ohknoh, Jan 11, 2015.

  1. ohknoh


    What is with this knife? It's hit detection is horrible. I wish i had a video of it, but on over half of my knifing attempts, I'm swinging directly at the target, who's right in front of me, yet i hit NOTHING. Only to have them back peddle a little bit, and then full auto me in the face.

    It only really works reliably against targets that aren't moving. If the target is moving, even a little bit, then the knife attack misses. It's like being a knife wielding maniac with a foam rubber knife. Is this a bug, is it a known issue? Has SOE even acknowledged this? Or am i the only one who's experiencing this stuff?
  2. Jac70

    I not exactly sure what the deal is but AFAIK the equip able knives have a tighter hit area so you need to be more precise with them. This seems a bit daft to me, realistically you would expect your strikes to be more clumsy with a knife that you have just grabbed and swiped with rather than one you are holding ready to attack.

    I suppose this is to balance out the increased potential of the OHK blades.
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  3. iller

    It's weird ....

    I see plenty of people who miss me 3x in a row with it giving me time to run away, turn while throwing EMP, and then 1-shot them with commish or impetus.... Then I see a couple guys who don't miss a single hit even when my own client shows them on the other side of the corridor by the time I see a damage packet insta kill me .... sometimes AFTER I already killed them... (which leads me to believe the people pulling it off are running Switch)

    Except that it applies to the other knives to when Wielded... making wielding those knives even more useless unless the only targets you're hunting with them are n00bs who are always holding still more than 2 seconds at a time
  4. AlterEgo

    They need to improve the knife hitbox. I don't see an issue with that if everybody is able to use that to their advantage. I once stood right next to a NC infiltrator, knifed him, but he moved ever so slightly to the left. What happened?

    He FLINCHED when he was hit. Which means that the knife hit him, but no damage was dealt, and trust me, this happened more than once.
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  5. QuantumSerpent

    That's not just knives... I've had people flinch from a sniper rifle and have nothing happen to them.
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  6. Elrobochanco

    I've definitely killed more people who have tried to knife me with the new knives than any of them have killed me. I mean even when I'm fully unaware someone was behind me, I hear a wiff sound, then turn and shoot. I'm pretty sure they can't all have that horrible aim so I'm guessing it's about as reliable as trying to run over moving enemies with a flash (hitbox/visible model not even close to the same).
  7. iller

    ...that's actually easier to do if you were an old school Quake/Tribes player.
    (sometimes I still lag-lead purely out of old reflexes coming back)
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  8. AlterEgo

    The beauty of DetectionSide, man. I do hope you enjoy it, just like I am:(
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  9. ohknoh

    I wouldn't even complain about it if it didn't result in the most embarrassing deaths possible. Standing behind someone swinging a knife back and forth until they turn and shoot you lol. I don't like the idea of OHK knife attacks, but if it's going to be in the game, it needs to be reliable.
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  10. _itg

    I think part of the issue is that there's a weird "trigger delay" on the knife. It's not enough to aim and click, but you have to hold your knife on target a bit longer after clicking, which can be really awkward in CQC, where the target is likely warping around and possibly running inside you.

    The worst part is, I bet a lot of this knife crap was done in order to make the new scratch effects work. They wanted the effect to appear right when the knife hit the wall and not before, so they delayed the damage until the knife reached the center of the swing animation. They wanted the scratch to appear underneath the knife, so they made the knife's hitbox barely bigger than the knife itself.
  11. iller

    That's pure insanity
    and at the same time
    exactly what we've come to expect from their priorities