[COBALT (EU)] Extremely bad ping!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by mer1c, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Cattan

    It's a sad day indeed, but for the first time in my gaming history I'm going to... Complain.

    Seriously, SOE, I love Planetside 2. It an awesome game, it's unique, it fun, the performances are quite good despite what most peoples say, but these laggs are just killing the whole thing! I want to play the game, hell I even subscribed not so long ago. The game keeps getting better and better, but it also keep getting less and less playable.
    I admit, there are improvement. It has been more than one month since my ping last reached 75k (yes, 75k! and the problem did not come from me, I checked). However, now, it doesn't go below 199 at best, and 459 most of the time.

    This is unacceptable.
  2. Bordel2Merde

    Cobalt player from france

    Two weeks since it's unplayable like that, played this morning, ping from 64 to 90.

    Played 10 minutes ago, ping from 130 to 300. Unplayable.

    And as told before, unacceptable. Actually all players are customers which pay or don't, via a subscribe system or sometimes, when they want. As I love this game and what used to be the dev team, I payed like 200 € . I'm not alone, some payed, some subscribed, to get what? An unplayable game you just have to exit when you see your ping.

    SINCE TWO WEEKS for a majority of players!

    This is unacceptable.

    Also, server merges could have something to do with that. Small servers handling twice as the pop ingame at the same time...It's not good at all.
  3. sushiii

    hello all
    me and some other my friends have huge ping on Miller
    2,5k and its says Good in green
    and is not our net caz we have 100MB internet
  4. AtzeB

    At Miller the same: 500 - 3000 Ping...unplayble...so I leave
  5. Ginward

    Ping today fluctuated between 50 - 2000!

    Why do I continue to play this infernal game?

    Cobalt monkey.
  6. MrGrampybone

    Got bad ping too, had to quit as I couldnt use abilities at all and hits took several seconds to register.
    I actually commited suicide bercause I couldnt engage thrust as light assault...
    Ping between 100-17000.
  7. Hammerlock

    same here too ... ping from 11k on miller
  8. exFINN

    is anyone with SOE tag will say smth?
  9. Ginward

    The ping is infuriating. Why am I getting spikes of 8000?

    SOE, can someone please respond with some words of explanation, resolution or even comfort?

    Cobalt monkey.
  10. Ginward

    That's it: ping of 18,000!
  11. exFINN

  12. Ginward

    Here's a record of pings (ms) over one minute playing on Cobalt for today's Hossin alert:

    2407 and logged out.
  13. Pootisman

    Server is extremely laggy. Up to 18000ms ping! Terminals take ~15s to open. The game is unplayable at the moment.

  14. Kreszenz

    I am beginning to think that SOE wants to kill his own game. Presumably it is generating not enough sales and they reduce server capacity to optimize costs. The fact that many people go, it is accepted. Some idiots have subscriptions anyway and the free to play gamers were never worth anything anyway.

    Is that SOE?
  15. Zoobe

    No, they can not. The truth would hurt, so nothing will be forthcoming I suspect.
  16. mer1c

    Aaand here we go again. Ping ingame rollercoasting from 80-6000 again, while being mostly around 150-450...



    1 <1 ms 2 ms <1 ms fritz.box []
    2 16 ms 18 ms 18 ms dslb-178-006-208-001.178.006.pools.vodafone-ip.de []
    3 18 ms 22 ms 17 ms
    4 20 ms 19 ms 20 ms
    5 27 ms 25 ms 24 ms
    6 25 ms 26 ms 32 ms decix-1.eu.equinix.net []
    7 24 ms 24 ms 23 ms te6-8.bg1.fr2.eu.equinix.net []
    8 31 ms 32 ms 32 ms po9-1425.bg1.am1.eu.equinix.net []
    9 31 ms 30 ms 31 ms po7.bg1.am3.eu.equinix.net []
    10 34 ms 33 ms 32 ms po2.bg2.am3.eu.equinix.net []
    11 46 ms 44 ms 47 ms sony.customer.am3.eu.equinix.net []
    12 39 ms 41 ms 40 ms amspsn-liv-gw03.planetside2.com []