Change Terran Weapons.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AlterEgo, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. Neo3602

    that's a grenade launcher that shoots user detonated grenades, it's nowhere close to the jackhammer
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  2. FateJH

    I would just like to point out that, were this to be changed, the VS are once again screwed out of their no-drop trait.
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  3. Gazatron

    This is from the wiki page:

    "All weapons of the Terran Republic sacrifice raw power and accuracy for high rates of fire, large magazine sizes, quick reload speed, controllable recoil, and accuracy with sustained fire"

    What that last bit says to me is that the cone of fire should expand slower than the other factions.

    Gauss SAW first bullet is pin point accurate
    Orion COF is super small for the first 5-8 bullets (hence why it is the best performing LMG)
    T9 Carv well spray and pray I guess. it's good don't get me wrong but let me explain.

    I see the TR weapons as skill capped VS/TR variants. For example NC has high recoil (lol) VS has high first shot multipliers. These two characteristics can be overcome with experience and skill. TR however, due to the horizontal recoil and current COF, caps any meaningful progression which is why the MLG players for NC and VS will always out perform the MLG TR players.

    Do I have any hard evidence for my assertions? No

    Call it, an educated hunch based from experience of playing all factions.

    My background info: I started as VS and played for a solid 10 months and I hated the guns. Started playing TR loved the controllability of the guns and it's my main now for nearly 8 months now. I play NC too on the side when I want to feel invincible lol (easy mode in my opinion). Went back to playing VS and I can't believe I didn't like using their guns before. Basically as I became a better player I performed better with guns (simple) and i do far better with the anchor and orion than I could ever achieve with the Carv or MSW-R.

    Is it a grass is greener instance? Perhaps, but I also perform better with the other guns.


    Ultimate this thread won't change anything so, meh.
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  4. AlterEgo

    They would still have drop.
    Don't worry, if plasma rifles still have drop in this game, then that will go doubly-so to laser weaponry. Even if we were to give the TR no drop, it really wouldn't matter. No drop is overrated, any way.
    Plus, what TRAIT do we still have left? The Lasher, that's it. The only alien weapon we have that doesn't look like frozen fish.
  5. Rovertoo

    I think the TR still use bullets because, in all of their years of studies, putting holes in people and leaving behind metal where there used to be people stuff is still the most effective way of killing.
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  6. QuantumSerpent

    Except it most certainly isn't. Even now we're developing instant treatments for bullet wounds (syringe injects medicated sponges that plug the wound). Laser wounds wouldn't bleed, but with the high precision... much better chance of putting one straight through the brain.
  7. Rovertoo

    Well, gameplay aside (Lasers would be cool and all), I'm not so sure that Laser weaponry will get very far, mostly just due to the fact that it is much easier to dissipate the energy of a laser than it is the force of a bullet. Just for example, it's much easier to get a good mirror or absorbent space material to reflect or negate a large percentage of the heat than it is to build something that will stop or deflect a heavy round or explosive ordnance. I think that's why laser's will only be used in situations when the extreme range and instant velocity is useful, namely shooting down rockets or aircraft.
  8. FateJH

    Ah. Right.
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  9. MisterMorden

    i have to admit that i don't play terran because of the ugly and boring weapons, and the only weapon that has a nice sound is the medicTAR. I really don't understand why terran needs to be this boring, there should be a model and sound revamp.
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  10. AlterEgo

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  11. TriumphantJelly

    VS do have some lasers, I think (Saron HRB, Phaseshift, Betelgeuse, and the Lancer/Vortex are particle accelerators).

    Also, high RoF, high accuracy, high velocity, high magazine capacity and probably a reconsideration of long reload times, as well as normal damage per round (thusfore making the weapons have high damage per magazine), no projectile drop without the normal downsides all for having a little extra drop off seems a little... unfair.

    Additionally, I can't tell you how many VS want laser sounds and PEW PEW as opposed to what is mostly an auditory nightmare.

    Plus the perks of the Laser weapons on the Vulcan!?!? :eek:
    The traditional thing of Planetside 2 is that the TR use bullets (and an obscene quantity of them), VS go 'pew' and NC have railguns (although both NC/VS weapons tend to feel rather bullet-y)
    Yes I'm biased. So is everyone.
  12. nehylen

    Where does this legend of a specific TR CoF comes from? Ultimately weapon stats are stored in a database, and they're just numbers, nothing magical about it. As it goes most of these numbers are very similar among weapons for a certain class with a certain damage tier across all 3 empires

    The only few weapons which feature larger CoF on the TR side of things are the Cougar and Cycler TRV, and only when hipfiring. The TR LMGs also tend to be those with largest hipfire CoF, though not by much, not that you'd want to frequently hipfire a LMG anyway.

    The only parameter where TR weapons bear a form of accuracy penalty is in horizontal recoil which tends to be higher per shot. Then again, due to how horizontal recoil interacts with horizontal tolerance it's not necessarily a big issue.
    In effect, in ADS TR weapons are often proportionnally more advantaged than either of the other empires by foregrips and end up with similar, and sometimes better horizontal tolerance features, despite horizontal recoil being higher per shot. VS actually tends to have more inaccurate weapons in ADS at the bottom of the table you'll see on that link! Note that the 7 burst primaries (2x3 variants +SABR) aren't featured there since it's irrelevant for them (they would be at the top).
  13. QuantumSerpent

    Particle accelerator != laser.

    A particle accelerator shoots fermion particles (quarks, electrons, etc).
    A laser shoots photons. You couldn't accelerate photons.
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  14. QuantumSerpent

    Perhaps so, but then again we still are vulnerable to being stabbed by various purely-mechanical knives (TR knives), so...
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  15. Rovertoo

    Nah, armor that can withstand a mini-chainsaw eludes the scientists of VS and NC. It's just, so many little teeth! They also make their armor out of wood.
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  16. Xasapis

    It looks more like a living fish :)
  17. sL360

    I think you just gave TR their auraxium weapon trait. VS has heat mechanic, TR could have lasers, NC...well, Higby was thinking about making it more "gauss" anyway. (decreased mag size for high velocity, etc)

    If you've ever played Supreme Commander as these guys...


    Then you know how awesome the Cybran's lasers are. Fast, accurate, but low damage; everything that TR is, and should be. We'd also be one step closer to what we truly are...


    I don't see this happening for all of TR's weapons though. We've had bullets and we always will. Besides, that'd be a LOT of work that I doubt SOE would be willing to put in for now. TR auraxium weapons could be that perfect little niche for lasers.
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  18. Rovertoo

    I've always thought the NC's Auraxium trait should be higher velocity and rounds that pierce through enemies at the cost of a short firing delay ala Railjack. I think that would just be so sweet!
  19. AlterEgo

    And a good living fish at that. The Lasher is the only ALIEN gun we have, as in very strange in function. It could use improvements, yes, but it is still unique. We need more weapons like it, actually, just with a different ability. Like... a knockback gun, or a weapon that instantly kills someone with a full charge to the back but deals very little damage, etc.
  20. AlterEgo

    I agree about everything you said MINUS being Stormtroopers.
    They have crap aim. You know that:p
    As for Auraxium weapons, sure! It'd be interesting to see hitscan beams pass harmlessly near me at ranges beyond 50 meters:D