[Suggestion] fix empire specific rockets

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MikeyGeeMan, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. MikeyGeeMan

    I would like the t1 fixed.

    As part of a fair compromise I think we could do the following

    1. Phoenix gets lock on capability for air and ground as well as wire guided. No dumbfire when locking on.
    2. Striker gets old style lock on for ground and air. No dumbfire.
    3. Allow lancer to charge to a 4th level

    I think that is fair and equitable to all parties.
  2. MallowChunkage

    This would probably be detrimental to the phoenix, it currently gets the huge damage bonus from being counted as a dumbfire in G2A scenarios, 1 hitting scythes and mozzies (A2G get #rekd son), 3 hitting libs.(although the pheonix could do with an anti infantry buff, like seriously, you go through the effort of scoring a headshot with it and it still doesn't kill? the AV turret kills with a direct hit, and it's got unlimited ammo and insane range, speed and maneuverability, you don't even get the restricted viewpoint of a camera, compared to the phoenix)
    As for the striker, yeah, useless in it's current state.
    Lancer... mag or damage buff sure.

    I agree that something needs to be done, these launchers are just gimmicky and impractical at current.
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  3. Gorbian

    So... more lockons? Do we really need to give a weapon that does Decimator level damage a lock on mode?

    Yippee, more boring and bland lockons. Again, we don't need more lockons, and the current Striker is fun. Effective? Sometimes, but its fun.

    I see more people who thinks the Lancer needs a nerf instead of a buff. The Lancer has no need of a fourth charge, especially if it can reach out to 700+ meters almost immediately with an often non rendering particle effect.

  4. BanthaFodder

    1. Lock on to both air and ground while having laser guided capabilities would make it a direct upgrade to the Annihilator.
    2. People didn't like the lock on delay added with the fact that all 5 rockets had to hit to be effective. The current ones better imo.
    3. It's fine as it is.
  5. HadesR

    Phoenix is fine as it is .. Apart from it could do with it's DPS slightly increased by making it reload during flight ..
  6. MarvinGardens

    The Striker is the currently the crappiest ESAV. The Phoenix used to be the crappiest vs air(until they took away the strikers lock on capability) and decent against ground (and the best at getting yourself sniped). Lancer is incredibly easy to use to hit air/ground targets, and a damage buff might make it wreck everything and everyone.

    With the Strikers current velocity it's worthless at hitting anything moving at a decent speed beyond 100m. The projectile velocity is what I think should be buffed if returning its lock on capability is out of the question, or perhaps add a burst fire mode to increase it's rate of fire(which might make it too effective against infantry and MAXES). I don't think there's anything wrong with the Phoenix missile, besides the range which is impossible to buff due to the game engine(so they say). A maneuverability buff would be much appreciated but might make the Phoenix way too powerful. Perhaps a boost feature when you're on target but need a little extra speed to make the intercept? Maybe make the boost kick you out of camera control mode but lets the projectile keep continuing forward longer at a higher speed? Lancer feels great to use, currently my favorite because of the ease of landing hits on ground and air units. Damage buff 4th charge might be interesting but also might make it too powerful.
  7. BobSanders123

    I want the phoenix to have an afterburn ability. Idealy it would lower the turning speed while active but massively increase the projectile speed.
  8. Elrobochanco

    So, nerf the phoenix, buff the lancer, and make the strike boring once more? This wouldn't go very well.

    All these weapons are mostly fine in that they fill/excel at a niche but are mostly outclassed by basic lock ons and decimators in general play.

    The striker just needs a velocity/RoF buff (personally I think pulling the trigger should full auto dump the entire mag) and a reduction to its horrible model size that cuts your view. Phoenix a range buff if the servers could ever handle it, along with some kind of arming distance to make is usable inside vehicles like the valk/harasser properly. Lancer, If you wanted to buff it could use the spikers ability to hold a charge, or at least undo the stealth nerf the gave to disable the "use" button to disengage it.
  9. task_master

    I would honestly prefer striker going coyote mode on ground vehicles, except flash, rather than some velocity buff.
  10. MarvinGardens

    That would be a little too awesome I think. Ground vehicles are not very fast and agile so a ground coyote would wreck them, compared to being abysmal like it is VS air.
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  11. Foxirus

    People also don't understand that at those ranges, The lancer's damage is massively cut at that range. Top it all off that you are leading your target with about a 1 second travel time as well as hitting an ant sized target with a needle like projectile (At that range) and you can quickly see why the lancer is hardly used on the VS. It is not OP like people try to make it out to be.

    Effectively its a lock on rocket launcher that offsets its high velocity with a required charge up before you can fire. The uncharged shots are pretty much useless for everything.
  12. zombielores

    The Lancer is more of an AV sniper rifle for your HA.
    The main problem of the weapon is absolutely no warning at all with no countermeasures and being able to reach moderately far distances.
    Lancer along with vortex, ravens, and AV turrents have a stupid mechanic to them, they are able to reach ranged targets with no warning making them almost uncountable, every other weapon with no counter is very crippled outside of short range [I.E dumbfires], weapons that can reach far ranges have some warning to them [I.E lockons] and can be countered with smoke/flares or good piloting/driving.
    Add to the fact that these weapons are mounted on units with low render priority so they are some of the first things to de-render in a fight. These units are also able to be transported and tucked away in terrain making them very difficult to find.
  13. Foxirus

    The warning is the first shot. You have more than enough time to break the LoS. The Lancer and Vortex can't curve around obstacles like the ravens can, So once you break direct LoS, I can't do any damage to you what so ever.

    Thats not really an argument either. That would be like me saying theres no warning to a vanguard I didn't see when it shot me.
  14. CorporationUSA

    Fix the Pheonix rocket hit detection and increase the total flight time by around 50%.
  15. zombielores

    The problem is not 1, it's when a few get together, no warning almost instant damage.

    I'd like to see you bend ravens around cover and kill things, it's only possible on the AV tureen because long refire time and high alpha, something like the Ravens bending around cover is impractical.

    The problem is render range difference, you have every chance in a vehicle to shot the vanguard as he'll always render in order to deal damage. Lancer vortex and ravens on the other hand don't, they could all sit at 301 meters [451 meters for max I believe] and shot you, it's like fighting ghost that you can't see, just not possible and the only warning is a general direction indicator, [go find the guys shotting at you from the south, good luck finding them.].
    Fighting invisible ghost isn't fun or fair, it's like me telling you that the Phoenix can shot 900 meters now and after 300 meters my rocket derenders, have fun fighting invisible ghost that are almost impossible to find.
  16. Shaolungbao

    Phoenix can still be used and guided from safe position. Acceptable damage amount all things considered.

    Lancer is still an AV sniper rifle if you disregard the amount of damage.

    Striker just stinks. there's no situation where it should be used. All around bad without a single advantage for the user. I'm sure the dev's felt it's uniqueness in design with the "area lock-on" but the execution of it is horrible. sure it has some rate of fire but at the high cost of use and damage? I don't know of any other "faction traits" that are executed with such considerations.

    The nerfs were completely unbalanced.
  17. [HH]Mered4



    Please buff my Lancer.

    Please. Please do.

    I will show you the true meaning of OP. Swatting ESFs out of the sky from 400m?


    Killing any ground vehicle in LoS around a good hill?


    Murdering MAX units in CQB even faster?

    Check. Check. CHECK.

    Sign. Me. Up.
  18. Pikachu

    Rocket launcher that cant dumbfire is the most boring weapon ever. Dont turn back striker into that cr**. Make missiles faster or put laser guidance on it.

    Restore infantry damage for phoenix. We dont have the render issue anymore. Just move side to side whwn you hear one coming and you will avoid it most of the time.
  19. Pikachu

    Technical limitation. Would result in loading sceen. They could however make its range radius based rather than time based.
  20. iller

    oh gawd no none of this.

    a few more degrees faster turning on phoenix to raise the skill ceiling would be nice.... but plz ... no more functionality tweaking.

    It didn't work out well for the Stiker, it probably won't work out for the other 2 either. Just let the devs focus on the damn Bugs & meta