[Suggestion] Warpgate terminal to display player numbers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tricycle, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Tricycle

    I got to say one of the annoyances I've had with this game since the day one is the warpgate terminal which you use to travel to an other continent. Why in earth does it display the territory control percentage for each continent? I mean it has to be one of the least useful information. I'm interested in proper even sized battles, not some silly control percentages. Why not display the exact player numbers of each empire in the warpgate terminal?
  2. Siilk

    Amen to that! It's infuriating how pointless it is to check the continent pop to only see 33%-33%-33%. What are the actual numbers there? Does that mean you'll be joining a royal rumble of 500+ players on each side? Or will there be just three dudes derping around the map ghostcapping? Currently you can't bloody tell, because all the ingame player count data is relative, it's always percentage. But what's the point of knowing the relative player count if you have no overall numbers? The only thing you can figure out if how balanced the faction player count is, which is rather useless anyway as you can usually figure that out just by looking at the controlled territory.
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  3. FriendlierFire

    The work around is to simply look at the maps and see how much of the orange 'pseudo-explosion' things there are. It can give you a pretty good estimate of how populated a continent is. It's not precise, but good enough.
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