So how many people here actually plan on getting this game for the PS4?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AquaBladder, Jan 3, 2015.

  1. AquaBladder

    I want to get a feel for this.

    I'm curious to see if any Vets are actually going to buy it on the console.
  2. breeje

    is it not free to play like on the PC ?
    download it somewhere for the PS4 and buy membership and ingame stuff
  3. FateJH

    First, I would need to get a PS4.
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  4. AquaBladder

    Oh I know.

    I'm just asking.
    I've got the game on the PC and its great. I'm just getting it on the PS4 because my PC specs are kind of low.
  5. f0d

    consoles are just too expensive
    paying yearly just to play multiplayer?
    no thanks
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  6. Palbuddy

    No clue what happens generally with PS2 atm...
  7. AquaBladder

    Well, agree to disagree.
    Besides, I'm just curious.
  8. LodeTria

    Most people here don't really care about it since we are all playing the PC.
    It is somewhat popular in other places, NeoGAF for example are looking forward to it when threads are made about it.
  9. BobSanders123

    If your computer sucks for playing Planetside 2 I would imagine you would go to PS4.
    If you have friends that only play on the PS4 I would imagine you would go to PS4.

    I'm guessing the rest of the playerbase will be 6-9 year olds who downloaded the game because their parents didn't buy them Grand Theft Auto V.
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  10. IPLAYTF2

    i prefer to aim with a mouse and keyboard and have above 10 fps so definitely not
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  11. GoyoElGringo

    Unless you have a terrible PC that can't even keep the game above 30 fps, I can see no reason to play it on PS4. I'd imagine that any PS2 veteran doesn't have that problem though.
  12. f0d

    i only just found out about having to pay a monthly fee just to play multiplayer (im out of the loop on consoles because they dont interest me) and i really am shocked people actually think consoles are "cheap" when you have to pay $10 a month just to play your games

    its new info for me so im even more unimpressed by the consoles now than i was before
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  13. NoctD

    New for me too - I thought PSN was free cause it was that way for the PS3. Guess Sony saw the $$$ Xbox Live was getting and decided to ka-ching ring on the register too.

    Edit - also, you don't really "own" that console... I'm guessing Sony could possibly disable your console just like Microsoft could sent the "kill" switch to an Xbox. You're basically paying for hardware that could be shut down at any moment on you.
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  14. Toxicate

    Honestly I don't see any reason anyone who has the game on PC would bother with the PS4 version. If I'm not mistaken none of your character progress/unlocks and the like carry over. The graphics are likely tuned down a bit, the UI is shaken up to be controller friendly, there's likely a fair amount of aim assist because controllers. Price of console, price of online membership fee, etc. What on earth is the draw here? I feel like SOE has really wasted a lot of resources on something that in all likely hood isn't going to pay off, or at least not much. Best case scenario they get a lot of the console fps market to get into it, but that market is already horribly saturated with the 800 different CoDs and BFs. Seems like a waste of time to me.
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  15. Trebb

    Yeah I fell for this too, picked up Destiny and thought something was wrong as kept getting hit by an ad for Sony's Gold online when I tried to connect. No thanks, I already pay monthly for an ISP (and used to pay for PS2 :p ) ((Also, never even finished Destiny's story, such a boring, repetitive game/grind))
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  16. ShadowViper

  17. doombro

    A few members of my outfit have said they'll be playing the PS4 version when it's available.

    PS2 on PS4 won't require PS+.
  18. AlterEgo

    Dis accuracy, though!
  19. JudgeNu

    I haven't played or owned a console since Sega Genesis.
  20. andy_m

    Even if I had a PS4, there is no way I would play this, or any other FPS game on it, unless keyboard and mouse was supported.