Please Un-Nerf Engie AV-Turret Max range

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trebb, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Trebb

    ..and maybe while you're at it, let me look almost straight down with it.

    No? Why not? Yeah it would probably be unfair to anyone in a vehicle that I don't render to.

    So instead, why not bring everyone in line, and make vehicles fun again. Reduce the range across the board to render range. Raven max shooting you from a hilltop? Rockets should poof at 300m or whatever the system decides to render.

    Fighting against pre-nerf AV turrets was not a fun experience, now picture dual wielding them on a mobile MAX suit *while* having 360 degree motion and full up/down motion. o_O
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  2. Demigan

    Or, you know, increase render range for all turrets and MAX's, to be in-line with it?
    Or they could create exceptions. Any AV weapon capable of effectively shooting outside of it's render range becomes renderable as if it were a vehicle. So AV MAX's are rendered farther, and any lock-on Heavy becomes rendered the moment he selects his rocketlauncher etc.
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  3. Auzor

    I'll be honest: I get an imaginary headache thinking about how such things would be programmed and handled. The game isn't buggy and laggy enough yet I suppose..
    So, you can shoot & kill the AV max, but not his repair hamster_ er.. engineer.
    Nor the medic stepping in to rezz him?

    Give AV turret a 2x? zoom, like AI turret. But, reduce range.
    Maxes: bit of an issue: vortexes lose a lot of their perks if they can't be used beyond 300m..
    technically speaking, fractures have more dps & more dpm than Ravens; and the damage arrives faster; faster projectile velocity.
    Accuracy at range is the selling point of Ravens too.
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  4. Demigan

    Doesn't the same count for vehicles? Only difference is that vehicles cannot be rezzed and the engineers are unlikely to be rezzed as well.

    But I think this is the part where combined arms comes in. Use infantry/air to take out the engineers and medics, giving you an easier time against the AV MAX's.
  5. Auzor

    I'm in favor of making a hit on a vehicle temporarly disable repairs,
    or make repairs slower.
    This could be limited to "serious" AV hits; like a rocket or tank shell, and not basilisk fire.
  6. tf2hero

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  7. Mxiter

    The title or the OP?
  8. I play by many names

    Render distance just needs fixed period. Its been a huge issue since beta. It causes bad balance compromises that result fun sapping game play. Because of the justification that X can be hit by invisible infantry they always end up stronger than they should be once within render distance. Infantry always end up weaker than they should be because 'well they can do damage outside of render distance'. It ends up as a bad compromise that no one is happy with. We just need 1, universal render distance that EVERYTHING SHARES. You cannot have a game in which everything is capable of damaging everything, but only some things can be seen at some ranges and expect the balance and game play to be anything but atrocious.
  9. tf2hero

    title cuz im so lazy to read the actual post bl00l
  10. FateJH

    Make everything render at the same ranges, Infantry, Vehicles, projectiles, all non-terrain game objects.
  11. iller

    Torn on this to be honest. On one hand, longer range only encourages Cham cheaters to use it against infantry too.
    On the other hand... mana Engies who stay on their turret b/c they think they're far enough away to never die in a single hit, are exactly what the goddawful RailJack was designed to deal with, even BEFORE the infantry render range was raised. I was 2-shotting them at 390m all year long if that's what was required of me....Falloff-Shmahloff :cool:
  12. Silkensmooth

    Just give ravens the same range as pheonix missiles. Well they probly still need a damage reduction but they are so silly atm its riduculous.
  13. Demigan

    I thought you were saying that vehicles were at a disadvantage at range, so I would think that your idea for hits disabling repairs would count for MAX's as well. You could even make excess damage increase the time needed to revive them? Sounds actually like a nice idea.
  14. Auzor

    For maxes, yes, with the same caveat I think: "serious" hits; so you knifing the max doesn't trigger a repair time-out. A Rocket OTOH..
    if it is simply "slower repair", then small arms fire can have the slowdown effect too.

    Regarding revives:
    IMO, a boost to infiltrators could be "double revive time" when killed by a sniper headshot. (and I do mean "headshot" only here)
    "Double revive time" can then also apply to being killed by direct hits from tank shells, Bulldogs I think, uhm.. Dalton shell to the head,..
    I wouldn't include Rockets here, because Rocket Primary shouldn't be encouraged. Similar reasoning for Max AV weapons, AV turret etc.
    Pretty insane I'm running after an enemy tank with my RL out; I take a shell to the face, but no worries! My squadmate medic can rezz me from 2m away, staying nicely behind cover!
    -> Part of inf-vehicle imbalance atm isn't just the damage, but that a tank can end up killing the same character three times, and he just keeps coming with the RL, because the medic never needs to expose himself. At least increase the revive time for direct hits then. Medic remains a rather important part of any gameplay, or at least I hope so. 1 heavy vs 1 enemy tank remains unaffected.
    Of course, if in-game, the ultimate vehicle goal is "farm-whack-a-mole" vs infantry, then everything is fine.
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  15. lothbrook

    The issue isn't render range, its getting hit by a tiny dot hundreds of meters away taking large chunks of your health, even back when these turrets could shoot 900m, and sometimes you'd get lucky and they'd render, the tank would literally be looking for a tiny black dot on a hill, theres no way to really shoot back at something like that. Even 300m is a hell of a shot on infantry with a round that has half the velocity of sniper rifle round and only 2x Zoom.

    Ideally they'd just reduce lock on range to 250 or 200m, and all ES AV and Max AV to 300m.
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  16. FateJH

    Possible job of front-line snipers, but the point is taken.

    I'm still going to advocate for equalized rendering for all game objects, though, even if it's not a solution to this problem.
  17. axiom537

    I have an idea, Why don't you spawn a vehicle and go after those enemy vehicles. If they are so far out that you can't reach them with the AV-Mana turret, then they really are not a threat to you as infantry and you should grab a vehicle and go after them.
  18. MarkAntony

    I disagree. Having a turret 300m (sometimes less) away kill me when I know exactly where (I can see the rockets spawn in midair) it is and could kill/see it if it were to render is a big problem.
    Invisible invincible enemies are a huge problem.
  19. Ragmon

    IMO the AV turret is just about right. The mouse sensitivity needs to be aim-down sight instead of vehicle.
  20. ronjahn

    Has no one in this thread noticed that infantry render range is currently set to infinite since the last patch?

    I've marked and killed targets who were over 1100m away(my render range is set at 1250)

    If this change is permanant, there is literally no such thing as balancing for render range anymore. Balancing for skill and a weapons potential to be effective at these extreme ranges can still be a topic of conversation though ;)

    (Don't believe me and I will post pics when I get home)