Farmville comes to Planetside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MikeyGeeMan, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. MikeyGeeMan

    Really. Just got back into playing a few weeks ago...and this is what the game has become

    Farming certs everywhere you go. I tried tr, vanu, and NC.

    Now this is emerald mind you.

    But there needs to be a mechanism other than me smoke grenading my own team to move up and take an objective.

    Right now the easiest way to cert up is to farm. Thus the playerbase farms.

    There needs to be a reason to take the base or the point.

    It just seems like a waste. Last time I was playing pre lattice and post lattice we were taking flags. Now we farm the flag. Get pushed back, move to the next farm location.

    @devs - please give everyone a reason to move up.
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  2. I play by many names

    The best reason to move us is to occupy superior farming ground.
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  3. Crator

    But you do get certs for capturing territory. And they even added XP gain when sitting on a capture point while it is contested. When has killing the enemy ever 'not' been the easiest way to cert up? Was there a reason previously that made people take territory (other then alerts and the XP gain you get from doing it)?
  4. JustBoo

    Whew, you scared me. I thought SOE hired Kate and / or Fernando Paiz. They destroyed LOTRO by literally (not figuratively) trying to turn it into Farmville. They came from Zunuga(?), (don't care how it's spelled), you know, the idiots who made Farmville.

    They have both been discredited and, I thought, drummed out of the industry. Which of course, makes them prime SOE job candidates. I wish I was kidding. o_O
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  5. FateJH

    You know, I see a lot of videos of people just flying over an enemy base by themselves, dropping out, and killing people until they get killed themselves, and having no real greater plans than that, not even as part of a much larger attack by their faction, or even intending to get to the CC.
    In PS1, that'd be lauded as tying up the enemy.
    In PS2, we'd demean such lone behavior as farming or a kind of padding.
    I'm talking about PS1 vidoes.
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  6. Robes

    Im afraid you do not understand what a first-person shooter is (although the name alone gives a very strong hint). Unlike an RTS (real time strategy), which you seem to think this is, an FPS (first person shooter hint hint) revolves around shooting the bad guys with some secondary objectives to keep the pace, as long as the bad guys are being shot, then the secondary objectives are fulfilling their goal.

    Now that you have a slight understanding of what an FPS is, i will list a few suggestions of games which you may prefer seeing how you were mistakenly interested in an FPS.

    Starcraft 2
    Total Annihilation (It is still the king)
    Planetary Annihilation (One day maybe)
    Age of Empires

    I will also add a couple more from the MOBA genre into the list as possibilities

    League Of Legends
    Dota 2
    Heroes of Newerth

    I hope this helps!
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  7. MikeyGeeMan

    Not really...being a veteran fps and mmo guy. And seeing what I have been seeing. But thanks for trying. Will write up a good troll topic for you to post on.

    Hope that helps.
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  8. MikeyGeeMan

    Back on topic...

    Why do so many farm vs trying to take objectives and territory.

    It really wasn't like this before.

    For what its worth it was more fun when we had a porpoise.

    And to squash the whole faction server thing...its happening everywhere. Not just to your faction or to your server
  9. inigma

    They could change it by simply allowing hexes outside the bases to be single hexes capturable by eliminating all non stalker cloaker enemies. it would bring the fight and farm outside. Nothing like fighting over a hill because its a ... hill.
  10. \m/SLAYER\m/

    But all games has it, people love small maps with big amount of players:
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  11. ronjahn

    Please define farming.

    If you want to tell people what to do and how to play you can always considering starting an outfit or squad/platoon. In those scenarios, you can kick people who won't follow your orders.

    If you think any amount of yelling or smoke is going to get me to charge mindlessly to my death, you are sorely mistaken. That's why SOE implemented mute button and HS/NV scopes.
  12. LibertyRevolution

    Territory became meaningless with the resource revamp.
    There is no point in pushing forward if you already have a good position where you are.

    If you are in a good fight, enjoy the fight. If not, find another fight.
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  13. MotionBlured

    This is an FPS. It's primary purpose is shooting and/or being shot by other people. Territory and flags are there purely to give players a reason to be in that area to shoot other people. You appear to be one of those misguided people, who seem to think that doing anything other than capturing land is "farming", and for some reason you think this is a bad thing.

    There are many, many other games, where playing the objective is primary to killing someone. I suggest you play one of those.
  14. steverogers


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  15. iller

    Yeah it was. It was always like this. ...since release
    Did you forgot a little something called the Crown?

    The only difference now is,
    that 2 of the factions don't wait for the most farmable faction get anywhere near the center of the Map, they just camp their WG now.

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  16. Alarox

    So you're one of those people?
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  17. Degenatron

    Long on complaining, short on ideas.

    Here's an idea. Base Per kill Xp is dropped to 10xp. That means a free player, not boosted, gets 10xp per kill.

    Now add on an "Objective Multiplier" to the capture zones around objectives that multiply kill xp by 10.

    That would make it so that the current level of reward for kills would only occur around objectives - forcing people to fight at the objective to achieve an acceptable level of xp gain.

    Now watch as people fall all over themselves screaming about "the grind". I personally couldn't care less; I'm a BR100 with every weapon I could want, so this change wouldn't mean anything to me.

    Also, the only reason I no longer play the objectives is because I got tired of being the only one. I can get to the objective and flip the point, but as long as I get no support, it doesn't matter. So now I just hang back with everyone else.
  18. GhostAvatar

    What is this "objective" and "point" things you speak of?
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  19. FBVanu

    No such thing as Farming. I have to kill the enemy wherever i can find them...

    if they happen to come out of a room or a particular building, then I have to provide cover fire on that room or building. (spawn)
    That is the most efficient and logical way to kill the enemy.

    Sometimes that may appear "easy", but that is how the game / maps / bases are designed. (and plenty of players get creamed trying to do it.. it's not that easy"
    When I want to protect my faction's Sundy / troops and fellow tankers.. I HAVE TO shoot at the spots where the enemy comes out and tries to put some rockets into my faction... ergo; I MUST keep firing at the spots where the enemy comes from. That is cover fire and active duty.

    In the meantime, if it is possible, our infantry will try to take the point in that base, and thus stop the enemy from coming out of those rooms and buildings. Hurray!

    Once that is accomplished we will try the same scenario at the next base. Round and round it goes.

    A war of attrition with never ending supplies... a game.. the purpose; have fun blowing other players away.

    The cert / XP gain for capping a base is too low. If it was higher, there would be more of a reason to cap the base.. but, as it stands, I make more XP providing cover fire than I would ever make trying to flip the point. Maybe, just a thought, maybe it would be an idea to increase the XP, based on a number of Bases captured.. (i.e.: capture 6 hexes, receive an extra 20 Certs for the 6th one) ? Then you would have a big reason to capture the last and 6th hex.. but.... the other faction will try to prevent that.. then you have a giant blob battle of 96+ vs 96+ that goes on for hours.. and then you would call that farming.. and then we are back here.. and .. never mind.

    Other games are smaller, with less players, but they give you the FLAG. Oh boy, we just won, we won the FLAG.. .. goody goody goody.. and then you move on and try to "farm" the next flag. same thing.
    That could be created in a manner that shows on screen, continent wide, "The NC WON Palos Solar Station".. get some extra XP.. .. then you move on to the next base.. and, well, see above..

    It's either that, or chess, tic tac toe or pong.

    Thank you for playing.
  20. Hicksimus

    You mean you think it's poor game design to reward farming an enemy in a tiny area with 10x the experience per hour gain of trying to fight the enemy in a battle of massive scale? What do you think this is? Planetside? Heh.