So, now that OHK knives are in, can the Mag-scatter get another pass?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by _itg, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. _itg

    Everyone said the Mag-scatter was crap when they released it, and they weren't necessarily wrong, but it did have a niche that made it viable in at least some circumstances, and that was that it did the bodyshot-knife combo even better than the crossbow. This was mainly relevant to stalker infiltrators, but still. Now that OHK knives exist, that's no longer a selling point, so it truly is pretty worthless. It's not clearly more effective than the Underboss within 5m (.045 second bodyshot TTK advantage, but the Underboss wins if it gets at least one headshot), and it's the worst pistol bar none outside of maybe about 8m. This pistol needs some combination of increase in effective range (possibly by reduced damage dropoff and increased mag size) and increased effectiveness in close quarters (slight increase in RoF).
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  2. iller

    I like the idea of its "choke" attachment... but otherwise the limited ammo pool, or sub par damage isn't enough yet to make me buy it. Ammo belt helps a little bit, but it still needs to do consistent damage in a wider horizontal pellet scatter (with increased pellet count to compensate) to offset the increased risk we face when we run that ammo belt instead of Kevlar or Nade'Bandolier.

    Just increasing the pellet count ^ horizontal width would also benefit the Choke attachment a lot too.
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  3. z1967

    Needs a better ROF and an extra shot or two.
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  4. FrozenCustard

    I don't see why not, as it stands there is zero reason to ever buy and equip the Mag-scatter or the AMP while the spiker has its uses.
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

  6. breeje

    yes, i vote for a buff
  7. Leftconsin

    I'm very split between more OHKs in this game. On one hand being OHK is a pretty serious feel bad moment for the player on the receiving end, but then again, because of how hit detection works EVERYTHING can OHK because you might just receive all the damage on your screen at once, which is a pretty frequent occurrence.

    I'd say that buff in magazine size people have been asking about is justified. UNFORTUNATELY SOE seems to avoid buffing things like even the slightest improvement will bust the game. Seriously, why can't we play with nice things?
  8. LordDethir

    Not an OHK, just give it +60 rpm and a 6 round mag, 36 in reserve.
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  9. BobSanders123

    The T4 AMP, Magscatter, and the spiker were all crap when they came out. Spiker has been buffed, so why not the other two?
  10. Demigan

    "shotguns are easy mode" thats why they are much less used than Carbines, even by the shotgun gods the LA. Good job man! You found an supposedly easy-mode weapon that no-one uses for exactly what reasons...?

    Look, even the most CQC carbine has a longer range while hipfiring than a shotgun, with less punishement for having worse accuracy when missing or partially hitting, and a low enough TTK for the shotgun to have little use... except for it's magazine count that can get 2-3 kills per magazine easily in CQC where Carbines are more 1vs1 weapons that have the potential for 2 or even 3 kills in CQC, but much better at range where the shotgun becomes useless.
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  11. braytz

    easy mode for the guy with a carbine/AR/LMG/everything in the other end of the room.
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  12. MarkAntony

    Commisioner doesn't require skill. lol. someone doesn't know what he is talking about.
  13. Iridar51

    Shotgun pistol was bound to be bad. It's nice to have as a novelty, but I don't see any way how it can be balanced without being cheesy / rivaling primary weapons.
  14. Iridar51

    Why not? It's a very powerful weapon, and now with reflex sights is basically a mini-primary, but it does require skill. Can't kill anyone if you're missing, can't spam the weapon - any other pistol will be better if you do.
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  15. Nody

    Except none of the other VS pistols have any reason to ever be used outside of directive grinding; and lets not talk about things such as PPA or ZoE...
  16. MarkAntony

    oh sorry. what i wrote was very misleading. I was sarcastically mimicking the guy i was quoting with the first sentence. The commisioner DOES require skill. I was laughing at the guy who said that it doesn't.
    I tend to hipfire it mostly though so the sights are a nice to have and not a game changer for me. But they sure are nice to have when the situation calls for it.
  17. Iridar51

    Ah, my bad then. Didn't really check the entire conversation. Yeah, I have similar experiences with it. Commissioner is basically a slug shotgun with very accurate hip fire.
  18. Jac70

    The Commissioner is the weapon that separates the men from the boys ;) I put a 2x on it but it's best used 'Dirty Harry' style shooting from the hip at close quarters. Just Auraxium'd it today so will be playing with a new sidearm from now on.
  19. _itg

    I never suggested making it OHK. Specifically, I suggested reducing damage dropoff, increasing mag size, and buffing RoF.

    You also should realize that shotguns aren't easy to use by virtue of the fact they're shotguns. If a shotgun outputs so much damage that you can kill easily with a bunch of partial hits (think auto-shotgun), yeah, that's easy to use. If you have to land every pellet to kill reliably, as with the mag-scatter, it's actually harder to use than a gun with normal bullets.
  20. VikingKong

    /\ What he said. I don't know how this myth that shotguns take less skill started, but it's just ridiculous.
    If you hit someone in the shoulder with any other weapon, you do as much damage as a shot to centre of the torso. If you do the same with a shottie, you've just halved your (already sub-par) dps.
    They require more accuracy than any other weapon, and even with perfect aim they are far from an "I-win button".

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