[Suggestion] Terran Republic

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by natowpnzor, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. natowpnzor

    I've been playin PS2 for a while now, and I've noticed that Terran Republic is the strongest faction there is. That is actually kind of the reason I didn't choose to be that faction, because it would always be boring on how we would always win with their high damage miniguns, assault rifles, freakin prowler tanks and no-matter-where-they-hit-you sniper rifles. I think depending on how strong they are, can someone cut us some slack and give us a weapon that is equal to theirs? The VS aren't hard to fight, they're actually really fun to fight with as long as you have friends with mics. The TR though just come in and rek EVERYONE. I actually began to leave fights because a mosquito comes in w/ rocket pods.
  2. natowpnzor

    Seriously? 1 prowler can hold off an assault of 3 Lightnings. How is that fair?
  3. QuantumSerpent

    Of all the things you mentioned, only the Chaingun and some of our Assault Rifles are actually empire-specific. And of those, the difference made is negligible: the Chaingun's a dedicated CQC weapon (so mow the guy down from afar) and a Medic still loses to a Heavy in direct combat, awesome ARs or no.
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  4. breeje

    what weapon do you want, we will give it to you
    if we can have an weapon of our choice back
    all factions have somethings that are better then the others
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  5. TheMish

    What kind of lightnings? What gun they mounted is important.

    If it's 3 AP, HE, or HEAT lightnings, then you're lying. No MBT stands a chance.
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  6. Rogueghost

    With an AV gunner any MBT and take down 3 HE lightnings, not sure about vipers though.
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  7. TheMish

    Vipers are "ehhhh" but with 3 against one MBT? That's deadly against any one vehicle.

    But yeah, that is an important point, the presence of a gunner in the MBT. And what gun too.
  8. FrozenCustard

    Also lock down helps too.
  9. Snikklefritz

    TR is overpowered? I doubt that. I'm going to assume that you're NC since you fight both TR and VS? Well first of all, the TR don't have "no-matter-where-they-hit-you sniper rifles," in fact, their ES sniper rifle is the worst of the three, VS at least never run out of ammo on theirs, and NC have a charge up delay, but they also have the longest range sniper rifles, so if anything, NC can hit you from anywhere, and the rest of the sniper rifles are exactly the same as far as I know. Also, the high damage mini gun is completely useless with the prowlers ES ability, which makes it into an artillery unit far away from the front lines, resulting in a useless weapon, as the Vulcan is only good for CQC. It's only good when on harassers with hit and run tactics. The other ES AV work with the MBT ability. The TR do have the best assault rifles, like the SABR-13 having no faction equivalents, but other factions have their best types of weapons. NC also have some of the most accurate AV weapons, like Pheonixes and Ravens. Also, no MBT can stand up to three skilled lightning drivers. Even three average lightning drivers could probably take out an MBT with the number of them. It would be too difficult for the MBT to avoid getting hit from the rear.
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  10. TheMish

    If you're at longer ranges, if you're up close, it's suicide.
  11. ZZYZX


    Only the NC had shotguns...originally. People cried, everyone got a common pool shotgun.

    ...where's my common pool chain gun? Been 11 years...still waiting...
  12. QuantumSerpent

    It's called an LMG.
  13. natowpnzor

    I have experienced the TR from both VS and NC. I actually was one of the three drivers that was wiped out, and yes the prowler did have a second gunner. The TR snipers was a small point considering the chainguns and prowlers. I also am currently using the RailJack. I was in a TR battle after a long time of not fighting them, and right when I got into the battle to capture the checkpoint, a lvl 73 with an assault rifle that does a whole lot more damage than the VS or NC come up and destroys about 5 of us counting me, we were in different spots around the room too, and continues to cap the point. After all of us shooting at him, we only got him down to low health. And you're saying that the TR are supposed to have high armor and miniguns when VS only has lots of ammo, and the NC has snipers? What can we do with this stuff when they're all up in our face already laying you down?
  14. -Synapse-

    The grass is just as brown over here as it is over there.
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  15. Snikklefritz

    The TR have assault rifles that do more damage than the VS or NC ones? If I recall correctly, the highest damaging TR assault rifle is the SABR-13, which fires two 167 rounds in a quick burst. The NC has the Reaper DMR, which does 200 damage per bulllet. I'm pretty sure that neither the VS or TR have primary weapons that do more than 167 damage per bullet, excluding shotguns. If the TR medic was able to kill all five of you in a room, then they were probably using their nano heal and medikits to keep themselves alive. They also probably flanked your group, while they were busy with another group of TR, and killed you all. Also, what tank weapons were you all using when the prowler "wiped you all out," and what BR are you?
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  16. FateJH

    Have you experienced the TR from the perspective of the TR? Go ahead and see what you're missing (and wallow in your eventual disillusionment).
    All Infantry actually have the same level of armor and health for the same classes, equivalent ranks in HA shield, Medic heal, Nanoweave and Flak armors, etc., counting.
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  17. breeje

    look i play all factions
    when i started my first character it was NC, i hated it bad weapons hard to aim and so on
    now after 2 years PS2 i started again NC and what do i feel
    the best weapons in the game because now i know how to handle them
    i like my NC character now because of the weapons TTK

    so here i ask again, what weapon do you want from the TR
    i be happy to exchange some of them
    and u can have the chaingun, make an TR character and come test it out
  18. Rogueghost

    Any LMG in the game is superior to the chaingun, please take it.
  19. Snikklefritz

    IMO the MCG is the worst heavy weapon of the three, as the higher fire rate needs a spin up time, and the cone of fire makes the higher RPM obsolete
  20. Goldmonk

    What server do you play on? On Emerald, the TR gets wrecked 90% of the time. It's VS heaven and everyone ignores the NC. Honestly, its the level of your opponent and not their weapon.