Continent Locking....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lunchbox2501, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. Lunchbox2501

    it seems that whenever I get on VS Connery, (which is usually later in the day) Esamir and Indar have been locked every single time. Honestly, I'm fine with it not being Indarside 2, but I'm getting REALLY tired of Amerish and Hossin. I've been getting on every single day after taking a long 2 month break from Planetside 2 and i really want to play Indar.I think that a continent being able to be locked every day is completely broken and its boring as hell. Also, has this mechanic been affecting anyone else? Any response is welcome. Cheers!;)
  2. Ci'fera

    I agree, continent locking is obnoxious when its the same ones over and over. I dont mind locking in total. Its how its always the same places that annoy me. Usually VS locked too on Emerald.
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  3. breeje

    i always felt something special for indar
    its the place where i was growing up as a player in good and bad times
    now i will always play on indar if its unlocked but it needs to be locked equal with the other continents
    so everybody can play on his favo map
    maybe SOE can make some kind of plan/scheme for the continents
    then we all know the days and hours for the continents
  4. Saool

    That would remove the point of trying to lock one in the first place.

    What we need is the damned continental lattice. then, if you want Indar, you need to mass on the other side of a warp gate on a linked continent and push through and take it.
  5. 11Sheldonator

    On Briggs continent locking can be even more annoying as generally 95% of the time only 1 continent is unlocked due to low population. Now, I somewhat like the idea of continent locking as it shifts the fighting around and keeps players less spread out which can then hopefully lead to better battles. However, at the same time player population definitely fluctuates on Briggs as different continents come and go which definitely shows that people including myself sometimes really just don't want to play on a particular continent or in your case, be limited to 2 which you may not enjoy.
  6. CEGrif

    unfortunately alerts are currently broken. which means that the continents don't rotate on a regular basis
  7. NBA JAM

    The whole thing with continent locking is that its SUPPOSED to be there when you have 12+ continents to fight on. Continent locking had a whole stratagem and purpose there and it rotated almost everyday as no one planet would stay locked forever.

    Oh that's right, the entire game was supposed to take place across several planets, not just one (hence the name).

    That was the entire deal of Planetside 1. Its been 3 years, we have 1 new continent added and battle isles somewhere in the distant future if at all. Game will probably die before we see them and a better game will come out.

    The entire dev decision to have 3 BIG continents as opposed to lets say 6 small ones was disastrous. Just look at all the issues its caused from zerging, to render distance issues, to spamming.

    Continent locking needs to be there, but we NEED more continents and the current ones we have need to shrink.