Bug or Hack ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jstrecu, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. jstrecu

    A minute ago playing TR we got a base from NC.
    Then I hear "enemy heavy spotted", "Engineer spotted" etc...

    I follow the voice thinking it was an infil, the voice kept moving away from me. Finally I catch up and it was an ally, the guy was spotting tons of enemies, but there was nobody around!
    We were midway to the next base, but there was a mountain in front of us, so no line of sight.
    He noticed me and looked at me, stopped spotting. Then started to run towards the NC base and started spotting (through the mountain I believe) enemies again.

    I couldn't follow as he was LA and went uphill. And I've checked his stats and are not that good. kd 1.89

    Has this happened to anybody before? Could be a new bug introduced with the last patch I don't know. It's the first time I see this.
  2. Klypto

    Some terrain and assets do not block spots.
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  3. jstrecu

    I understand that, but there was 200m, a big mountain and trees between him and the enemy.
    From Kessel's Crossing to Chac Fusion Lab (North Hossin).
  4. Goretzu

    Could be a certain hack program, dunno if it allows spotting like that. Could also be a bug as you can sometimes "spot" people you can't see, although I've never seen that happen in a general sense (as you discribe), just in some specific places.
  5. Allin

    I spot "on hunch" a lot, but yeah as much as you can get some weird multi spotting somethimes, what yo udescribes is unlikely.

    And as for the stats, don;t believe all cheaters have insane high k/d. Most of them use just ESP (wallhack), autospot feature and autoknife, as those things are almost undetectable. Aimbotting is a thing of the past and only few of them are using it, and even then with adjusted reaction snap time and with factored in intentional misses.
  6. Utrooperx

    You know, I've noticed this happening while zipping to repair a generator underground at Amp stations...I'll hear a Bad Guy calling out about a incoming Enemy Engineer...and I'm still in the tunnel! They can't be spotting me through the doorways...the shields in the Spawn Rooms are opaque from the outside...
  7. BULLET010

    Sounds hacky...hard to say. But a couple of days ago I was at a base and a Light Assault ran past 10 of us. I started firing with no hit markers. Figured the guy was hella laggy. Then my teammates started firing and the guy turned, ran towards the lift beam up to the pad. Then everybody stopped firing because they figured him out.

    So yah, hackers do exist. But probably not in the capacity you are thinking. Pretty rare to see them now days. But when you're playing a game with around 3000 people you better believe there is a few bad apple's in the bunch. If anyone tells you different, they are naive or new to the game. ALso, in the beginning there used to be in game moderators who would ban hackers. The game would even flash messages to report them; all that went away when SOE 'trimmed the fat.'

    So just report them (if you are sure they are hacking) and SOE will get to that ticket like...next year or something...lol.
  8. FBVanu

    Its a bug. Happens a lot if you spam "Q"..

    As a tanker I constantly Q for our infantry that is taking a base.. hoping that whatever I spotted will show up on their minimap..
    However, I frequently spot "enemy spawn point":, Sunderer, .. BEHIND the base that I am looking at. in other words, X-ray vision for my spotting ??

    The more players, the bigger the battle, the more often it occurs.
  9. iller

    No, all terrain is not necessarily blocking spotting.... That's a bug. However,

    In order to know those targets are even there that consistently, is not anywhere close to legit and ESP'ing has been the most common cheat used in this game and is still way more common than aimbots. Well now days the Lagswitch exploit is getting more common than ESP, but that's b/c SOE isn't banning anyone for abusing it. But in most cases, ESP under the new infantry render range of 450-500m's is a major issue that all players should be a bit more paranoid of simply because it puts a much better bounding box around your model than spotting does and makes you easier to hit with tank shells / AV mana / ect... even cloaked players are still seen by it
  10. jstrecu

    I've spotted enemies through certain rocks/objets, but I guess if it happens in towers too it could also happen with even bigger assets.
    Will try to keep an eye on this, hope more people do. If it's a bug I'd like it to be fixed ASAP.
  11. TheKhopesh

    Additionally, I have spotted enemy maxes, HA's, medics, etc. from over 750m (FAR outside the 300m infantry render distance) away by randomly spamming "Q" at the next base over.
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