Make Next Continent Urban Map

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Archlyte, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. Archlyte

    I would love a cont that has a few different city areas where vehicles have to use the streets, and the vertical landscape is varied. Ruins of high buildings with staircases and broken monorail tracks. A rubble strewn maze of fighting problems. Would be great don't you think?
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  2. DoctorXqY

    Sounds cool. Would be another nightmare continent for armor, like Hossin. In-universe, it could be explained as a civilian sector that was abandoned. Would be super cool. Overall, even if it would be a nightmare for tanks, it would be a super cool continent.
  3. Sielgaudys

    Also archipelago map (no necessarily with naval combat though it would be cool) and maybe volcanic wasteland map.
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  4. WetPatch

    VS would need a new MBT for such a continent.
  5. Jaedrik

    They are making an urban map. It's a battle island.
    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIBE PS1 MAGRIDER
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  6. -Synapse-

    They were working on a concept like this for one of the battle islands, something along these lines:

    It works with the lore too, considering the initial expedition more or less colonized the planet and had nearly two hundred years of relative peace beofre war broke out, it would make sense for there to be a city or two somewhere.
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  7. Metalsheep

    IIRC, the next continent being worked on is Searhus, which is a Volcanic continent.

    In PS1, there were even bases inside the crater of the Volcano.
  8. Pikachu

    You will get a battle island with urban landscape. Don't expect to be able to enter the buildings though.
  9. ronjahn

    Don't get to excited. Last time they showed this Battle Island it was an extremely early prototype. In the video, the designer emphasized multiple multiple times that the urban BI has no guarantee of ever being implemented into the game and is simply a prototype.

    It also looked like crap and on what I would assume was a very powerful computer, ran pretty poorly due to the large buildings taking up to much memory.

    Urban environments are much further away than any of us would like. Your post makes it seem like they are in fact making it, when they simply aren't at this time. The artist in the video essentially said it is something they work on for fun in their free time.
  10. FateJH

    There will be four dozen banana buildings to thoroughly enjoy.
  11. doombro

    The next planned continent is Searhus, a volcanic continent. After that is Oshur, which I suspect will be a tropical continent.

    I think they're exploring the possibility of having a city-based battle island though. Sadly, those are population locked to about 1-2 platoons per side.
  12. EViLMinD

    This is what I want too.

    Be cool to have a road network. Partially broken bridges, highways and underground tunnels.

    Now that there are automated turrets, I wonder if it would be possible have an automated train. Stops at each base and lets infantry board/exit. Perhaps, there could be switch stations that let teams manipulate the train's route. There could be turrets on the train, too.

    The map design would have to make the train transport a practical alternative. The depots could have control/spawn points that are best accessed via the train.
  13. GoyoElGringo

    Just make sure it's brown and grey, and if possible add quicktime events.
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  14. Jaedrik

  15. Pikachu

    "After that is Oshur" Yeah right. :rolleyes: In ps3 they mean?
  16. Alarox

    They're already working on this.

    You guys should watch Work in Progress.
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  17. doombro

    I wish. But, yes. They had 3 more continents planned to happen at some point after launch, Oshur being one of them.
  18. Jaedrik

    Oh, sure, it's never going to be done. :rolleyes: ;)
    golden pun opportunity, couldn't resist
  19. Carnage

    Watching 300 hours of Work in progress to get 20 mins of new content isnt my idea of a good show. Work in progress bores me (and im sure 99% of others) in the first 5 mins. We need the command center back where we have a 20 min recap not sitting there through 2.5 hour streams with 2 mins worth the new content shown SMH
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  20. vincent-

    I would love this it would make me use different tactics and gear with my tanks instead of armor piercing constantly.