[Suggestion] Bailing as a Tanker (Parody)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GlobeMaster, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. rahulr1

    You completely missed the point >.<

    A* humour though - I'm basically dying right now
  2. braytz

    my sides bailed out!
  3. KirthGersen

    OP, you've made my day:D

    While I played NC I used HE Lightning mostly. It was equipped with fire sprsn/nanites/rival. And I used an Infiltrator to drive it.
    The idea was (and worked perfectly) to have better chances to go away if things going bad, but not only this. Tens and tens of times I jumped out and that happy HA guy who killed my tank got some Cyclone bullets in his back. If lightning got destroyed by a tank, I just redeployed.

    Then I started to play TR using Prowler. No infiltrators here of course - autorepair and fire sup is useless with MBT.
    Basic setup is anchor/stealth/rival. Basic tactics is flanking and shhoting in back if possible; also anchoring and destroying the game deployed S-AMS.

    I like to play dirty... or smart, call it how you like.

    While doing all this stuff I've met enough Vanguards to call you nothing but crying girl.
    You have a **cking overshield what makes you survive in most head2head duels.
    You have an Enforcer working perfectly at almost any distance with its crazy DPS.

    You also have a nice banner with TankBuster stats.

    And you're talking about honour? Oh my...

    You can use any class you want with Vanguard and play as honourable as possible, but who cares? Don't expect any respect after pulling a shield. You must and - till there's a chance - will be destroyed all possible ways.

    I wish you more C4 and Skyguards in New Year:p
  4. jstrecu


    For anyone who does not get the reference, that's the speech that every lib pilot and their mom gunner repeated over and over and over againn when discussing llib nerfs.
    For some reason this cannot apply to any other vehicle.
  5. Sn@1L

    The number of people who responded seriously in favor of what is an 11/10 sarcastic post (would recommend!) is frightening.
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  6. Taemien

    Someone should do one about infantry taking cover.
  7. Flag

    You've inspired me to bail EVEN MORE!:cool:
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  8. Obstruction

    this isn't about ESFs, this is about tanks. stay on topic.
  9. Blippy

    If I get into a fight with an enemy tank and I'm about to lose (Vanguard shield OP), I magburn directly into them right as I explode. The enemy tank explodes with me 50% of the time.
  10. Den

    Comedy aside, a tangential suggestion regarding getting in and out of vehicles - give vehicles the opposite type of delay on entering/exiting vehicles as they do now.

    That is to say instead of instantly being able to enter/exit/switch seats but then having a delay before you can do so again, have it so that it takes a moment of holding the Use/Function key on a vehicle to enter/exit/switch.
    The Flash could keep a near-instant enter/exit, passenger seats in the Galaxy/Sunderer/Valkyrie an instant enter/exit for logistical purposes, and drivers/gunners of bigger vehicles could have one, two, three seconds or so depending on the type of vehicle.

    If a vehicle is in the red, add an extra second or so to the exit time.

    I find the delay afterwards and a lack of feedback as to when I can switch again kind of jarring.
    If it took a moment to get in/get out (and give it a similar HUD element as the overload/hacking indicator), the joking OP's grievance over enemies instantly jumping out at the last instant could be culled a bit (plus it might tickle the fancy of Planetside 1 players who wish for enter/exit animations just for the time it takes to get in/out).
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  11. BengalTiger

    The only way to discourage this is to make vehicle based weapons more effective than C4.

    It can be done by giving tank guns and air launched anti-tank missiles 3-4x their damage (and a TTK of 1-2 reloads at max).

    It can also be done by making C4 just as effective as a portable explosive is compared to a 45 kg shell propelled by 15 kg of gunpowder (or a 50 kg missile), using reality for reference (so tanks would be just as C4 resistant as blockade Sundies).
  12. Alarox

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  13. DFDelta

    A lot of people here have trouble understanding english, so how do you expect them to understand sarcasm?
  14. iller

    not really funny like I'd hoped it would be :\

    But in full disclosure, whenever I run Skyguard, I usually play infiltrator just so I can bail, cloak, and redeploy because 9 times out of 10 some Tankbuster Tryhard always find me and I don't believe in giving those guys anymore frag points than they already have.
  15. GlobeMaster

    lol yeah
  16. FBVanu

    Uh,:confused: I don't get it..... say what ?? o_O
  17. Taemien

    Read the title of the thread:

    [Suggestion] Bailing as a Tanker (Parody)
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  18. Hoki

    You know what you must do to restore honour to your outfit.


    Also is it dishonour that Globemaster is the reason I started flying with engagement radar and run away from every liberator that doesn't show fear?

    ****ing liberators..
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  19. Flag

    Shh I'm busy bailing out of this thread here!
  20. CorporationUSA

    Actually, this thread is making fun of the ESF bail thread.