Hornets don't even travel the whole render distance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GoyoElGringo, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. GoyoElGringo

    Wish I'd have known that before I bought them and upgraded to the 1.75 zoom.
  2. NoctD

    450m I believe - they were badly nerfed before release. And they travel slow as molasses so its hard to hit fast moving vehicles with them. Render distance is something like 800m or 1000m I can't remember which exactly, for vehicles.

    Use them with Thermals - at least it will help you target infantry and MAXes as well.
  3. GoyoElGringo

    I guess I understand the why. It would be too easy to reach the flight ceiling and rain Hornets down on Skyguards. Still wish I'd have known that before had, they seem like they would be a long range weapon.

    They seriously need a velocity boost if anything.
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  4. Archlyte

    Yeah I was disappointed in them as well. Like Tomcats, they make no sense. Futuristic games always seem to have weapons that don't even meet performance standards for 1960's weaponry. The Avionics and Targeting displays/systems are super crap as well. I'm always amazed when I jump on World of Tanks after playing PS2 because the sights and weapons seem so much better.

    I guess you just have to look at the ESF as the airborne version of your infantry character: Has to move like an idiot constantly, and has limp guided weaponry.
  5. Allin

    Well, for me Hornets are best secondary for ESF...

    1. Oneshot maxes
    2. Oneshot infantry
    3. Half HP instant surprise for backrage against MBT's
    4. Good against Liberators
    5. Good against Galaxies
    6. Deadly against Valk's
    7. Pinpoint accurate

    I think you guys just use them wrong. This is a dive bombing weapon, not bamp and spam one. But oh yeah, it takes time to be good with them, darn!
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  6. Archlyte

    Ok so let's cede that you are good with them (which is obviously what you wanted to get across), good for you. Now maybe we can get back to talking about the actual weapons.
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  7. GoyoElGringo

    I'm definitely not saying they are bad, so I hope that wasn't directed at me.
  8. Pikachu

    Range limitation has always been a trademark of them. Have they increased it from 300?
  9. iller

    Y'know when our Ravens kill something even 200m+ away, we hear nothing but hate for it.
    I love the double standard that ESF's are graced with...
  10. patrykK1028

    ESFs arent MAXs. You could say that Canister should have OHK range of 5m because thats range of infantry shotguns.
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  11. iller

    that's the worst analogy you could have possibly come up with.

    No wait, let me give you another chance, I'm sure you could come up with worse to try and defend ESF's
  12. Archiadus

    That's why you should always trial and or VR test a weapon before you buy it. :p
  13. Icedude94

    Wrong way to use them.

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  14. BurntDevil

    I rather enjoy Hornets, rarely ever use my rocket pods any more.
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  15. Alarox

    Hornets do not need a buff. At all. They're a guaranteed counter to tanks on a solo aircraft that double as an anti-infantry weapon.
  16. Allin

    No, just personal opinion, no targeting.

    Exactly that, calculate damage potential of full load of Hornets and Pods... With maxed Hornet ammo chances of running out of Vehicle Punishent in a Can is like, impossible. Pods are only good now for special effects.
  17. Flag

    800 for most vehicles, 1000 for Libs and Gals.

    If memory serves.
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  18. p10k56

    Those who tell here fairy tail about how accurate Hornets are probably never use them.
    When used by Pros they are supper accurate cos you know Pros are hacking scumbags.
    In fact even rocket pods are more accurate.
    On longer distance its problematic to hit MBT not to mention MAX or god forbid Infantry.
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  19. Mxiter

    what did you expected from a double decimator wire guided rocket launcher?
  20. Flag

    For it to be OP as all hell? :p
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