$21-$37.50 to get a random t4 implant

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schwak, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Schwak

    1 implant pack is 150 SC.
    5 T1 implants to make a T2
    5 T2 implants to make a T3
    5 T3 implants to make a T4

    25 T1 to make a T3 implant and you need 5 T3 to make a T4, that means you need 125 T1 implants to get a T4.
    125/5(implant pack)= 25. You need 25 implant packs(5) to make 1 RANDOM T4 which comes out to be 3750 SC which is assuming you don't get any T2 from your packs. For every T2 you get in your 5 pack you save $1.50 on your total for a T4 implant. Best case scenario you get a T4 for 14 implant packs(5) which is 2100 SC.

    I don't know about you guys but for $21-37.50 you should at least get to pick your T4 implant.
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  2. TammelTR

    I don't really see the issue considering how easily they are obtained in game unless the latest update changed it. After playing for about 15-20 hours over the last month I ended up with every implant I wanted in T3/4 and enough chargers that I could be afk for a week and still not run out of energy. At a glance your stats are a bit better than mine, so I can't imagine this being an issue for you.
  3. DFDelta

    Who in his right mind would pay for something that you get so much of anyways that they even had to add an option to hide the announcements for?

    (My god what a sentence)
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  4. xMaxdamage

    Can you blend a t4 with something to make chargers? So I'm not gonna waste all those implants trying to obtain the one I need
  5. BunnyBread

    You'd have to be pretty dense to buy implants with Station Cash.
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  6. Schwak

    Its a PSA for anyone that was wondering about the cost of straight up buying it.
  7. William Petersen

    If you're paying SC (or even certs, really) for Implants, you're doing it wrong.
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  8. Allin

    It's like paying for battlepacks in BF4. You can do that, it makes you quite underdeveloped though.

    I have tons of max lev implants, lowest lev ones are still most useful overall in terms of energy/effect ratio.

    Why should I care if someone want's to pay 30$ for something I can have in 30 minutes of playing and having fun?
  9. Jac70

    I had enough extra T2 and T3 implants when they introduced T4 to just craft new implants there and then. My 1st 2 were Sensor Shield and Hold Breath so I have the ones I use. I don't know why anyone would consider buying such things with actual money. I use Station Cash for cosmetics only.
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  10. DarkJackal

    Most of the time I just play without implants charged any way. This is more or less just loot drops for playing like in every other MMO just automatically provided.
  11. ajma

    What they need to implement are recipes. 5 Battle Hardened implants should give you a 100% chance of getting a Battle Hardened implant of the next tier; then make all tier 1 implants have an equal chance of droping.

    Edit: For implants that have no tiers, SOE can either give them tiers or give them a higher chance to drop when you combine 5 different implants of the lower tier.
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  12. Allin

    Could you please stop assuming how many implants I get with almost 180% bonus? Thanks. At the moment I have about 50+ T3's. even with the gamble of that, and the fact I get about 20 T1's and 5 T2's in an hour of dedicated grinding, so yeah considering hudreds of implants I'm sitting on becasue I'm to lazy to mill them, and havign 5x of all T3's I see no problem with the fact some poor bloke want's to pay money for it.

    If someone does not want to play for game items, I'm ok with them paying an arm and a leg.
    Anyone dedicated to PS2, adn even most casual, but smart players will have metric ton of all of them - and that said, T1 are still best choice overall, becasue thanks to them, you NEVER have to worry about energy pool.

    So, in essence, for me if you want to have game effect (not cosmetic one), you have no rights to complain about the price. It's obvious PS2 is easier for paying customers, but that's someone's choice to make, not yours.
  13. MotionBlured

    Reasonable people see it for what it is, a feature that can be completely ignored with minimal impact. We don't care what it cost, because we aren't going to be paying for it in the first place.
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  14. Cest7

    Who buys implants

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  15. nuclearunicorn

    The pricing on everything has been out of control since launch, but that really isn't the point, the point is that they are charging money for it in the first place. To me it's pretty obvious the game is almost over with, or at least its prime. It's really sad honestly and i'm pretty PO'd about it. Especially since i spent so much money with the road-map being the primary driver of my spending. Yeah...the road-map that they destroyed with no explanation beyond some cover up statement about how they want to focus on the here and now. It's incredibly insulting.

    Everything SOE has done for a while now has been petty crap to get more money. Like the email thing? Really? That sounds like something a second rate micro-transaction developer of some cheap online game would do. Now it gets to implants. The game has been bordering on pay to win for a while now, nothing but the lame excuse "You can earn everything in game!" is what people use to defend it. Like the fact that someone would have to grind for an insane amount of time to get something someone can buy isn't pay to win.

    They should have just instituted a membership fee to play the game because in the end that is who they will end up with. The hardcore last fans who love the game and don't care what SOE does. Noobs will come and go, probably not staying for long. They had a game with a lot of potential but they've wasted it. They should have spent their time making more features, more vehicles, more maps etc, but probably because of investors they instead had to think of ways to squeeze more money out of an already dwindling player base. If you make a fun game, you'll get lots of people playing it, then you get cosmetic things for them to buy, there are plenty of examples of this formula in action and done correctly. It doesn't work the other way around SOE.

    I think the last hold out is the PS4 version and peoples hopes that it will be the best thing ever and it will breathe new life into the game, but i don't think it will. Don't get me wrong, i'm hoping for it too, but i know that it is an irrational hope. I already canceled my membership, i'll keep playing, but i'll do so with the knowledge that the game is most likely doomed to only go downhill from here.
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  16. Alarox

    I recently got off PTS.

    Relax. SOE would never price a T4 implant at 30$. Are you for real dude?

    You can now buy 5 T3s for the low price of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. 10,000 station cash for a single T4 implant.

    --------------> ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS <---------------
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  17. Alarox

    Edit: Apparently this is just there on PTS to make testing implants easier. But it makes me wonder why there's a price tag on it.
  18. Binkley

    Yes. I blended a T4 with some T1s and got an ultra charger (24,000).
  19. Stromberg

    I was wondering about this in another thread. well that's pretty ******. you should get 5 ultra chargers or there should be a new charger with 120k energy.
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  20. Binkley

    Hmm, I tried it again and it did not work. It would not let me combine a T4 with lower implants. I guess I remembered wrong. It must have been some other combo that gave me the ultra.