Latency on Miller

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Babaroga, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. Babaroga

    So, whats up with it?
    It holds steady at a ridiculously "low" ping of 180sh until it skyrockets into an "enjoyable" amount of 13000 or so.

    Would appreciate posting comment or acknowledgment of the problem here and not on the "official" GM forums (read: Reddit).
  2. chillnuts

    Same problem here, have had up to 36000! made me press multiple times on "unlock" for an attachment, and lost about 200 certs... unplayable for me and a couple of others.
  3. Sabreno Carvaroni

    Got some issues with latency. First game crashed for no reason after few minutes after launch (I was AFK for a time, after returning it crashed on first input), loging in afterwards resulted in ridiculous ping of 10000-30000. Relogin again fixed this for me, still ping is less nice after update (~145 ms from ~100ms and is very jumpy).
  4. Leopolis [AM]

    Well... just experimented this.
    My ping on teamspeak was 45
    My ingame ping was : [IMG]

    And 5706 is one of the lowest values i saw, sometimes it goes to 20 000+ and sometimes go to 250.
    Maybe a lvl3 issue, again ?
  5. Hammerlock

    looks like a server shutdown is badly required
  6. McSchmitty

    Also getting terrible lag here on Connery, when I log in it just keeps climbing until the game crashes and says there was a server error, so far I've reached the peak of 120k and it was still rising, and no that's not a mistype. I tried my character on Emerald, its no where near as bad, but its still getting a ridiculous ping of 3-5k in any battle. I was getting around 30 ping, maybe 60 tops before the 12/18 server shutdown. I've tried other games and they're running virtually lag free, with other browser based things going like pandora and youtube.