What size of the continent in game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Danilich, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. Danilich

  2. Crashsplash

    64 SQ. K I believe and there are 4 continents.
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  3. TriumphantJelly

    Yes, 8 kilometres squared (so 64 square kilometres).
  4. Danilich

    That is the size of the planet is about 150 kilometers? If to look on the picture of the planet, one continent occupies one tenth all planets, some it too small.
  5. Jaedrik

    Continents not to scale.
    I bet they'll slowly re-size the continents on the view screen as they add more, or at least until the sundering event (cool event btw) or whatever it was called happens for Auraxis in PS2.
  6. Bindlestiff

  7. Jaedrik

    All the continents used to be on the same planet in PS1. One of the expansions. . . changed that, with some transdimensional super bomb meteor thingie or something cool like that.
  8. Paragon Exile

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  9. TeddyMan56

    I know it takes a player 4 to 5 hours of real time to sprint across a continent. And that's not counting all the cliffing diving and climbing.
  10. that_darn_lurker

    Each continent is a little smaller than San Franscisco
  11. I play by many names

    The continents are about 1.8 redeploys in size.
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  12. ajma

    No. Sprinting, it should take around 15-20 minutes. Continents would have to be 100km across for what you say to be true, and I don't think they even reach 8km.
  13. TeddyMan56

    I don't know, maybe something changed but back in the early days after the beta I sprinted from the warp gate to the crown and that took well over an hour to reach. either that I'm on drugs and have a need to turn a jog into a heroic quest of adventure.
  14. Cz4rMike

    Forward moving speed of player is 4m/s (not sure if accurate)= 14.4 km/h...
    So you'd need to run 14.4 km... from south-west WG it's apr. 1.41*4 =5.64 km to run...
    I guess if you were running drunk :D, you could have made the 5.64 to 14.4 :D...
  15. Bindlestiff

    That was great!