Any one lose hope in planetside?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SytheSplitter, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. iMartyr

    considering the only meta/victory the game provides is getting the other empires nerfed via forumside... hopelessness? a little.
  2. thenewbie

    If you don't give me some indication that you're working on this within the next year, then I'll shank something. Hopefully the thing I shank will be a tree, cuz I don't want to kill people.

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  3. Pikachu

    I want the weather. :3
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  4. ZBrannigan

    you'd need at least 2 ships for every empire, so a minimum of 6.......... at 6 months dev time each, because thats how long a vehicle takes apparently. so 3 years dev time.... minimum.
    then something to fight over, a 'continent', but obviously not a continent as it's water based, probably a year to make minimum.

    even if they told us this year we won't get it for probably 3..............and thats if they switch main focus to it specifically.

    and given the track record, it still wouldn't work properly and take another 3 years to make it decent gameplay.

    abandon all hope all ye who enter here
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  5. Regpuppy

    The trick to Planetside 2 is taking it for what it currently is and not raising expectations too high. Is it the best game ever? Maybe not. Is it living up to the concept's potential? Probably not, but very few games do. There's even a cynical part of me that's pretty sure this was just to test/show-off what their Forgelight engine can do.

    But I enjoy playing it, even if only a little bit. I keep playing it, despite any complaints I may have. So they did something right, at least for me.
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  6. TheFamilyGhost

    The enemy's response to your movements will dictate the necessary tactics.

    Prescribing a set-piece flow to the battle that is not malleable will wreck re-playability and battle-sophistication even worse than lattice.

    The moral? What happens in game is up to the players, not the developers.
  7. Einharjar

    Identity Crisis.

    It suffers from this a lot.

    Oh and poor budget; hence the terrible performance BUT I still have hope that will be reversed. I'm actually confident in that. IF they DONT fix the stability and performance issues then that's when you know the Game is Dead.
  8. LibertyRevolution

    This game is done I think... 2 years in and it is worse now than at launch.

    What do we get in exchange for the bugs and wonky performance issues?

    Hossin? A map full of fog and impassible terrain.
    So they took the 2 biggest complaints about amerish and esamir and used them to make hossin.

    Valkerie? So a slow, weak, and toothless redundant transport ship.
    Who in their right mind would even bother to pull one of these when Gals exist!?

    Weapons? More of everyone else's faction traits for everyone..
    I did not feel the need to buy these weapons, if I want to play with NC guns, I will play NC..

    Directives? Stuff for completionists that you cannot complete from everyday gameplay.
    Making you kill 1000 people with explosive spam does not promote good gameplay.

    Mission System? YAY more hand holding! Just what a game that was a sandbox MMO needs!
    Having another HUD icon reminding me my mission is to fallow the rail to take the next base on the lattice, gee thanks!

    Resource Revamp? Chain pull anything you want if you live 2 mins..
    Part 2, "Coming soon™"

    It is making me angry just thinking about how little they accomplished and how poorly done what they did do in the last 2 years..
  9. Linus

    For a new hope, it might be better to wait and watch the next Star Wars movie...
    Regarding Planetside, I fear that the empire will never strike back again...but well who knows
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  10. KnightCole

    Ive lost hope in PS2 cuz the playerbase is atrocious, stupid, selfish, childish and all in all dumb...

    The fighting is pointless mostly. Fighting over a base? We take it, they take it...meh...

    Hit detect and other performance issues

    Lack and removal of Faction traits and diversity. and the blending of factions......Ns everything...

    and no BFR lol....but thats a very minor thing.