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Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Dexella, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. Alan Kalane

    WHAT promotions? WHEN?
    Is this highly classified or something? Because you didn't even mention what is going on sale.
    "Everybody please, come visit our store! We will be having a great promotion sometime in the future. We don't know what is going on sale yet but I assure you, whatever it is you want it!"
  2. Dexella Communications Manager

    We're not going to be announcing the details of the promotion; it will be delivered via e-mail only.

    It will be happening after December 17th, since that's the last day to opt-in. :)
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  3. Bush82

    Hope its a beta key for the playstation version. Then i will finally have a reason to connect up the aul dust collector.
  4. Dexella Communications Manager

    As stated previously, the promotion is SOE wide and not game specific.
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  5. WarmasterRaptor

    gibe meh owl deh bawnhussez!! muh ehmul wun it !
  6. BiggggBRIM

    Let me get this straight: You are walling off your Christmas sale unless I choose to give up MY privacy rights?


    So what's the plan SOE? After you get my money from the Christmas sale you're going to turn around and sell my e-mail address too?
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  7. Steven12345

    i bet the reward is SC.. but i have adoubt about it too.
  8. DigiWobble

    so, i'm from the EU and this website doesn't support anything else but direct debit or credit card . which seems a little off.
    is there a way to implement IDeal too so people from the EU can finally buy their station cash via the website too? i'm asking thios because the only way for people from the EU to get station cash is by buying it on steam or buying a code from someone on the internet which is suspicious most of the time.. this makes it impossible to click a link and buying something with a discount if anything like that is done, which makes it pretty unfair.. i hope you guys can understand this because a lot of people seem to be bothered by this..
  9. Germaux

    I also live in eu, do u have paypal ? I used it, its also very fast
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  10. itechen2

    there is no step 2

    i don't have “E-Mail Preferences.”
  11. itechen2

  12. itechen2

    ok after wasting 10 minutes of my time, for lack of clear instructions, after a hard days work i found Account Management link at the bottom of the page. wow thanks for that, i think ill be opting out.
  13. Thallasus

    I doubt there is a promotion you could offer me to be worth getting tons of email spam about how I should give you guys more of my money.
  14. Ben1248

    I was in bed after a long night of The Secret World which I just got. Sun is rising so I know I gotta go to sleep or Monday is just going to be not fun in any way at all. I'm already a CPA, hard to pick a less exciting job to be awake at.

    So anyway, I lie in bed and check the forums on my phone because I've been out of Planetside for a bit after they went for the throat on the only thing I really enjoyed (which is just my play style, the rest of the game is amazing but I am just not a good shot), which is piloting my liberator and the game hasn't seen any updates in a while (we knew once every two weeks, or was it even week that was just funny) and I was hoping one was coming. And I haven't been playing because when the servers merged the air became full of squads of ESFs and massive tank columns and liberating became problematic. I can deal with your ammo nerf though I don't understand it, you delay my reign of terror on the enemy very little. Still a ridiculous nerf though, I mean 40? Anyway, we enjoyed air to air most because it was more challenging but we can take on 2 maybe 3 ESFs but not a squad. when you double the population, and you also took ground away so it just got less fun. But I suppose 2 people destroying as many as we did was "unbalanced" though most of our kills were the same as ground troops, experience and knowledge vs. lack thereof in fights. And twitch skills on my gunner's part.

    Anyway, that's not my point though I do want to let you know that, to put it in terms you will appreciate, it cost you probably $50 every 2 months I didn't play (you still got your subscription fee) at least because I buy a lot of station cash because I get not very bright at finance when I see a penguin with a sword because that's amazing. But I've got something like 65 days of flight time so the hundreds, I hope not but possibly above a thousand dollars I've spent on the glass you can't even see (except the shark, you finally got one right, one), the ornaments and smokestacks, etc does not come out to be much if you think of it in terms of return on investment of money spent for entertainment.

    On topic, sorry. I just don't post here often and that's been on my mind.

    The point is I got out of bed to make this post because I still can't sign in to PS2 AND PS2 forums to reply for whatever reason so I needed my computer. But Sony, do you realize you're getting ridiculous? At least just a little bit? Maybe get the team together and talk about a corporate objective and revenue over a long period of time?

    Now you want me to opt in for e-mails, to now that I think about it reluctantly refuse a legal right given to citizens by Congress I believe, maybe the FCC (roll your eyes but then go look it up). No people, it's not a big deal on the surface but what are you doing SoE? The fact is that money drives your company (which I agree with, it's actually how every company is driven people) and now you are trying to produce more revenue by selling e-mail addresses since people give up the right of refusal for third party marketing. I truly believe that's the reason because no other reason makes sense, and if I'm mistaken I assume you would have enlightened us. The PS2 team seems quite passionate about the community as far as I can tell, I imagine this is coming from not PS2 itself but SoE as company policy.

    But then you make it worse. You red names are even giving conflicting information. Dex moderator person is saying it's NOT PS2 content (I hope that worked) that will be e-mailed; that will still be on social media and official PS2 channels and I would assume available in-game instead of some sort of purchase you redeem while paying outside the game. S/he says this is for SoE based things which I assume might be discounted subscription plans, double xp weekends for SoE games across the board, Station Cash at the SoE store for things like Black Friday and whatever is coming on Christmas. This would lead one to believe this is NOT for things like 99 cent weapons or 1 SC weapons since those are PS2 specific or Holiday Bows on sale because those are in-game content items.

    "It's an SOE-wide promotion; it will not have information about in-game sales." (imagine that quoted however yall do that)

    That was the clarification. But why am I choosing PlanetSide 2 as a game then? So the rest of the games will be excluded? What's the point of that when you're already posting the information on deals and specials right on the launch pad for in-game things. Oh and by the way you already have my e-mail address, Why not make a policy where you ONLY get PS2 info and you have the option to opt out of it instead of vice versa? "You get nothing but PS2 info and that's it and if you do not want only PS2 info here is a link to unsubscribe." Okay well then I would know what you're trying to now sell me, quite literally. And I'm not a programmer but I can't imagine linking a post to the launch pad is too strenuous a task even with a reduced staff. Y'all are great at posting, there are like 5 dev responses which is like 13% of the posts! The new guy in charge seems to be passionate and realistic as opposed to whomever was there before. Why would you blatantly try to, as I see it take advantage of people who may not realize what they are agreeing to. I haven't read the privacy agreements except the previous snippit but there is no other reason I can think of and if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then it's probably SoE dressed as a duck trying to get things for free like bread crumbs because ducks can't talk and that's suspicious right away. You're going to start really just insulting your customers, you've come close with $10 for a camo that looks exactly like the one next to it which is also $10 (it's cool though, we are getting a second set of sections to customize). I get notes on my screen saying how much you appreciate my business for being an auraxium member and you hope I never leave because without me the game wouldn't exist. Where's that attitude at the top of the company?

    The sad part is that this probably has nothing to do with the PS2 team. It's probably coming from the top and they don't even have a say. Not sure how all the other games are doing but I don't know anyone who plays them so I can see an executive not in touch with the community running the numbers and deciding any potential loss is outweighed by new purchases. And I doubt PS2 has enough money to say no with any force. But I'm not sure on the financial health of each department, though if you need to cut costs I'd work for PS2 for very little money, much cheaper than any other CPA.

    I want PS2 to last and grow and get better. Don't let SoE kill you like we did ESFs. Quickly, and in wondrous fashion. And much to their disappointment and the disappointment of their fans. A lot of my friends have already stopped even though they used to play every day really before the merger. I hope new blood is coming in.

    Not even sure where I'm going with this anymore. Hopefully there is something in there worthwhile.

    TL:DR - Seems to be a blatant attempt to get permission to sell your personal information (it's probably worth more than camo). I hope it's not PS2 and rather SoE making the call because when it comes to money you've made too many not-so-great decisions to start making worse ones. And by the way, you're lazy. Just read it. I haven't slept, it's probably comically senseless.
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  15. Alyz

    I'm not sure what to think of this. Yes, I'd like to get emails about PS2 promotions, no, I don't want to get ads from SOE partners or about events in the US which I can't go to anyway.
    Personally, I stopped playing after the first halloween event, wasting a full hour, not finding a single pumpkin (and I wasn't alone in this). I decided this wasn't worth my time, so I kicked it. However, I checked back every now and then - and almost missed the annual promotion! I bought the package, dead set on getting back on track.

    Since I know how to filter my emails, I wouldn't even mind getting flooded with email updates for ingame events like indar alerts, not mentioning special promotions on sales (but please stay away with membership crap plz), as long as the updates are actually useful and relate to the actual game.
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  16. AssaultPig

    even by the standards of 'promotional' email signups, this one is pretty brazen

    'Sign up to receive promotional offers! No, we won't tell you what they're for or any other details! Just for the love of god give us your actual working email address!'


    honestly SOE, just do what you did with that star wars kids game back in the day; kick fifty cents worth of SC to everybody who signs up. I bet nearly everybody would opt in and you'd actually be able to advertise the thing without being so obnoxious about it
  17. AssaultPig

  18. Kirppu1

    You just described the definition of corporate Spamming
  19. WV2MJR

    I just opt-in today. Is it too late to get the e-mails moving forward?
  20. dirtYbird

    SIgned up weeks ago and nothings been received as yet.