[Suggestion] I never use pistols, can I have more dakka for my primary instead?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Golconda, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. Golconda

    Using high capacity primaries makes pistols absolutely not necessary (at least For me), so why not give the choice to carry more mags for my primary weapon if I don't carry a pistol?
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  2. SprintingGhost

    There's already something like this, it's a suit slot, you have the choice between flak, extra ammo, nanoweave, adv. shield cap. and some more
  3. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    You missed the concept of a secondary weapon.
    There will always be a situation where you run out of ammo or get caught during reload.
    And thats why you carry a pistol that provides a quick response in those situations.
  4. Germaux

    Dude, your realy need to use them. When your out of ammo they help a lot. At the beginning i was like just reload, but then they have time to kill you. If u switch u can finish them off easly. And what pistol do u have ?
  5. BengalTiger

    Note that some weapons have a short reload of way under 2 seconds, so the pistol is redundant.

    Those who don't believe - give the GD-23 Razor a try.
    1.66 sec short reload makes it better to just finish loading in many situations - it's what, a half second more time than switching to secondary?

    Now if we had all weapons reloading in the 4-10 second range, spending a second to swap to pistol would always make sense.
  6. Germaux

    Yeah razor and the cyclone, but what about bold action and the lmg's ? In planetside every little bit of time can help you
  7. Flamberge

    If you don't use it, at the very least get a darklight so you can find those pesky infiltrators. But if you really want to be an asset to a team, get the Hunter QCX Crossbow with recon darts and darklight (works great as an engi) and spam recon darts like crazy.

    Or go stalker infil + crossbow and camp enemy vehicle terminals. :cool:
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  8. steverogers

    Which gun do you use and what is your K/D? Because if you have a K/D under 8, it's more of a learn to use your ammo properly instead of asking for more mags.
  9. Germaux

    Kd under 8 dude :O do u have one above 8 ? And all time KD or sesion stats KD ?
  10. steverogers

    No i don't, but my point is that you need at least 8 K/D to run out of ammo constantly, unless you're not managing your ammo correctly.
  11. Alizona

    There's only one use for the pistol (IMO) - put that flashlight thing on it so you can spot cloaked Infiltrators.

    That's the only reason I ever use my pistol. I prefer to call it a pea-shooter. Plink. Plink. Plink. lol
  12. Germaux

    Depends, buy yeah mostly when i'm out of ammo im on a killstreak or somthing...
  13. Cavadus

    I would definitely give up my pistol for more ammo. My primary weapon of choice is the AMR-66, the battle rifle, and as long as I keep myself at mid range it's not that hard to run out of ammo. Further away you are, the longer you survive.

    But if I could drop my pistol for two extra rifle mags I certainly would. At the ranges I prefer to engage at the pistol serves no purpose anyways.
  14. LibertyRevolution

    Yep, this guys is right. Ammo only seems to be an issue when I have killed a bunch of guys.
    I average about 5 guys before ammo is a problem, but I am a bad, I hold mouse 1 until I see the killed ribbon pop up on the bottom.
    Most of my lives ammo is not a problem...
  15. Klabauter8

    Nope, pistols should stay standart equipment. It's understandable that some high ranks would force you to wear one. They are good to finish people off in hectic situations. It's just really not easy to make use of them. Imo, all really skilled players should see a use in them. If you don't see a use in them, then it's a good indicator that you are not one of them (I'm still learning myself to use them effectively tbh).
  16. _itg

    If you don't want to use a pistol, run the crossbow with recon darts. Might as well have a utility option at your disposal.
  17. Grumblefern

    This is not true. I run out of Pulsar C ammo all the time before I've gotten 8 kills. Sure, with CQC weaponry usually you don't spend as many bullets and most of the things you shoot at will give you kills, but outside of that playstyle it's easy to run dry shooting at medium range targets that won't always net you kills before they retreat into cover. Plus, bullet damage degrades at range and recoil/CoF make you potentially miss more.

    As a relatively new VS(switched from TR), I would definitely take more ammo for my primary right now over a sidearm, until I get a commissioner to replace the beamer.
  18. GoyoElGringo

    Crossbow with recon darts. I started using that when I started playing with the gauss saw. No need for a side arm when my primary has 100 rounds, but the darts come in handy. My only gripe is sometimes they just don't seem to work at all, and I just can't figure out why.
  19. Hoki

    hunter xbow has saved my *** quite a few times, run out of ammo, no time to reload, xbow to the face finishing them off
  20. zombielores

    Wouldn't be a problem if we had a planetside 1 inventory and looting system, it was one of the things I was hoping they would add, just saying.

    Also Commissioner and Under boss are side arms that are competable with primaries and great finishers, AMP and the Repeater are pocket SMGs, and Crossbow have recon darts and explosive darts with the added benefit of OHK infils with head shot + shot knife combo.

    Just be warned, crossbow has a 10m detect radius.