Looking for GERMAN TR outfit

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Badname406, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Badname406

    Hello, as title says im looking for a german outfit. theres this guy who is new to the game, and cant even speak english very well. for some reason he chose to play on emerald so he is kind of lost, and i cant give him much support cuz i cant speak german. so i would like a german outfit to help him out, we cant lose new players.
  2. cyb_

    For a start, tell him to create an account on one of the EU servers, he will be able to find some players speaking german there easily.
  3. Hasteras

    I don't think there are any German outfits on Emerald. None that I ever heard of anyways. You should refer him to the Cobalt/Miller recruiting forums, there are options for him there.
  4. Shamrock

  5. MaDiv

    There are some german outfits on Cobalt. The oldest one of them is the GETF (German Terra Force), followed by the DOGMA (Deutsche Online Gamer Allianz), GEKO (German electronic knights) and GETR (German Tactical resistance). I don't have any clue if there are german outfits on Miller and how much.
  6. cyb_

    IPT is older :]
  7. VelcroKiller

    I speak a bit of German but there aren't any German-speaking outfits on Emerald. He's probably much better off rerolling on a European server in the long run.
  8. MaDiv

  9. DarkTexas Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    Its always better to send him on the EU Server.
  10. cyb_

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